diff --git a/api/conf/api.yaml b/api/conf/api.yaml
index 18656209..c296f7fe 100644
--- a/api/conf/api.yaml
+++ b/api/conf/api.yaml
@@ -2,23 +2,23 @@ cliSpecVersion: v1
# Service Definitions (Framework Server Basic informations)
cb-spider: #service name
- version: 0.9.4
- baseurl: http://cb-spider:1024/spider # baseurl is Scheme + Host + Base Path
+ version: 0.9.8
+ baseurl: http://cb-spider:1024/spider # baseurl is Scheme + Host + Base Path
auth: #If you need an authentication method, describe the type and username and password in the sub
type: basic
- username:
- password:
+ username:
+ password:
- version: 0.9.12
+ version: 0.9.22
baseurl: http://cb-tumblebug:1323/tumblebug
- auth:
+ auth:
type: basic
username: default
password: default
- version: 0.2.2
+ version: 0.2.3
baseurl: http://cm-beetle:8056/beetle
type: basic
@@ -26,29 +26,32 @@ services:
password: default
- version: 0.2.2
+ version: 0.2.5
baseurl: http://cm-ant:8880/ant
- auth:
+ auth:
- version: 0.2.8
+ version: 0.2.9
baseurl: http://cm-honeybee:8081/honeybee
- auth:
+ auth:
- version: 0.2.1
+ version: 0.2.2
baseurl: http://cm-cicada:8083/cicada
- auth:
+ auth:
version: main
baseurl: http://cm-grasshopper:8084/grasshopper
- auth:
+ auth:
- version: main
+ version: 0.2.0
baseurl: http://cm-damselfly:8088/damselfly
- auth:
+ auth:
+ type: basic
+ username: default
+ password: default
# sample: #none authentication method
# baseurl: http://localhost:1323/test
@@ -56,19 +59,17 @@ services:
# sample: #basic authentication method
# baseurl: http://localhost:1323/test
- # auth:
+ # auth:
# type: "basic"
# username: "your-username"
# password: "your-password"
# sample: #Bearer authentication method
# baseurl: http://localhost:1323/test
- # auth:
+ # auth:
# type: "bearer"
# token: "your-bearer-token-here"
# Define rest api actions for each of the services defined above.
# specify the DATA to use for the API in the CLI.
@@ -82,14 +83,58 @@ serviceActions:
# method: get
# resourcePath: /sample/{param_name}
cb-spider: #service name
- Get-Cluster-Owner-Vpc:
+ Get-Driver:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /driver/{DriverName}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific Cloud Driver."
+ Unregister-Driver:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /driver/{DriverName}
+ description: "Unregister a specific Cloud Driver."
+ List-Myimage:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /myimage
+ description: "Retrieve a list of MyImages associated with a specific connection."
+ Snapshot-Vm:
method: post
- resourcePath: /getclusterowner
- description: "Retrieve the owner VPC of a specified Cluster."
- Unregister-Myimage:
+ resourcePath: /myimage
+ description: "Create a new MyImage snapshot from a specified VM. đˇď¸ [[Concept Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/MyImage-and-Driver-API)], [[Snapshot-MyImage,Disk Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/VM-Snapshot,-MyImage-and-Disk-Overview)]"
+ Unregister-Subnet:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /regmyimage/{Name}
- description: "Unregister a MyImage with the specified name."
+ resourcePath: /regsubnet/{Name}
+ description: "Unregister a Subnet from a specified VPC."
+ Unregister-Nlb:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /regnlb/{Name}
+ description: "Unregister a Network Load Balancer (NLB) with the specified name."
+ List-Vm-Status:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /vmstatus
+ description: "Retrieve a list of statuses for Virtual Machines (VMs) associated with a specific connection."
+ Any-Call:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /anycall
+ description: "Execute a custom function (FID) with key-value parameters through AnyCall. đˇď¸ [[Development Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/AnyCall-API-Extension-Guide)]"
+ Get-Cluster:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific Cluster."
+ Delete-Cluster:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}
+ description: "Delete a specified Cluster."
+ Count-All-Keypair:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /countkeypair
+ description: "Get the total number of KeyPairs across all connections."
+ Upload-Driver:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /driver/upload
+ description: "Upload a Cloud Driver library file."
+ Add-Subnet:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /vpc/{VPCName}/subnet
+ description: "Add a new Subnet to an existing VPC."
method: get
resourcePath: /cluster
@@ -98,126 +143,90 @@ serviceActions:
method: post
resourcePath: /cluster
description: "Create a new Cluster with specified configurations. đˇď¸ [[Concept Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Provider-Managed-Kubernetes-and-Driver-API)] * NodeGroupList is optional, depends on CSP type: - Type-I (e.g., Tencent, Alibaba): requires separate Node Group addition after Cluster creation. - Type-II (e.g., Azure, NHN): mandates at least one Node Group during initial Cluster creation."
- Count-Myimages-By-Connection:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /countmyimage/{ConnectionName}
- description: "Get the total number of MyImages for a specific connection."
- List-Vm:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /vm
- description: "Retrieve a list of Virtual Machines (VMs) associated with a specific connection."
- Start-Vm:
+ Register-Cluster:
method: post
- resourcePath: /vm
- description: "Start a new Virtual Machine (VM) with specified configurations. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#2-%EB%A9%80%ED%8B%B0%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C-vm-%EC%9D%B8%ED%94%84%EB%9D%BC-%EC%9E%90%EC%9B%90-%EC%A0%9C%EC%96%B4multi-cloud-vm-infra-resource-control)], [[Snapshot-MyImage,Disk Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/VM-Snapshot,-MyImage-and-Disk-Overview)]"
- Unregister-Key:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /regkeypair/{Name}
- description: "Unregister a KeyPair with the specified name."
- Get-Vm:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /vm/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific Virtual Machine (VM)."
- Terminate-Vm:
+ resourcePath: /regcluster
+ description: "Register a new Cluster with the specified VPC and CSP ID."
+ Add-Rule:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /securitygroup/{SGName}/rules
+ description: "Add new rules to a Security Group."
+ Remove-Rule:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /vm/{Name}
- description: "Terminate a specified Virtual Machine (VM)."
- List-All-Vpc:
+ resourcePath: /securitygroup/{SGName}/rules
+ description: "Remove existing rules from a Security Group."
+ List-Vm-Spec:
method: get
- resourcePath: /allvpc
- description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
- Get-Cloudos-Metainfo:
+ resourcePath: /vmspec
+ description: "Retrieve a list of VM specs associated with a specific connection. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#2-vm-spec-%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4-%EC%A0%9C%EA%B3%B5)]"
+ Check-Udp-Port:
method: get
- resourcePath: /cloudos/metainfo/{CloudOSName}
- description: "Retrieve metadata information for a specific Cloud OS."
- Get-Sg-Owner-Vpc:
+ resourcePath: /check/udp
+ description: "Verifies whether a given UDP port is open on the specified host.\nâť Note: As UDP is connectionless, this check mainly performs a lookup and may not confirm if the server is working."
