Duct is a data-driven framework for writing server-side applications in the Clojure programming language. This guide is intended as an in-depth explanation of how to use Duct, and will focus on web applications in particular.
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of Clojure code, and that you have Leiningen installed. A basic understanding of Ring will also be useful, but not required.
The most straightforward way of getting started is to use the Duct Leiningen template. Duct can be used to build many types of server-side applications, but for the purposes of this guide we'll be building a web service backed by a SQLite database.
At the shell, run:
$ lein new duct todo +api +ataraxy +sqlite
This produces the output:
Generating a new Duct project named todo... Run 'lein duct setup' in the project directory to create local config files.
The parameters prefixed by +
are profile hints, which are used to
tell the template we want to build a web service (+api
), using the
Ataraxy routing library (+ataraxy
), against a SQLite database
If you want to see what profile hints there are available, you can run:
$ lein new :show duct
For now, let's change directory into the todo
project that has
been created:
$ cd todo
Then run the local setup:
$ lein duct setup
This creates four files that should be kept out of source control:
Created profiles.clj Created .dir-locals.el Created dev/resources/local.edn Created dev/src/local.clj
If you're using Git, then these files are already added to your
file. If you're using another version control system,
then you'll need to manually update your ignore files.
Duct development is orientated around the REPL. It's recommended that you use an editor with REPL integration, such as Cursive, Emacs with CIDER, Vim with fireplace.vim, or Atom with Proto REPL. However, this guide doesn't require editor integration, and the instructions will assume you're working directly from the command line.
So start the REPL with:
$ lein repl
At the prompt, we'll first load the development environment:
user=> (dev)
This isn't loaded automatically, as errors in the development could cause the REPL not to start.
Once we're in the dev
namespace we can start the application:
dev=> (go)
:duct.server.http.jetty/starting-server {:port 3000}
The web server has been started on port 3000. Lets check it's running by sending it a HTTP request. This can be done from the command line with the standard curl or wget tools, but I prefer HTTPie for testing web services:
$ http :3000 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 21 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2017 11:27:22 GMT Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120) { "error": "not-found" }
We get a "not found" response, but this is expected as we've yet to add any routes to the application.
Duct applications are built around an edn configuration file. This
defines the structure and dependencies of the application. In the
project we're writing in this guide, the configuration is located at:
Let's take a look at the configuration file:
{:duct.core/project-ns todo
:duct.core/environment :production
:duct.module/logging {}
:duct.module.web/api {}
:duct.module/sql {}
We're going to start by adding in a static index route, and to do that
we're going to add to the :duct.module/ataraxy
key, since Ataraxy
is our router:
{[:get "/"] [:index]}
This connects a route [:get "/"]
with a result [:index]
. The
Ataraxy module automatically looks for a Ring handler in the
configuration with a matching name to pair with the result. Since the
result key is :index
, the handler key is :todo.handler/index
Let's add in a configuration entry with that name:
[:duct.handler.static/ok :todo.handler/index]
{:body {:entries "/entries"}}
This time we're using a vector as the key; in Duct parlance, this is
known as a composite key. Composite keys inherit the properties of
all the keywords contained in them; because the vector contains the
key :duct.handler.static/ok
, the configuration entry produces a
static handler.
Let's apply this change to the application. Go to back to the REPL and run:
dev=> (reset)
:reloading (todo.main dev user)
This reloads the configuration and any changed files. When we send a HTTP request to the web server, we now get the expected response:
$ http :3000 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 22 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2017 13:28:52 GMT Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120) { "entries": "/entries" }
We want to begin adding more dynamic routes, but before we can we need to create our database schema. Duct uses Ragtime for migrations, and each migration is defined in the configuration.
Add two more keys to the configuration:
{:migrations [#ig/ref :todo.migration/create-entries]}
[:duct.migrator.ragtime/sql :todo.migration/create-entries]
{:up ["CREATE TABLE entries (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, content TEXT)"]
:down ["DROP TABLE entries"]}
The :duct.migrator/ragtime
key contains an ordered list of
migrations. Individual migrations can be defined by including
in a composite key. The :up
options contains vectors of SQL to execute; the former to
apply the migration, the latter to roll it back.
