Update go install-ed binaries.
only depends on the Go standard library.
Install renew
go install github.com/clfs/renew@latest
Uninstall renew
rm $(which renew)
Run renew
for help:
$ renew
Usage of renew:
list go install-ed binaries
skip binaries that fail to update
-update string
update a single binary to latest
update all binaries to latest
Print a tab-delimited list of go install-ed binaries:
$ renew -list
renew github.com/clfs/renew
staticcheck honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck
tfsec github.com/aquasecurity/tfsec/cmd/tfsec
Update a go-installed binary to @latest
$ renew -update staticcheck
==== staticcheck
[+] updated!
Update all go-installed binaries to @latest
. Optionally, add -skip
continue updating other binaries even if some updates fail.
$ renew -update-all
==== renew
[+] updated!
==== staticcheck
[+] updated!
==== tfsec
[+] updated!