+ Add-Nodegroup:
method: post
- resourcePath: /getsecuritygroupowner
- description: "Retrieve the owner VPC of a specified Security Group."
- Get-Vm-Spec:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /vmspec/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific VM spec. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#2-vm-spec-%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4-%EC%A0%9C%EA%B3%B5)]"
- Increase-Disk-Size:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /disk/{Name}/size
- description: "Increase the size of an existing disk."
- Get-Region:
+ resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}/nodegroup
+ description: "Add a new Node Group to an existing Cluster."
+ Count-Vm-By-Connection:
method: get
- resourcePath: /region/{RegionName}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific Region."
- Unregister-Region:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /region/{RegionName}
- description: "Unregister a specific Region."
- Register-Myimage:
+ resourcePath: /countvm/{ConnectionName}
+ description: "Get the total number of Virtual Machines (VMs) for a specific connection."
+ Register-Nlb:
method: post
- resourcePath: /regmyimage
- description: "Register a new MyImage with the specified name and CSP ID."
- Unregister-Securitygroup:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /regsecuritygroup/{Name}
- description: "Unregister a Security Group with the specified name."
+ resourcePath: /regnlb
+ description: "Register a new Network Load Balancer (NLB) with the specified name and CSP ID."
method: post
resourcePath: /regvm
description: "Register a new Virtual Machine (VM) with the specified name and CSP ID."
- Add-Nodegroup:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}/nodegroup
- description: "Add a new Node Group to an existing Cluster."
- Count-All-Vms:
+ List-Org-Vm-Spec:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countvm
- description: "Get the total number of Virtual Machines (VMs) across all connections."
- Add-Nlb-Vms:
+ resourcePath: /vmorgspec
+ description: "Retrieve a list of Original VM Specs associated with a specific connection. The response structure may vary depending on the request ConnectionName."
+ List-All-Cluster:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /allcluster
+ description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Clusters associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
+ Add-Nlb-Vm:
method: post
resourcePath: /nlb/{Name}/vms
description: "Add a new set of VMs to an existing Network Load Balancer (NLB)."
- Remove-Nlb-Vms:
+ Remove-Nlb-Vm:
method: delete
resourcePath: /nlb/{Name}/vms
description: "Remove a set of VMs from an existing Network Load Balancer (NLB)."
- Health-Check-Readyz:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /readyz
- description: "Checks the health of CB-Spider service and its dependencies via /readyz endpoint. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Readiness-Check-Guide)]"
- Remove-Nodegroup:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}/nodegroup/{NodeGroupName}
- description: "Remove an existing Node Group from a Cluster."
- Delete-Disk:
+ Unregister-Cluster:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /disk/{Name}
- description: "Delete a specified Disk."
- Get-Disk:
+ resourcePath: /regcluster/{Name}
+ description: "Unregister a Cluster with the specified name."
+ Count-All-Vpc:
method: get
- resourcePath: /disk/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific Disk."
- List-Vpc:
+ resourcePath: /countvpc
+ description: "Get the total number of VPCs across all connections."
+ List-Vm:
method: get
- resourcePath: /vpc
- description: "Retrieve a list of Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) associated with a specific connection."
- Create-Vpc:
+ resourcePath: /vm
+ description: "Retrieve a list of Virtual Machines (VMs) associated with a specific connection."
+ Start-Vm:
method: post
- resourcePath: /vpc
- description: "Create a new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with specified subnet configurations. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#3-vpcsubnet-%EC%83%9D%EC%84%B1-%EB%B0%8F-%EC%A0%9C%EC%96%B4)]"
- Get-Vmgroup-Healthinfo:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /nlb/{Name}/health
- description: "Retrieve the health information of the VM group in a specified Network Load Balancer (NLB)."
- Get-Region-Zone:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /regionzone/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific Region Zone. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/REST-API-Region-Zone-Information-Guide)]"
- Detach-Disk:
+ resourcePath: /vm
+ description: "Start a new Virtual Machine (VM) with specified configurations. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#2-%EB%A9%80%ED%8B%B0%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C-vm-%EC%9D%B8%ED%94%84%EB%9D%BC-%EC%9E%90%EC%9B%90-%EC%A0%9C%EC%96%B4multi-cloud-vm-infra-resource-control)], [[Snapshot-MyImage,Disk Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/VM-Snapshot,-MyImage-and-Disk-Overview)]"
+ Increase-Disk-Size:
method: put
- resourcePath: /disk/{Name}/detach
- description: "Detach an existing Disk from a VM."
- Register-Key:
+ resourcePath: /disk/{Name}/size
+ description: "Increase the size of an existing disk."
+ Get-Sg-Owner-Vpc:
method: post
- resourcePath: /regkeypair
- description: "Register a new KeyPair with the specified name and CSP ID."
+ resourcePath: /getsecuritygroupowner
+ description: "Retrieve the owner VPC of a specified Security Group."
+ List-Keypair:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /keypair
+ description: "Retrieve a list of KeyPairs associated with a specific connection."
+ Create-Keypair:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /keypair
+ description: "Create a new KeyPair with the specified configurations. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#5-vm-keypair-%EC%83%9D%EC%84%B1-%EB%B0%8F-%EC%A0%9C%EC%96%B4)]"
method: get
resourcePath: /disk
@@ -226,230 +235,126 @@ serviceActions:
method: post
resourcePath: /disk
description: "Create a new Disk with the specified configuration. đˇď¸ [[Concept Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Disk-and-Driver-API)], [[Snapshot-MyImage,Disk Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/VM-Snapshot,-MyImage-and-Disk-Overview)]"
- Get-Key:
+ List-Org-Region:
method: get
- resourcePath: /keypair/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific KeyPair."
- Delete-Key:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /keypair/{Name}
- description: "Delete a specified KeyPair."
- List-All-Cluster:
+ resourcePath: /orgregion
+ description: "Retrieve a list of Original Regions associated with a specific connection. The response structure may vary depending on the request ConnectionName."
+ Count-All-Cluster:
method: get
- resourcePath: /allcluster
- description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Clusters associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
- Control-Vm:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /controlvm/{Name}
- description: "Control the state of a Virtual Machine (VM) such as suspend, resume, or reboot."
- Any-Call:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /anycall
- description: "Execute a custom function (FID) with key-value parameters through AnyCall. đˇď¸ [[Development Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/AnyCall-API-Extension-Guide)]"
- Count-All-Keys:
+ resourcePath: /countcluster
+ description: "Get the total number of Clusters across all connections."
+ Count-All-Myimage:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countkeypair
- description: "Get the total number of KeyPairs across all connections."
+ resourcePath: /countmyimage
+ description: "Get the total number of MyImages across all connections."
+ Delete-Csp-Vpc:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /cspvpc/{Id}
+ description: "Delete a specified CSP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)."
method: delete
resourcePath: /cspsecuritygroup/{Id}
description: "Delete a specified CSP Security Group."
- List-Org-Region:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /orgregion
- description: "Retrieve a list of Original Regions associated with a specific connection. The response structure may vary depending on the request ConnectionName."
