- Set the default adjustments for token pages to fit the GarageSalePup label sheets (or whtever I end up with).
- Validate .xxpaperrc use.
- Figure the namespaces (DEFAULT, xxpaper, user?) and their resolution
- Support Alpha on fills or on all colours?
- Anchor & shield also in clips?
- Rotate primitive?
- Scale primitive?
- Look into support for radial gradients for *_box. Intended use is to blur the edges of *_interior_box so as to hide registration wobbles.
- Probably then have to support linear gradients just for completeness.
- And gradients in *_shapes?
- 1825-like share template option?
- Do I really need a *_scale? Assume that will necessitate a *_pop.
- Shield clip-art for anoraks.
- Basic heraldic patterning for shield interiors?
- Also Amtrak-style fat shield?
- Recursive clip-art support? (It should just work)
- Support shares being _embed and _scale for B&O-like privates?
- Support background _scale clips (eg for privates -- relevant image behind the text?) (Will require alpa support?)
- Colour dictionary for ISCC-NBS: http://tx4.us/isccnam.htm
- Find and export of the NameThatColour space and add: http://people.csail.mit.edu/jaffer/Color/Dictionaries#ntc
- XKCD colour dictionary?