From f9c7c7099a20091b47f90cfea056fba80e4b10ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dung Truong
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2021 20:58:17 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] make it work with STUDY
eegplugin_bids.m | 4 +--
pop_eventinfo.m | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
2 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
diff --git a/eegplugin_bids.m b/eegplugin_bids.m
index 9653919..e31996d 100644
--- a/eegplugin_bids.m
+++ b/eegplugin_bids.m
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
% create BIDS menus
% -----------------
comtaskinfo = [trystrs.no_check '[EEG,LASTCOM] = pop_taskinfo(EEG);' catchstrs.store_and_hist ];
- comsubjinfo = [trystrs.no_check '[EEG,LASTCOM] = pop_participantinfo(EEG,STUDY);' catchstrs.store_and_hist ];
- comeventinfo = [trystrs.no_check '[EEG,LASTCOM] = pop_eventinfo(EEG);' catchstrs.store_and_hist ];
+ comsubjinfo = [trystrs.no_check '[EEG,STUDY,LASTCOM] = pop_participantinfo(EEG,STUDY);' catchstrs.store_and_hist ];
+ comeventinfo = [trystrs.no_check '[EEG,STUDY,LASTCOM] = pop_eventinfo(EEG,STUDY);' catchstrs.store_and_hist ];
% comvalidatebids = [ trystrs.no_check 'if plugin_askinstall(''bids-validator'',''pop_validatebids'') == 1 pop_validatebids() end' catchstrs.add_to_hist ];
bids = findobj(fig, 'label', 'BIDS tools');
if isempty(bids)
diff --git a/pop_eventinfo.m b/pop_eventinfo.m
index 8cef76f..006361f 100644
--- a/pop_eventinfo.m
+++ b/pop_eventinfo.m
@@ -14,29 +14,36 @@
% 'EEG' - [struct] Updated EEG structure containing event BIDS information
% in each EEG structure at EEG.BIDS.eInfoDesc and EEG.BIDS.eInfo
-% 'eInfoDesc' - [struct] structure describing BIDS event fields as you specified.
+% 'eInfoDesc' - [struct] structure describing BIDS event fields as you specified.
% See BIDS specification for all suggested fields.
-% 'eInfo' - [cell] BIDS event fields and their corresponding
+% 'eInfo' - [cell] BIDS event fields and their corresponding
% event fields in the EEGLAB event structure. Note that
% EEGLAB event latency, duration, and type are inserted
% automatically as columns "onset" (latency in sec), "duration"
% (duration in sec), "value" (EEGLAB event type)
% Author: Dung Truong, Arnaud Delorme
-function [EEG, command] = pop_eventinfo(EEG, varargin)
+function [EEG, STUDY, command] = pop_eventinfo(EEG, STUDY, varargin)
%% check if there's already an opened window
if ~isempty(findobj('Tag','eventBidsTable'))
errordlg2('A window is already openened for pop_eventinfo');
- command = '[EEG, command] = pop_eventinfo(EEG)';
+ command = '[EEG, [], command] = pop_eventinfo(EEG)';
+ %% if STUDY is provided, check for consistency
+ hasSTUDY = false;
+ if exist('STUDY','var') && ~isempty(STUDY)
+ [STUDY, EEG] = pop_checkdatasetinfo(STUDY, EEG);
+ command = '[EEG, STUDY, command] = pop_eventinfo(EEG, STUDY);';
+ hasSTUDY = true;
+ end
% perform check to make sure EEG.event is consistent across EEG
if isempty(EEG(1).event)
errordlg2('EEG.event is empty for first dataset');
- return
+ return
eventFields = fieldnames([EEG.event]);
@@ -48,7 +55,7 @@
warning('There is mismatch in number of fields in EEG.event structures. Using fields of EEG(%d) which has the highest number of fields (%d).', index, num);
- bidsFields = {'onset', 'duration', 'trial_type','value','stim_file','sample','response_time'};%,'HED'};
+ bidsFields = {'onset', 'duration', 'trial_type','value','stim_file','sample','response_time'};
eventFields = setdiff(eventFields, 'latency');
% define global variables
% -----------------------
@@ -63,7 +70,7 @@
fontSize = 12;
% Use GUI
- if nargin < 2
+ if nargin < 3
% create UI
f = figure('MenuBar', 'None', 'ToolBar', 'None', 'Name', 'Edit BIDS event info - pop_eventinfo', 'Color', bg);
f.Position(3) = appWidth;
@@ -110,7 +117,7 @@
if isfield(eventBIDS.(field), 'Levels') && ~isempty(eventBIDS.(field).Levels)
data{i,strcmp(tbl.ColumnName, 'Levels')} = strjoin(fieldnames(eventBIDS.(field).Levels),',');
- if strcmp(field, 'onset') || strcmp(field, "sample") || strcmp(field, "duration") || strcmp(field, "HED")
+ if strcmp(field, 'onset') || strcmp(field, "sample") || strcmp(field, "duration")
data{i,strcmp(tbl.ColumnName, 'Levels')} = 'n/a';