- List-Region-Zone-Preconfig:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /preconfig/regionzone
- description: "Retrieve a list of pre-configured Region Zones based on driver and credential names. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/REST-API-Region-Zone-Information-Guide)]"
- Unregister-Subnet:
+ Destroy-All-Resource:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /regsubnet/{Name}
- description: "Unregister a Subnet from a specified VPC."
- List-All-Vm:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /allvm
- description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Virtual Machines (VMs) associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
- Count-All-Clusters:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /countcluster
- description: "Get the total number of Clusters across all connections."
- Count-Connections-By-Provider:
+ resourcePath: /destroy
+ description: "Deletes all resources associated with a specific cloud connection. This action is irreversible."
+ Get-Region-Zone:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countconnectionconfig/{ProviderName}
- description: "Get the total number of connections for a specific provider."
- List-Product-Family:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /productfamily/{RegionName}
- description: "Retrieve a list of Product Families associated with a specific connection and region. đˇď¸ [[Concept Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Price-Info-and-Cloud-Driver-API)], đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/RestAPI-Multi%E2%80%90Cloud-Price-Information-Guide)]"
+ resourcePath: /regionzone/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific Region Zone. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/REST-API-Region-Zone-Information-Guide)]"
method: put
resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}/upgrade
description: "Upgrade a Cluster to a specified version."
- List-Connection-Configs:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /connectionconfig
- description: "Retrieve a list of registered Connection Configs."
- Create-Connection-Config:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /connectionconfig
- description: "Create a new Connection Config. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#4-cloud-connection-configuration-%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4-%EB%93%B1%EB%A1%9D-%EB%B0%8F-%EA%B4%80%EB%A6%AC)]"
- Get-Region-Zone-Preconfig:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /preconfig/regionzone/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific pre-configured Region Zone based on driver and credential names. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/REST-API-Region-Zone-Information-Guide)]"
- Get-Price-Info:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /priceinfo/{ProductFamily}/{RegionName}
- description: "Retrieve price details of a specific Product Family in a specific Region. đˇď¸ [[Concept Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Price-Info-and-Cloud-Driver-API)], đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/RestAPI-Multi%E2%80%90Cloud-Price-Information-Guide)] * example body: {\"connectionName\":\"aws-connection\",\"FilterList\":[{\"Key\":\"instanceType\",\"Value\":\"t2.micro\"}]}"
- Register-Nlb:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /regnlb
- description: "Register a new Network Load Balancer (NLB) with the specified name and CSP ID."
- Get-Org-Vm-Spec:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /vmorgspec/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific Original VM Spec."
- Count-Disks-By-Connection:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /countdisk/{ConnectionName}
- description: "Get the total number of Disks for a specific connection."
- Attach-Disk:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /disk/{Name}/attach
- description: "Attach an existing Disk to a VM."
method: post
resourcePath: /regvpc
description: "Register a new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with the specified name and CSP ID."
- List-Image:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /vmimage
- description: "Retrieve a list of Public Images associated with a specific connection. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/How-to-get-Image-List-with-REST-API)]"
- Set-Nodegroup-Autoscaling:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}/nodegroup/{NodeGroupName}/onautoscaling
- description: "Enable or disable auto scaling for a Node Group in a Cluster."
- Health-Check-Ping:
+ Count-All-Securitygroup:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ping
- description: "Checks the health of CB-Spider service and its dependencies via /ping endpoint. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Readiness-Check-Guide)]"
- List-Cloud-Drivers:
+ resourcePath: /countsecuritygroup
+ description: "Get the total number of Security Groups across all connections."
+ List-Preconfigured-Original-Org-Region:
method: get
- resourcePath: /driver
- description: "Retrieve a list of registered Cloud Drivers."
- Register-Cloud-Driver:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /driver
- description: "Register a new Cloud Driver. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#1-cloud-driver-%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4-%EB%93%B1%EB%A1%9D-%EB%B0%8F-%EA%B4%80%EB%A6%AC)]"
- Unregister-Cluster:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /regcluster/{Name}
- description: "Unregister a Cluster with the specified name."
- List-Myimage:
+ resourcePath: /preconfig/orgregion
+ description: "Retrieve a list of pre-configured Original Regions based on driver and credential names. The response structure may vary depending on the request DriverName and CredentialName."
+ Get-Region:
method: get
- resourcePath: /myimage
- description: "Retrieve a list of MyImages associated with a specific connection."
- Snapshot-Vm:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /myimage
- description: "Create a new MyImage snapshot from a specified VM. đˇď¸ [[Concept Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/MyImage-and-Driver-API)], [[Snapshot-MyImage,Disk Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/VM-Snapshot,-MyImage-and-Disk-Overview)]"
- Delete-Vpc:
+ resourcePath: /region/{RegionName}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific Region."
+ Unregister-Region:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /vpc/{Name}
- description: "Delete a specified Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)."
- Get-Vpc:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /vpc/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)."
- Count-All-Vpcs:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /countvpc
- description: "Get the total number of VPCs across all connections."
- Delete-Csp-Nlb:
+ resourcePath: /region/{RegionName}
+ description: "Unregister a specific Region."
+ Terminate-Csp-Vm:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /cspnlb/{Id}
- description: "Delete a specified CSP Network Load Balancer (NLB)."
- Count-All-Connections:
+ resourcePath: /cspvm/{Id}
+ description: "Terminate a specified CSP Virtual Machine (VM)."
+ Get-Csp-Vm:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countconnectionconfig
- description: "Get the total number of connections."
- Count-All-Myimages:
+ resourcePath: /cspvm/{Id}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific CSP Virtual Machine (VM)."
+ Get-Region-Zone-Preconfig:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countmyimage
- description: "Get the total number of MyImages across all connections."
- List-Preconfigured-Original-Org-Region:
+ resourcePath: /preconfig/regionzone/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific pre-configured Region Zone based on driver and credential names. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/REST-API-Region-Zone-Information-Guide)]"
+ Health-Check-Readyz:
method: get
- resourcePath: /preconfig/orgregion
- description: "Retrieve a list of pre-configured Original Regions based on driver and credential names. The response structure may vary depending on the request DriverName and CredentialName."
- Unregister-Disk:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /regdisk/{Name}
- description: "Unregister a Disk with the specified name."
- Unregister-Nlb:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /regnlb/{Name}
- description: "Unregister a Network Load Balancer (NLB) with the specified name."
- List-Vm-Spec:
+ resourcePath: /readyz
+ description: "Checks the health of CB-Spider service and its dependencies via /readyz endpoint. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Readiness-Check-Guide)]"
+ Get-Image:
method: get
- resourcePath: /vmspec
- description: "Retrieve a list of VM specs associated with a specific connection. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#2-vm-spec-%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4-%EC%A0%9C%EA%B3%B5)]"
- List-All-Key:
+ resourcePath: /vmimage/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific Public Image. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/How-to-get-Image-List-with-REST-API)]"
+ Check-Tcp-Port:
method: get
- resourcePath: /allkeypair
- description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all KeyPairs associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
- Count-Clusters-By-Connection:
+ resourcePath: /check/tcp
+ description: "Verifies whether a given TCP port is open on the specified host."
