Releases: claeis/ilivalidator
Releases · claeis/ilivalidator
- Missing check when write to "unwriteable" log-file (#228)
- NPE with ili23 / RoadsExgm2ien_Symbols-20160121.xml (#231)
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with n-ary association (#232)
- Xtf24: wrong xmlns for extended attributes (#235)
- Xtf24: fails to read STRUCTUREs defined at model level (#236)
- Xtf24: missing line number in messages (#237)
- Xtf24: fails to read ref of embedded assoc with attrs (#238)
- GUI: "Job done" message in GUI (#234)
- GUI: scroll log area to end (#234)
- ili2c-5.0.8
- ehibasics-1.3.0
- iox-ili-1.20.18
- ili2c-5.0.2
- iox-ili-1.20.13
- fixed incomplete attribute path in error message
- new config parameter to report inconsistent model version
- new function --check-repo-data
- new function --updateIliData
- new function --createIliData
- GUI: create menu items for cmdline options
- localize validation messages
- fixed: Xtflog contains not all messages
- fixed: invalid ring lines Error - failed to build polygons
- fixed: Constraints in association: compare objects not possible
- iox-ili-1.20.11
- ili2c-5.0.0
- GUI: use model names as additionalModels
- GUI: add "new..." config file button
- Error message addressed wrong basket
- implement Math funcitons
- fixed msg_(language) support
- use keymsg in UNIQUE constraint
- implement INTERLIS_ext functions
- fixed CCW calculation if two half circles with horizontal straights
- use attrPath in all validateAttribute messages
- validate ALL OF enumerations
- validate formatted type
- validate UUID if used as BID
- validate STANDRADOID
- validate TEXT OID
- validate basket element name
- validate Contsraints in embedded associations
- validate UNIQUE with forward references
- support remote data/catalogue files
- evaluate object paths with forward references
- fix == with structures
- report superflous attributes in embedded associations
- validate that a BID is different from TIDs
- switch config file reader to pure ini file syntax
- improve temporary file size
- iox-ili-1.20.10
- ili2c-4.7.10
- validate BID/TID value syntax
- fixed strange error message if surface line table without reference
- validate URI datatype
- fixed wrong line number of first object in a table
- support disableRounding
- fixed validation of number of reference properties
- fixed quoted parameter names in TOML file
- add PipelinePool to Settings so that custom functions can use it
- GUI: improve open fileselector(*.xtf and *.xml together)
- iox-ili-1.20.9
- fixed: skip geometry errors in Itf2Reader if defaultGeometryTypeValidation="off"
- iox-ili-1.20.7
- ili2c-4.7.9
- added: --disableConstraintValidation
- iox-ili-1.20.6
- ili2c-4.7.8