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146 lines (104 loc) · 5.21 KB


All notable changes to dot-diver will be documented here. Inspired by keep a changelog

2.0.0 (2024-08-18)


Support paths up to a depth of 40 (limited by TypeScript's recursion depth) by utilizing cyclic constraints to only lookup up the next 3 (default) levels. This should heavily improve performance and reduce the amount of generated types.


Breaking Changes

In general the depth limit of Path is no longer the max depth, but instead a 'lookahead' depth. E.g. if you have a depth limit of 3, and are currently (while typing) at a depth of 2, the paths for the next 3 levels will be shown in autocompletion. You can no longer constrain the max depth of the path, but only the lookahead depth. If this is a problem for you, please open an issue.

Value of Array Member, Optional Properties and Union Types

In 1.0.0 you received the full type for nested unions.

type A = { a: number | { nested: string } }

type NestedType = PathValue<A, 'a.nested'> // string

This is incorrect behavior, because a could also be a number and not an object with a nested property. This is now fixed.

PathValue was split into two different types:

  • GetPathValue for reading values
  • SetPathValue for setting values

the resulting types differ when accessing values in an object or setting them.

type A = {
  a: number | { nested: string }
  b: Record<string, number>
  c: string[]
  d?: { nested: string }

type NestedType1 = GetPathValue<A, 'a.nested'> // string | undefined
type NestedType2 = GetPathValue<A, 'b.key'> // number | undefined
type NestedType3 = GetPathValue<A, 'c.5'> // string | undefined
type NestedType4 = GetPathValue<A, 'd.nested'> // string | undefined

type NestedType5 = SetPathValue<A, 'a.nested', string> // string
type NestedType6 = SetPathValue<A, 'b.key', number> // number
type NestedType7 = SetPathValue<A, 'c.5', string> // string
type NestedType8 = SetPathValue<A, 'd.nested', string> // string

These type are used by their respective functions getByPath and setByPath and should more accurately represent the types of accessed values but can potentially break old code.

Custom Implementation

Implementation of custom getByPath and setByPath functions need to be updated for the new types. If you implemented them to change the depth limit you might not need them anymore, as the (max) depth is now 40 (limited by TypeScript's recursion limit). You still want to keep them, if you want to change the shown paths in autocompletion or have other use cases. You only need to change the typing.


function getByPathDepth5<T extends SearchableObject, P extends Path<T, 5> & string>(
  object: T,
  path: P,
): PathValue<T, P, 5> {
  return getByPath(object, path) as PathValue<T, P, 5>

function setByPathDepth5<
  T extends SearchableObject,
  P extends Path<T, 5> & string,
  V extends PathValue<T, P, 5>,
>(object: T, path: P, value: V): void {
  setByPath(object, path, value as PathValue<T, P>)


function getByPathDepth5<T extends SearchableObject, P extends Path<T, P, { depth: 5 }> & string>(
  object: T,
  path: P,
): GetPathValue<T, P> {
  return getByPath(object, path) as GetPathValue<T, P>

function setByPathDepth5<
  T extends SearchableObject,
  P extends Path<T, P, { onlyWriteable: true; depth: 5 }> & string,
>(object: T, path: P, value: SetPathValue<T, P>): void {
  setByPath(object, path, value as SetPathValue<T, P>)

1.0.6 (2024-03-25)

  • Fixed breaking change introduced in the type of SearchableObject

1.0.5 (2024-03-21)

  • Fixed getByPath throws if accessing a null value
  • Fixed setByPath does not throw when assigning to non objects in browsers

1.0.4 (2023-11-07)

  • Fixed wrong type transformation via vite-dts-plugin (see #15)
  • Fixed wrong cjs export filename
  • Fixed order of types export to be the first export
  • Enabled rollup of Typescript declaration files

1.0.3 (2023-11-03)

  • Rerelease with fixed release pipeline 😅

1.0.2 (2023-11-02)

1.0.1 (2023-03-26)

  • Rerelease with content 😅

1.0.0 (2023-03-26)

  • Initial Release 🎉