+ Count-Disk-By-Connection:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countcluster/{ConnectionName}
- description: "Get the total number of Clusters for a specific connection."
- Count-All-Disks:
+ resourcePath: /countdisk/{ConnectionName}
+ description: "Get the total number of Disks for a specific connection."
+ Count-All-Subnet:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countdisk
- description: "Get the total number of Disks across all connections."
- Count-Vpcs-By-Connection:
+ resourcePath: /countsubnet
+ description: "Get the total number of Subnets across all connections."
+ List-Nlb:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countvpc/{ConnectionName}
- description: "Get the total number of VPCs for a specific connection."
+ resourcePath: /nlb
+ description: "Retrieve a list of Network Load Balancers (NLBs) associated with a specific connection."
+ Create-Nlb:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /nlb
+ description: "Create a new Network Load Balancer (NLB) with specified configurations. đˇď¸ [[Concept Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Network-Load-Balancer-and-Driver-API)]"
+ Unregister-Securitygroup:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /regsecuritygroup/{Name}
+ description: "Unregister a Security Group with the specified name."
method: post
resourcePath: /regsubnet
description: "Register a new Subnet within a specified VPC."
- Add-Rules-Securitygroup:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /securitygroup/{SGName}/rules
- description: "Add new rules to a Security Group."
- Remove-Rules-Securitygroup:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /securitygroup/{SGName}/rules
- description: "Remove existing rules from a Security Group."
- Remove-Subnet:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /vpc/{VPCName}/subnet/{SubnetName}
- description: "Remove an existing Subnet from a VPC."
- List-All-Disk:
+ List-All-Vm:
method: get
- resourcePath: /alldisk
- description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Disks associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
- Get-Cluster:
+ resourcePath: /allvm
+ description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Virtual Machines (VMs) associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
+ Count-Keypair-By-Connection:
method: get
- resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific Cluster."
- Delete-Cluster:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}
- description: "Delete a specified Cluster."
- Unregister-Vm:
+ resourcePath: /countkeypair/{ConnectionName}
+ description: "Get the total number of KeyPairs for a specific connection."
+ Get-Disk:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /disk/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific Disk."
+ Delete-Disk:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /regvm/{Name}
- description: "Unregister a Virtual Machine (VM) with the specified name."
- List-Securitygroup:
+ resourcePath: /disk/{Name}
+ description: "Delete a specified Disk."
+ Count-All-Vm:
method: get
- resourcePath: /securitygroup
- description: "Retrieve a list of Security Groups associated with a specific connection."
- Create-Securitygroup:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /securitygroup
- description: "Create a new Security Group with specified rules and tags. đˇď¸ [[Concept Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Security-Group-Rules-and-Driver-API)], đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#4-securitygroup-%EC%83%9D%EC%84%B1-%EB%B0%8F-%EC%A0%9C%EC%96%B4)]"
+ resourcePath: /countvm
+ description: "Get the total number of Virtual Machines (VMs) across all connections."
method: get
resourcePath: /credential/{CredentialName}
@@ -458,107 +363,95 @@ serviceActions:
method: delete
resourcePath: /credential/{CredentialName}
description: "Unregister a specific Credential."
- List-Key:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /keypair
- description: "Retrieve a list of KeyPairs associated with a specific connection."
- Create-Key:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /keypair
- description: "Create a new KeyPair with the specified configurations. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#5-vm-keypair-%EC%83%9D%EC%84%B1-%EB%B0%8F-%EC%A0%9C%EC%96%B4)]"
- Get-Nlb:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /nlb/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific Network Load Balancer (NLB)."
- Delete-Nlb:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /nlb/{Name}
- description: "Delete a specified Network Load Balancer (NLB)."
- Remove-Csp-Subnet:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /vpc/{VPCName}/cspsubnet/{Id}
- description: "Remove an existing CSP Subnet from a VPC."
- List-All-Myimage:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /allmyimage
- description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all MyImages associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
- Delete-Csp-Cluster:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /cspcluster/{Id}
- description: "Delete a specified CSP Cluster."
- List-Vm-Status:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /vmstatus
- description: "Retrieve a list of statuses for Virtual Machines (VMs) associated with a specific connection."
- Count-Keys-By-Connection:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /countkeypair/{ConnectionName}
- description: "Get the total number of KeyPairs for a specific connection."
method: post
resourcePath: /regdisk
description: "Register a new Disk with the specified name, zone, and CSP ID."
- Get-Connection-Config:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /connectionconfig/{ConfigName}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific Connection Config."
- Delete-Connection-Config:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /connectionconfig/{ConfigName}
- description: "Delete a specific Connection Config."
- List-All-Nlb:
+ Get-Vm-Status:
method: get
- resourcePath: /allnlb
- description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Network Load Balancers (NLBs) associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
- List-Cloudos:
+ resourcePath: /vmstatus/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve the status of a specific Virtual Machine (VM)."
+ List-Connection-Config:
method: get
- resourcePath: /cloudos
- description: "Retrieve a list of supported Cloud OS."
- Delete-Csp-Vpc:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /cspvpc/{Id}
- description: "Delete a specified CSP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)."
- Upload-Cloud-Driver:
+ resourcePath: /connectionconfig
+ description: "Retrieve a list of registered Connection Configs."
+ Create-Connection-Config:
method: post
- resourcePath: /driver/upload
- description: "Upload a Cloud Driver library file."
+ resourcePath: /connectionconfig
+ description: "Create a new Connection Config. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#4-cloud-connection-configuration-%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4-%EB%93%B1%EB%A1%9D-%EB%B0%8F-%EA%B4%80%EB%A6%AC)]"
+ Attach-Disk:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /disk/{Name}/attach
+ description: "Attach an existing Disk to a VM."
+ Get-Price-Info:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /priceinfo/{ProductFamily}/{RegionName}
+ description: 'Retrieve price details of a specific Product Family in a specific Region. đˇď¸ [[Concept Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Price-Info-and-Cloud-Driver-API)], đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/RestAPI-Multi%E2%80%90Cloud-Price-Information-Guide)] * example body: {"connectionName":"aws-connection","FilterList":[{"Key":"instanceType","Value":"t2.micro"}]}'
method: post
resourcePath: /getnlbowner
description: "Retrieve the owner VPC of a specified Network Load Balancer (NLB)."
- Get-Securitygroup:
+ List-Product-Family:
method: get
- resourcePath: /securitygroup/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific Security Group."
- Delete-Securitygroup:
+ resourcePath: /productfamily/{RegionName}
+ description: "Retrieve a list of Product Families associated with a specific connection and region. đˇď¸ [[Concept Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Price-Info-and-Cloud-Driver-API)], đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/RestAPI-Multi%E2%80%90Cloud-Price-Information-Guide)]"
+ Remove-Tag:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /securitygroup/{Name}
- description: "Delete a specified Security Group."