To apply the migration we run reset
again at the REPL:
dev=> (reset)
:reloading ()
:duct.migrator.ragtime/applying :todo.migration/create-entries#b34248fc
Suppose after applying the migration we change our mind about the schema. We could write another migration, but if we haven't committed the code or deployed it to production it's often more convenient to edit the migration we have.
Let's change the migration and rename the content
column to
[:duct.migrator.ragtime/sql :todo.migration/create-entries]
{:up ["CREATE TABLE entries (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, description TEXT)"]
:down ["DROP TABLE entries"]}
Then reset
dev=> (reset)
:reloading ()
:duct.migrator.ragtime/rolling-back :todo.migration/create-entries#b34248fc
:duct.migrator.ragtime/applying :todo.migration/create-entries#5c2bb12a
The old version of the migration is automatically rolled back, and the new version of the migration applied in its place.
We can easily run migrations in production:
$ lein run :duct/migrator
If you are using Heroku for deployment, this can easily be added to the release phase via your Procfile:
web: java -jar target/sstandalone.jar release: lein run :duct/migrator
Now that we have a database table, it's time to write some routes to
query it. To do this, we're going to use a library called
, which should be added to the :dependencies
key in your project.clj
[duct/handler.sql "0.3.1"]
Your dependencies should now look something like:
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-RC1"]
[duct/core "0.6.1"]
[duct/handler.sql "0.3.1"]
[duct/module.logging "0.3.1"]
[duct/module.web "0.6.3"]
[duct/module.ataraxy "0.2.0"]
[duct/module.sql "0.4.2"]
[org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc "3.20.1"]]
Adding dependencies is one of the few times we have to restart the REPL. So first we exit:
dev=> (exit)
Bye for now!
Then we restart:
$ lein repl
And start the application running again:
user=> (dev)
dev=> (go)
:duct.server.http.jetty/starting-server {:port 3000}
We can now turn back to the project configuration. Let's start by adding a new Ataraxy route:
{[:get "/"] [:index]
[:get "/entries"] [:entries/list]}
As before, the result [:entries/list]
needs to be paired with an
appropriately named Ring handler. The Ataraxy module expects this
handler to be named :todo.handler.entries/list
, so we'll use that
name, along with the :duct.handler.sql/query
[:duct.handler.sql/query :todo.handler.entries/list]
{:sql ["SELECT * FROM entries"]}
Once the handler is defined in the configuration, we can reset
dev=> (reset)
:reloading (todo.main dev user)
Then we check the route by sending a HTTP request to it:
$ http :3000/entries HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 2 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2017 10:13:34 GMT Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120) []
We get a valid, though empty response. This makes sense, as we've yet
to populate the entries
table with any data.
Next we'd like to add a route that updates the database. Again we're
going to be making use of the duct/handler.sql
library, but both
the route and handler are going to be more complex.
First, the new route:
{[:get "/"] [:index]
[:get "/entries"] [:entries/list]
[:post "/entries" {{:keys [description]} :body-params}]
[:entries/create description]}
The new Ataraxy route not only matches the method and URI of the request, it also destructures the request body and places the description of the todo entry into the result.
When we come to write the associated handler, we need some way of
getting the information from the result. Ataraxy places the result
into the :ataraxy/result
key on the request map, so we can
destructure the request to find the description of the new entry:
[:duct.handler.sql/insert :todo.handler.entries/create]
{:request {[_ description] :ataraxy/result}
:sql ["INSERT INTO entries (description) VALUES (?)" description]}
Next we reset
dev=> (reset)
:reloading (todo.main dev user)
And test:
$ http post :3000/entries description="Write Duct guide" HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2017 11:29:46 GMT Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120) $ http get :3000/entries HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 43 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2017 11:29:51 GMT Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120) [ { "description": "Write Duct guide", "id": 1 } ]
We can now have the bare bones of a useful application.