data{i,strcmp(tbl.ColumnName, 'Levels')} = 'Click to specify below';
@@ -122,7 +129,7 @@
tbl.Data = data;
% Use default value - pop_eventinfo(EEG,'default') called
- elseif nargin < 3 && ischar(varargin{1}) && strcmp(varargin{1}, 'default')
+ elseif nargin < 4 && ischar(varargin{1}) && strcmp(varargin{1}, 'default')
@@ -201,8 +208,12 @@ function done()
% prepare return struct
fields = fieldnames(eventBIDS);
- if isfield(EEG.etc,'tags')
- hedTags = EEG.etc.tags;
+ fMap = [];
+ if hasSTUDY && isfield(STUDY.etc, 'tags')
+ hedTags = STUDY.etc.tags;
+ fMap = fieldMap.createfMapFromStruct(hedTags);
+ elseif isfield(EEG(1).etc,'tags')
+ hedTags = EEG(1).etc.tags;
fMap = fieldMap.createfMapFromStruct(hedTags);
for k=1:length(fields)
@@ -229,18 +240,23 @@ function done()
if isfield(eventBIDS.(bidsField),'Levels') && ~isempty(eventBIDS.(bidsField).Levels) && ~strcmp(eventBIDS.(bidsField).Levels,'n/a')
eInfoDesc.(bidsField).Levels = eventBIDS.(bidsField).Levels;
- % parse HED
- if isfield(EEG.etc,'tags')
+ % parse HED if exists
+ if ~isempty(fMap)
tMap = fMap.getMap(eegField);
- if ~isempty(tMap)
+ if ~isempty(tMap) && tMap.hasAnnotation()
codes = tMap.getCodes();
if numel(codes) == 1 && strcmp(codes{1},'HED')
tList = tMap.getValue('HED');
- eInfoDesc.(bidsField).HED = tagList.stringify(tList.getTags());
+ if tList.hasAnnotation()
+ eInfoDesc.(bidsField).HED = tagList.stringify(tList.getTags());
+ end
for c=1:numel(codes)
tList = tMap.getValue(codes{c});
- eInfoDesc.(bidsField).HED.(codes{c}) = tagList.stringify(tList.getTags());
+ % only add HED tags for the ones that
+ if tList.hasAnnotation()
+ eInfoDesc.(bidsField).HED.(codes{c}) = tagList.stringify(tList.getTags());
+ end
@@ -250,12 +266,12 @@ function done()
- if numel(EEG) == 1
- command = '[EEG, eInfoDesc, eInfo] = pop_eventinfo(EEG);';
- else
- command = '[EEG, eInfoDesc, eInfo] = pop_eventinfo(EEG);';
- end
+ % add info to STUDY if exists
+ if hasSTUDY
+ STUDY.BIDS.eInfoDesc = eInfoDesc;
+ STUDY.BIDS.eInfo = eInfo;
+ end
% add info to EEG structs
for e=1:numel(EEG)
EEG(e).BIDS.eInfoDesc = eInfoDesc;
@@ -380,9 +396,7 @@ function createLevelUI(~,~,table,field)
matchedRow = strcmp(table.Source.Data(:, strcmp(table.Source.ColumnName, 'BIDS Field')), field);
levelCellText = table.Source.Data{matchedRow, strcmp(table.Source.ColumnName, 'Levels')}; % text @ (field, Levels) cell. if 'n/a' then no action, 'Click to..' then conditional action, ',...' then get levels
- if strcmp(field, 'HED')
- uicontrol(f, 'Style', 'text', 'String', 'Levels editing not applied for HED. Use ''pop_tageeg(EEG)'' of HEDTools plug-in to edit event HED tags', 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0.01 0.45 1 0.05],'ForegroundColor', fg,'BackgroundColor', bg, 'Tag', 'levelEditMsg');
- elseif strcmp(field, 'onset') || strcmp(field, 'sample') || strcmp(field, 'duration')
+ if strcmp(field, 'onset') || strcmp(field, 'sample') || strcmp(field, 'duration')
uicontrol(f, 'Style', 'text', 'String', 'Levels editing not applied for field with continuous values.', 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0.01 0.45 1 0.05],'ForegroundColor', fg,'BackgroundColor', bg, 'Tag', 'levelEditMsg');
% retrieve all unique values from EEG.event.(field).
@@ -619,23 +633,7 @@ function removeLevelUI()
event.value.Units = '';
event.value.Levels = [];
event.value.TermURL = '';
-% elseif strcmp(fields{idx}, 'HED') && any(strcmp(eventFields, 'usertags'))
-% if isfield(EEG(1).event, 'usertags')
-% event.HED.EEGField = 'usertags';
-% else
-% event.HED.EEGField = '';
-% end
-% event.HED.LongName = 'Hierarchical Event Descriptor';
-% event.HED.Description = 'Tags describing the nature of the event';
-% event.HED.Levels = [];
-% event.HED.Units = '';
-% event.HED.TermURL = '';
elseif strcmp(fields{idx}, 'duration')
-% if isfield(EEG(1).event, 'duration')
-% event.HED.EEGField = 'duration';
-% else
-% event.HED.EEGField = '';
-% end
event.duration.LongName = 'Event duration';
event.duration.Description = 'Duration of the event (measured from onset) in seconds. Must always be either zero or positive. A "duration" value of zero implies that the delta function or event is so short as to be effectively modeled as an impulse.';
event.duration.Units = 'second';