- Get-Image:
+ resourcePath: /tag/{Key}
+ description: "Remove a specific tag from a specified resource.\nâť Resource types: VPC, SUBNET, SG, KEY, VM, NLB, DISK, MYIMAGE, CLUSTER"
+ Get-Tag:
method: get
- resourcePath: /vmimage/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific Public Image. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/How-to-get-Image-List-with-REST-API)]"
- Count-All-Nlbs:
+ resourcePath: /tag/{Key}
+ description: "Retrieve a specific tag for a specified resource.\nâť Resource types: VPC, SUBNET, SG, KEY, VM, NLB, DISK, MYIMAGE, CLUSTER"
+ Delete-Connection-Config:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /connectionconfig/{ConfigName}
+ description: "Delete a specific Connection Config."
+ Get-Connection-Config:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countnlb
- description: "Get the total number of Network Load Balancers (NLBs) across all connections."
- Delete-Csp-Disk:
+ resourcePath: /connectionconfig/{ConfigName}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific Connection Config."
+ Count-Myimage-By-Connection:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /countmyimage/{ConnectionName}
+ description: "Get the total number of MyImages for a specific connection."
+ List-Driver:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /driver
+ description: "Retrieve a list of registered Cloud Drivers."
+ Register-Driver:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /driver
+ description: "Register a new Cloud Driver. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#1-cloud-driver-%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4-%EB%93%B1%EB%A1%9D-%EB%B0%8F-%EA%B4%80%EB%A6%AC)]"
+ Get-Keypair:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /keypair/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific KeyPair."
+ Delete-Keypair:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /cspdisk/{Id}
- description: "Delete a specified CSP Disk."
- Health-Check-Healthcheck:
+ resourcePath: /keypair/{Name}
+ description: "Delete a specified KeyPair."
+ List-Securitygroup:
method: get
- resourcePath: /healthcheck
- description: "Checks the health of CB-Spider service and its dependencies via /healthcheck endpoint. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Readiness-Check-Guide)]"
- List-Region-Zone:
+ resourcePath: /securitygroup
+ description: "Retrieve a list of Security Groups associated with a specific connection."
+ Create-Securitygroup:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /securitygroup
+ description: "Create a new Security Group with specified rules and tags. đˇď¸ [[Concept Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Security-Group-Rules-and-Driver-API)], đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#4-securitygroup-%EC%83%9D%EC%84%B1-%EB%B0%8F-%EC%A0%9C%EC%96%B4)]"
+ Get-Securitygroup:
method: get
- resourcePath: /regionzone
- description: "Retrieve a list of Region Zones associated with a specific connection. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/REST-API-Region-Zone-Information-Guide)]"
- Count-All-Subnets:
+ resourcePath: /securitygroup/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific Security Group."
+ Delete-Securitygroup:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /securitygroup/{Name}
+ description: "Delete a specified Security Group."
+ Count-Subnet-By-Connection:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countsubnet
- description: "Get the total number of Subnets across all connections."
- List-Credentials:
+ resourcePath: /countsubnet/{ConnectionName}
+ description: "Get the total number of Subnets for a specific connection."
+ List-Credential:
method: get
resourcePath: /credential
description: "Retrieve a list of registered Credentials."
@@ -566,63 +459,87 @@ serviceActions:
method: post
resourcePath: /credential
description: "Register a new Credential. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#2-cloud-credential-%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4-%EB%93%B1%EB%A1%9D-%EB%B0%8F-%EA%B4%80%EB%A6%AC)]"
- Count-Nlbs-By-Connection:
+ Health-Check-Health:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countnlb/{ConnectionName}
- description: "Get the total number of Network Load Balancers (NLBs) for a specific connection."
+ resourcePath: /health
+ description: "Checks the health of CB-Spider service and its dependencies via /health endpoint. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Readiness-Check-Guide)]"
+ Get-Subnet:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /vpc/{VPCName}/subnet/{SubnetName}
+ description: "Retrieve a specific Subnet from a VPC."
+ Remove-Subnet:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /vpc/{VPCName}/subnet/{SubnetName}
+ description: "Remove an existing Subnet from a VPC."
+ Get-Cluster-Owner-Vpc:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /getclusterowner
+ description: "Retrieve the owner VPC of a specified Cluster."
+ Unregister-Disk:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /regdisk/{Name}
+ description: "Unregister a Disk with the specified name."
method: post
resourcePath: /regsecuritygroup
description: "Register a new Security Group with the specified name and CSP ID."
- List-Org-Zone:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /orgzone
- description: "Retrieve a list of Original Zones associated with a specific connection. The response structure may vary depending on the request ConnectionName."
- Get-Vm-Status:
+ List-All-Myimage:
method: get
- resourcePath: /vmstatus/{Name}
- description: "Retrieve the status of a specific Virtual Machine (VM)."
- Delete-Csp-Key:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /cspkeypair/{Id}
- description: "Delete a specified CSP KeyPair."
- Terminate-Csp-Vm:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /cspvm/{Id}
- description: "Terminate a specified CSP Virtual Machine (VM)."
- Get-Csp-Vm:
+ resourcePath: /allmyimage
+ description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all MyImages associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
+ Health-Check-Healthcheck:
method: get
- resourcePath: /cspvm/{Id}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific CSP Virtual Machine (VM)."
- Count-Securitygroups-By-Connection:
+ resourcePath: /healthcheck
+ description: "Checks the health of CB-Spider service and its dependencies via /healthcheck endpoint. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Readiness-Check-Guide)]"
+ Count-Securitygroup-By-Connection:
method: get
resourcePath: /countsecuritygroup/{ConnectionName}
description: "Get the total number of Security Groups for a specific connection."
- List-All-Securitygroups:
+ Remove-Csp-Subnet:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /vpc/{VPCName}/cspsubnet/{Id}
+ description: "Remove an existing CSP Subnet from a VPC."
+ Get-Nlb:
method: get
- resourcePath: /allsecuritygroup
- description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Security Groups associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
- Change-Nodegroup-Scaling:
+ resourcePath: /nlb/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific Network Load Balancer (NLB)."
+ Delete-Nlb:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /nlb/{Name}
+ description: "Delete a specified Network Load Balancer (NLB)."
+ List-Region-Zone-Preconfig:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /preconfig/regionzone
+ description: "Retrieve a list of pre-configured Region Zones based on driver and credential names. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/REST-API-Region-Zone-Information-Guide)]"
+ Set-Nodegroup-Autoscaling:
method: put
- resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}/nodegroup/{NodeGroupName}/autoscalesize
- description: "Change the scaling settings for a Node Group in a Cluster."
- List-Org-Vm-Spec:
+ resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}/nodegroup/{NodeGroupName}/onautoscaling
+ description: "Enable or disable auto scaling for a Node Group in a Cluster."
+ Count-Nlb-By-Connection:
method: get
- resourcePath: /vmorgspec
- description: "Retrieve a list of Original VM Specs associated with a specific connection. The response structure may vary depending on the request ConnectionName."
- Add-Subnet:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /vpc/{VPCName}/subnet
- description: "Add a new Subnet to an existing VPC."