We can now GET and POST to lists of entries for our Todo application, but ideally we'd also like to DELETE particular entries as well. In order to do that, each entry needs to have a distinct URI.
Let's start by adding some hypertext references to our list handler:
[:duct.handler.sql/query :todo.handler.entries/list]
{:sql ["SELECT * FROM entries"]
:hrefs {:href "/entries/{id}"}}
The :hrefs
option allows hypertext references to be added to the
response using URI templates. If we reset
dev=> (reset)
:reloading (todo.main dev user)
And test:
$ http :3000/entries HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 63 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2017 21:13:20 GMT Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120) [ { "description": "Write Duct guide", "href": "/entries/1", "id": 1 } ]
We can see that each list entry now has a new key. Let's write two new Ataraxy routes:
{[:get "/"] [:index]
[:get "/entries"] [:entries/list]
[:post "/entries" {{:keys [description]} :body-params}]
[:entries/create description]
[:get "/entries/" id] [:entries/find ^int id]
[:delete "/entries/" id] [:entries/destroy ^int id]}
These routes show how we can pull data out of the URI, and coerce it into a new type.
The routes require associated handlers. As before, we'll make use of the duct/handler.sql library, using the query-one and execute handler types:
[:duct.handler.sql/query-one :todo.handler.entries/find]
{:request {[_ id] :ataraxy/result}
:sql ["SELECT * FROM entries WHERE id = ?" id]
:hrefs {:href "/entries/{id}"}}
[:duct.handler.sql/execute :todo.handler.entries/destroy]
{:request {[_ id] :ataraxy/result}
:sql ["DELETE FROM entries WHERE id = ?" id]}
We also want to improve the entry creation route and give it a Location header to the resource it creates:
[:duct.handler.sql/insert :todo.handler.entries/create]
{:request {[_ description] :ataraxy/result}
:sql ["INSERT INTO entries (description) VALUES (?)" description]
:location "/entries/{last_insert_rowid}"}
The last_insert_rowid is a resultset column specific to SQLite. Other databases will return the generated row ID in different ways.
With all that done we reset:
dev=> (reset)
:reloading ()
And test:
$ http :3000/entries/1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 61 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2017 12:59:05 GMT Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120) { "description": "Write Duct guide", "href": "/entries/1", "id": 1 } $ http delete :3000/entries/1 HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Content-Type: application/octet-stream Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2017 12:59:12 GMT Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120) $ http :3000/entries/1 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 21 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2017 12:59:18 GMT Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120) { "error": "not-found" } $ http post :3000/entries description="Continue Duct guide" HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2017 13:18:46 GMT Location: http://localhost:3000/entries/1 Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120)
So far we've seen how the configuration can be leveraged to produce applications in Duct. This works well when our needs are modest, but for most applications we're going to have to knuckle down and write some code.
While defining handlers using data has advantages, it's important not to take this too far. Treat the configuration as the skeleton of your application, and the code as the muscles and organs that drive it.
So far our application has been the single-user variety. Let's change
that by adding a users
table. First we'll add a reference to a new
migration in the configuration:
{:migrations [#ig/ref :todo.migration/create-entries
#ig/ref :todo.migration/create-users]}
Then create the migration:
[:duct.migrator.ragtime/sql :todo.migration/create-users]
{:up ["CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, email TEXT UNIQUE, password TEXT)"]
:down ["DROP TABLE users"]}
And reset
to apply the new migration:
dev=> (reset)
:reloading ()
:duct.migrator.ragtime/applying :todo.migration/create-users#66d6b1f8
Now that we have a table to hold our users, we next need to provide a
way for people to sign up to our web service. We could write a handler
for this with the duct/handler.sql
library, but good security
practice tells us that we should avoid writing passwords directly to
the database.
Instead, we'll be writing our own handler function, one that secures the password with a key derivation function or KDF. To do this, we first need to introduce a new dependency to the project file:
[buddy/buddy-hashers "1.3.0"]
This is the library that we'll use to supply our KDF. Once the dependency is in place, exit the REPL:
dev=> (exit)
Bye for now!
Then restart:
$ lein repl
And start the application:
user=> (dev)
dev=> (go)
:duct.server.http.jetty/starting-server {:port 3000}
Next we want to add in an additional Ataraxy route that allows users to be created:
{[:get "/"] [:index]
[:get "/entries"] [:entries/list]
[:post "/entries" {{:keys [description]} :body-params}]
[:entries/create description]
[:get "/entries/" id] [:entries/find ^int id]
[:delete "/entries/" id] [:entries/destroy ^int id]
[:post "/users" {{:keys [email password]} :body-params}]
[:users/create email password]}
And we next write the handler configuration:
{:db #ig/ref :duct.database/sql}
You'll notice that this isn't a composite key; we're not using existing functionality, but instead we're going to write our own method.
You might also notice that we're also including a reference to the
database. All SQL database keys in Duct inherit from
, so by using that key in the reference we're
telling Duct to find the first available SQL database.
You may wonder why the duct.handler.sql
keys didn't include a
database key. This is because they all inherit from the
keyword, which is a indicator to the
module to automatically insert the reference. We
could also do this, but for now we'll keep the reference explicit.
It's now finally time to write the handler. The namespace of the
keyword is todo.handler.users
, so we'll use that as the namespace
for the code. Create a new file src/todo/handler/users.clj
and add
a namespace declaration:
(ns todo.handler.users
(:require [ataraxy.response :as response]
[buddy.hashers :as hashers]
[clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
[integrant.core :as ig]))
Naturally we need buddy.hashers
for our KDF, and we need
because we're accessing the database. The
namespace is necessary because we're writing an
Integrant multimethod, but the purpose of ataraxy.response
might be less obvious.
Let's create the function to insert the new user into the database, and return the ID of the newly created row:
(defprotocol Users
(create-user [db email password]))
(extend-protocol Users
(create-user [{db :spec} email password]
(let [pw-hash (hashers/derive password)
results (jdbc/insert! db :users {:email email, :password pw-hash})]
(-> results ffirst val))))
If you're new to Duct, you might be surprised that we're using a
protocol here. Why not just write a function? Why are we writing a
protocol, then implementing it against this mysterious
The answer is that we could use a function, and it would certainly
save us a few lines, but by using a protocol we gain the capability to
mock out the database for testing or development. Duct provides an
empty 'boundary' record, duct.database.sql.Boundary
, for this
purpose. This is why we need to require the duct.database.sql
namespace, or the record will not be loaded.
Finally, we write the init-key
method for our keyword:
(defmethod ig/init-key ::create [_ {:keys [db]}]
(fn [{[_ email password] :ataraxy/result}]
(let [id (create-user db email password)]
[::response/created (str "/users/" id)])))
Ataraxy allows a vector to be returned instead of the usual Ring
response map. This is both a convenience, and an abstraction. Ataraxy
will turn this into a 201 Created
response map for you.
Let's reset
dev=> (reset)
:reloading (todo.main todo.handler.users dev user)
Then test it out:
$ http post :3000/users [email protected] password=hunter2 HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2017 14:10:31 GMT Location: http://localhost:3000/users/1 Server: Jetty(9.2.21.v20170120)
We don't have any way of visualizing this information yet, so we need to take a look at the database.
During development we likely want to query the database to ensure that
the code we write is inserting the correct data. To make this process
easier, we'll be adding to the dev
namespace in
First, we want to require the clojure.java.jdbc
[clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
Next we want a way of getting a database connection. Duct stores the
running system in the system
var during development. This allows
us to write a simple function to retrieve a JDBC database spec:
(defn db []
(-> system (ig/find-derived-1 :duct.database/sql) val :spec))
Now that we can get the database, we can add a small function to help us query it:
(defn q [sql]
(jdbc/query (db) sql))
Once these changes are made, we reset
dev=> (reset)
:reloading (dev)
Then try querying our users
dev=> (q "SELECT * FROM users")
({:id 1,
:email "[email protected]",
That certainly looks correct. We have an ID, email and an hashed password.