- Register-Cluster:
+ resourcePath: /countnlb/{ConnectionName}
+ description: "Get the total number of Network Load Balancers (NLBs) for a specific connection."
+ Get-Vm-Using-Rs:
method: post
- resourcePath: /regcluster
- description: "Register a new Cluster with the specified VPC and CSP ID."
- Unregister-Vpc:
+ resourcePath: /getvmusingresources
+ description: "Retrieve details of a VM using resource ID."
+ Get-Cloudos-Metainfo:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /cloudos/metainfo/{CloudOSName}
+ description: "Retrieve metadata information for a specific Cloud OS."
+ Delete-Csp-Keypair:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /regvpc/{Name}
- description: "Unregister a VPC with the specified name."
- List-Regions:
+ resourcePath: /cspkeypair/{Id}
+ description: "Delete a specified CSP KeyPair."
+ Unregister-Keypair:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /regkeypair/{Name}
+ description: "Unregister a KeyPair with the specified name."
+ Detach-Disk:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /disk/{Name}/detach
+ description: "Detach an existing Disk from a VM."
+ List-Region:
method: get
resourcePath: /region
description: "Retrieve a list of registered Regions."
@@ -630,26 +547,34 @@ serviceActions:
method: post
resourcePath: /region
description: "Register a new Region. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#3-cloud-regionzone-%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4-%EB%93%B1%EB%A1%9D-%EB%B0%8F-%EA%B4%80%EB%A6%AC)]"
- Delete-Csp-Myimage:
+ Unregister-Vm:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /cspmyimage/{Id}
- description: "Delete a specified CSP MyImage."
- List-Nlb:
+ resourcePath: /regvm/{Name}
+ description: "Unregister a Virtual Machine (VM) with the specified name."
+ Unregister-Vpc:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /regvpc/{Name}
+ description: "Unregister a VPC with the specified name."
+ Get-Org-Vm-Spec:
method: get
- resourcePath: /nlb
- description: "Retrieve a list of Network Load Balancers (NLBs) associated with a specific connection."
- Create-Nlb:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /nlb
- description: "Create a new Network Load Balancer (NLB) with specified configurations. đˇď¸ [[Concept Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Network-Load-Balancer-and-Driver-API)]"
- Get-Vm-Using-Rs:
+ resourcePath: /vmorgspec/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific Original VM Spec."
+ Count-Cluster-By-Connection:
method: get
- resourcePath: /getvmusingresources
- description: "Retrieve details of a VM using resource ID."
- Health-Check-Health:
+ resourcePath: /countcluster/{ConnectionName}
+ description: "Get the total number of Clusters for a specific connection."
+ Count-Connection-By-Provider:
method: get
- resourcePath: /health
- description: "Checks the health of CB-Spider service and its dependencies via /health endpoint. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Readiness-Check-Guide)]"
+ resourcePath: /countconnectionconfig/{ProviderName}
+ description: "Get the total number of connections for a specific provider."
+ Delete-Csp-Cluster:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /cspcluster/{Id}
+ description: "Delete a specified CSP Cluster."
+ Count-Vpc-By-Connection:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /countvpc/{ConnectionName}
+ description: "Get the total number of VPCs for a specific connection."
method: get
resourcePath: /myimage/{Name}
@@ -658,309 +583,376 @@ serviceActions:
method: delete
resourcePath: /myimage/{Name}
description: "Delete a specified MyImage."
- Count-All-Securitygroups:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /countsecuritygroup
- description: "Get the total number of Security Groups across all connections."
- Count-Subnets-By-Connection:
+ Get-Vmgroup-Healthinfo:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countsubnet/{ConnectionName}
- description: "Get the total number of Subnets for a specific connection."
- Count-Vms-By-Connection:
+ resourcePath: /nlb/{Name}/health
+ description: "Retrieve the health information of the VM group in a specified Network Load Balancer (NLB)."
+ List-All-Securitygroup:
method: get
- resourcePath: /countvm/{ConnectionName}
- description: "Get the total number of Virtual Machines (VMs) for a specific connection."
- Get-Cloud-Driver:
+ resourcePath: /allsecuritygroup
+ description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Security Groups associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
+ Control-Vm:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /controlvm/{Name}
+ description: "Control the state of a Virtual Machine (VM) such as suspend, resume, or reboot."
+ Count-All-Disk:
method: get
- resourcePath: /driver/{DriverName}
- description: "Retrieve details of a specific Cloud Driver."
- Unregister-Cloud-Driver:
+ resourcePath: /countdisk
+ description: "Get the total number of Disks across all connections."
+ Delete-Csp-Nlb:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /driver/{DriverName}
- description: "Unregister a specific Cloud Driver."
- cb-tumblebug:
- Checkhttpversion:
+ resourcePath: /cspnlb/{Id}
+ description: "Delete a specified CSP Network Load Balancer (NLB)."
+ Health-Check-Ping:
method: get
- resourcePath: /httpVersion
- description: "Checks and logs the HTTP version of the incoming request to the server console."
- Removelabel:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /label/{labelType}/{uid}/{key}
- description: "Remove a label from a resource identified by its uid"
- Getdatadisk:
+ resourcePath: /ping
+ description: "Checks the health of CB-Spider service and its dependencies via /ping endpoint. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/Readiness-Check-Guide)]"
+ Register-Myimage:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /regmyimage
+ description: "Register a new MyImage with the specified name and CSP ID."
+ List-Vpc:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/dataDisk/{dataDiskId}
- description: "Get Data Disk"
- Putdatadisk:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/dataDisk/{dataDiskId}
- description: "Upsize Data Disk"
- Deldatadisk:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/dataDisk/{dataDiskId}
- description: "Delete Data Disk"
- Getimage:
+ resourcePath: /vpc
+ description: "Retrieve a list of Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) associated with a specific connection."
+ Create-Vpc:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /vpc
+ description: "Create a new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with specified subnet configurations. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#3-vpcsubnet-%EC%83%9D%EC%84%B1-%EB%B0%8F-%EC%A0%9C%EC%96%B4)]"
+ List-All-Nlb:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/image/{imageId}
- description: "Get image"
- Putimage:
+ resourcePath: /allnlb
+ description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Network Load Balancers (NLBs) associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
+ Change-Nodegroup-Scaling:
method: put
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/image/{imageId}
- description: "Update image"
- Delimage:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/image/{imageId}
- description: "Delete image"
- Delsubnet:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet/{vNetId}/subnet/{subnetId}
- description: "Delete Subnet"
- Getsubnet:
+ resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}/nodegroup/{NodeGroupName}/autoscalesize
+ description: "Change the scaling settings for a Node Group in a Cluster."
+ Count-All-Nlb:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet/{vNetId}/subnet/{subnetId}
- description: "Get Subnet (metadata)"
- Testjwtauth:
+ resourcePath: /countnlb
+ description: "Get the total number of Network Load Balancers (NLBs) across all connections."
+ List-Tag:
method: get
- resourcePath: /auth/test
- description: "Test JWT authentication"
- Lookupimage:
+ resourcePath: /tag
+ description: "Retrieve a list of tags for a specified resource.\nâť Resource types: VPC, SUBNET, SG, KEY, VM, NLB, DISK, MYIMAGE, CLUSTER"
+ Add-Tag:
method: post
- resourcePath: /lookupImage
- description: "Lookup image"
- Deletederegistervnet:
+ resourcePath: /tag
+ description: "Add a tag to a specified resource.\nâť Resource types: VPC, SUBNET, SG, KEY, VM, NLB, DISK, MYIMAGE, CLUSTER"
+ Get-Vm:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /vm/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific Virtual Machine (VM)."
+ Terminate-Vm:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/deregisterCspResource/vNet/{vNetId}
- description: "Deregister the VNet, which was created in CSP"
- Putchangek8snodegroupautoscalesize:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}/k8snodegroup/{k8sNodeGroupName}/autoscalesize
- description: "Change a K8sNodeGroup's Autoscale Size"
- Getsitetositevpn:
+ resourcePath: /vm/{Name}
+ description: "Terminate a specified Virtual Machine (VM)."
+ Get-Vpc:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vpn/{vpnId}
- description: "Get resource info of a site-to-site VPN (Currently, GCP-AWS is supported)"
- Postmcidynamiccheckrequest:
+ resourcePath: /vpc/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)."
+ Delete-Vpc:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /vpc/{Name}
+ description: "Delete a specified Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)."
+ Remove-Nodegroup:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /cluster/{Name}/nodegroup/{NodeGroupName}
+ description: "Remove an existing Node Group from a Cluster."
+ Delete-Csp-Disk:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /cspdisk/{Id}
+ description: "Delete a specified CSP Disk."
+ Register-Keypair:
method: post
- resourcePath: /mciDynamicCheckRequest
- description: "Check available ConnectionConfig list before create MCI Dynamically from common spec and image"
- Getreadyz:
+ resourcePath: /regkeypair
+ description: "Register a new KeyPair with the specified name and CSP ID."
+ List-All-Disk:
method: get
- resourcePath: /readyz
- description: "Check Tumblebug is ready"
- Registercspnativeresources:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /registerCspResources
- description: "Register CSP Native Resources (vNet, securityGroup, sshKey, vm) to CB-Tumblebug"
- Getcontrolmcivm:
+ resourcePath: /alldisk
+ description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Disks associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
+ Count-All-Connection:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/control/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}
- description: "Control the lifecycle of VM (suspend, resume, reboot, terminate)"
- Getsecuritygroup:
+ resourcePath: /countconnectionconfig
+ description: "Get the total number of connections."
+ Unregister-Myimage:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /regmyimage/{Name}
+ description: "Unregister a MyImage with the specified name."
+ List-Image:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup/{securityGroupId}
- description: "Get Security Group"
- Delsecuritygroup:
+ resourcePath: /vmimage
+ description: "Retrieve a list of Public Images associated with a specific connection. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/How-to-get-Image-List-with-REST-API)]"
+ Get-Vm-Spec:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /vmspec/{Name}
+ description: "Retrieve details of a specific VM spec. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/features-and-usages#2-vm-spec-%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4-%EC%A0%9C%EA%B3%B5)]"
+ List-Cloudos:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /cloudos
+ description: "Retrieve a list of supported Cloud OS."
+ List-Org-Zone:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /orgzone
+ description: "Retrieve a list of Original Zones associated with a specific connection. The response structure may vary depending on the request ConnectionName."
+ List-Region-Zone:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /regionzone
+ description: "Retrieve a list of Region Zones associated with a specific connection. đˇď¸ [[User Guide](https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-spider/wiki/REST-API-Region-Zone-Information-Guide)]"
+ List-All-Vpc:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /allvpc
+ description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
+ List-All-Keypair:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /allkeypair
+ description: "Retrieve a comprehensive list of all KeyPairs associated with a specific connection, including those mapped between CB-Spider and the CSP, only registered in CB-Spider's metadata, and only existing in the CSP."
+ Delete-Csp-Myimage:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup/{securityGroupId}
- description: "Delete Security Group"
- Getregions:
+ resourcePath: /cspmyimage/{Id}
+ description: "Delete a specified CSP MyImage."
+ cb-tumblebug:
+ Putchangek8snodegroupautoscalesize:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}/k8snodegroup/{k8sNodeGroupName}/autoscalesize
+ description: "Change a K8sNodeGroup's Autoscale Size"
+ Getnlb:
method: get
- resourcePath: /provider/{providerName}/region
- description: "Get registered region info"
- Retrieveregionlistfromcsp:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb/{nlbId}
+ description: "Get NLB"
+ Delnlb:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb/{nlbId}
+ description: "Delete NLB"
+ Putsshkey:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/sshKey/{sshKeyId}
+ description: "Update SSH Key"
+ Delsshkey:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/sshKey/{sshKeyId}
+ description: "Delete SSH Key"
+ Getsshkey:
method: get
- resourcePath: /regionFromCsp
- description: "RetrieveR all region lists from CSPs"
- Getbenchmark:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/benchmark/mci/{mciId}
- description: "Run MCI benchmark for a single performance metric and return results"
- Postinstallbenchmarkagenttomci:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/sshKey/{sshKeyId}
+ description: "Get SSH Key"
+ Lookupimage:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/installBenchmarkAgent/mci/{mciId}
- description: "Install the benchmark agent to specified MCI"
- Getallk8scluster:
+ resourcePath: /lookupImage
+ description: "Lookup image"
+ Getnlbhealth:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster
- description: "List all K8sClusters or K8sClusters' ID"
- Postk8scluster:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb/{nlbId}/healthz
+ description: "Get NLB Health"
+ Postmcipolicy:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster
- description: "Create K8sCluster Find details from https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-tumblebug/discussions/1614"
- Deleteallk8scluster:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/policy/mci/{mciId}
+ description: "Create MCI Automation policy"
+ Delmcipolicy:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster
- description: "Delete all K8sClusters"
- Inspectresources:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /inspectResources
- description: "Inspect Resources (vNet, securityGroup, sshKey, vm) registered in CB-Tumblebug, CB-Spider, CSP"
- Postmcivmsnapshot:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}/snapshot
- description: "Snapshot VM and create a Custom Image Object using the Snapshot"
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/policy/mci/{mciId}
+ description: "Delete MCI Policy"
+ Getmcipolicy:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/policy/mci/{mciId}
+ description: "Get MCI Policy"
method: post
resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/registerCspResource/vNet/{vNetId}/subnet
description: "Register Subnet, which was created in CSP"
- Delallsharedresources:
+ Postfirewallrules:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup/{securityGroupId}/rules
+ description: "Create FirewallRules"
+ Delfirewallrules:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/sharedResources
- description: "Delete all Default Resource Objects in the given namespace"
- Getconnconfig:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup/{securityGroupId}/rules
+ description: "Delete FirewallRules"
+ Registercspnativeresourcesall:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /registerCspResourcesAll
+ description: "Register CSP Native Resources (vNet, securityGroup, sshKey, vm) from all Clouds to CB-Tumblebug"
+ Inspectresourcesoverview:
method: get
- resourcePath: /connConfig/{connConfigName}
- description: "Get registered ConnConfig info"
- Fetchspecs:
+ resourcePath: /inspectResourcesOverview
+ description: "Inspect Resources Overview (vNet, securityGroup, sshKey, vm) registered in CB-Tumblebug and CSP for all connections"
+ Putupgradek8scluster:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}/upgrade
+ description: "Upgrade a K8sCluster's version"
+ Getsitetositevpn:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vpn/{vpnId}
+ description: "Get resource info of a site-to-site VPN (Currently, GCP-AWS is supported)"
+ Postinstallmonitoragenttomci:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/fetchSpecs
- description: "Fetch specs"
- Getallimage:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/monitoring/install/mci/{mciId}
+ description: "Install monitoring agent (CB-Dragonfly agent) to MCI"
+ Putmonitoragentstatusinstalled:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/monitoring/status/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}
+ description: "Set monitoring agent (CB-Dragonfly agent) installation status installed (for Windows VM only)"
+ Getvnet:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/image
- description: "List all images or images' ID"
- Postimage:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet/{vNetId}
+ description: "Get VNet"
+ Delvnet:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet/{vNetId}
+ description: "Delete VNet\n- withsubnets: delete VNet and its subnets\n- refine: delete information of VNet and its subnets if there's no info/resource in Spider/CSP\n- force: delete VNet and its subnets regardless of the status of info/resource in Spider/CSP"
+ Removelabel:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /label/{labelType}/{uid}/{key}
+ description: "Remove a label from a resource identified by its uid"
+ Deletederegistersubnet:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/deregisterCspResource/vNet/{vNetId}/subnet/{subnetId}
+ description: "Deregister Subnet, which was created in CSP"
+ Postsystemmci:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/image
- description: "Register image"
- Delallimage:
+ resourcePath: /systemMci
+ description: "Create System MCI Dynamically for Special Purpose"
+ Getk8sclusterinfo:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /k8sClusterInfo
+ description: "Get kubernetes cluster information"
+ Deletek8snodegroup:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/image
- description: "Delete all images"
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}/k8snodegroup/{k8sNodeGroupName}
+ description: "Remove a K8sNodeGroup"
+ Getmci:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}
+ description: "Get MCI object (option: status, accessInfo, vmId)"
+ Delmci:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}
+ description: "Delete MCI"
method: post
resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/searchImage
description: "Search image"
- Getallvnet:
+ Getallsecuritygroup:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet
- description: "List all VNets or VNets' ID"
- Postvnet:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup
+ description: "List all Security Groups or Security Groups' ID"
+ Postsecuritygroup:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet
- description: "Create a new VNet"
- Delallvnet:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup
+ description: "Create Security Group"
+ Delallsecuritygroup:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet
- description: "Delete all VNets"
- Registercspnativeresourcesall:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /registerCspResourcesAll
- description: "Register CSP Native Resources (vNet, securityGroup, sshKey, vm) from all Clouds to CB-Tumblebug"
- Postk8snodegroup:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup
+ description: "Delete all Security Groups"
+ Postinstallbenchmarkagenttomci:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}/k8snodegroup
- description: "Add a K8sNodeGroup"
- Getsitesinmci:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/site
- description: "Get sites in MCI"
- Putmonitoragentstatusinstalled:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/monitoring/status/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}
- description: "Set monitoring agent (CB-Dragonfly agent) installation status installed (for Windows VM only)"
- Createsharedresource:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/installBenchmarkAgent/mci/{mciId}
+ description: "Install the benchmark agent to specified MCI"
+ Lookupspeclist:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/sharedResource
- description: "Create shared resources for MC-Infra"
- Postteststreamresponse:
+ resourcePath: /lookupSpecs
+ description: "Lookup spec list"
+ Postmcivm:
method: post
- resourcePath: /testStreamResponse
- description: "Receives a number and streams the decrementing number every second until zero"
- Putupgradek8scluster:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}/upgrade
- description: "Upgrade a K8sCluster's version"
- Getalldatadisk:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm
+ description: "Create and add homogeneous VMs(subGroup) to a specified MCI (Set subGroupSize for multiple VMs)"
+ Getallcustomimage:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/dataDisk
- description: "List all Data Disks or Data Disks' ID"
- Postdatadisk:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/customImage
+ description: "List all customImages or customImages' ID"
+ Postcustomimage:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/dataDisk
- description: "Create Data Disk"
- Delalldatadisk:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/customImage
+ description: "Register existing Custom Image in a CSP (option=register)"
+ Delallcustomimage:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/dataDisk
- description: "Delete all Data Disks"
- Fetchimages:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/fetchImages
- description: "Fetch images"
- Putsitetositevpn:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /stream-response/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vpn/{vpnId}
- description: "(To be provided) Update a site-to-site VPN"
- Postsitetositevpn:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/customImage
+ description: "Delete all customImages"
+ Createsharedresource:
method: post
- resourcePath: /stream-response/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vpn/{vpnId}
- description: "Create a site-to-site VPN (Currently, GCP-AWS is supported)"
- Deletesitetositevpn:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/sharedResource
+ description: "Create shared resources for MC-Infra"
+ Deleteobjects:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /stream-response/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vpn/{vpnId}
- description: "Delete a site-to-site VPN (Currently, GCP-AWS is supported)"
- Loadassets:
+ resourcePath: /objects
+ description: "Delete child objects along with the given object"
+ Getobjects:
method: get
- resourcePath: /loadAssets
- description: "Load Common Resources from internal asset files (Spec, Image)"
- Getallmci:
+ resourcePath: /objects
+ description: "List all objects for a given key"
+ Checknodegroupsonk8screation:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci
- description: "List all MCIs or MCIs' ID"
- Postmci:
+ resourcePath: /checkNodeGroupsOnK8sCreation
+ description: "Check whether nodegroups are required during the k8scluster creation"
+ Postmcivmsnapshot:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci
- description: "Create MCI"
- Delallmci:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci
- description: "Delete all MCIs"
- Getbastionnodes:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}/snapshot
+ description: "Snapshot VM and create a Custom Image Object using the Snapshot"
+ Getcustomimage:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{targetVmId}/bastion
- description: "Get bastion nodes for a VM"
- Getobject:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/customImage/{customImageId}
+ description: "Get customImage"
+ Delcustomimage:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/customImage/{customImageId}
+ description: "Delete customImage"
+ Getrequest:
method: get
- resourcePath: /object
- description: "Get value of an object"
- Deleteobject:
+ resourcePath: /request/{reqId}
+ description: "Get details of a specific request"
+ Deleterequest:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /object
- description: "Delete an object"
- Postmcidynamic:
+ resourcePath: /request/{reqId}
+ description: "Delete details of a specific request"
+ Getbenchmark:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mciDynamic
- description: "Create MCI Dynamically from common spec and image"
- Putsshkey:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/benchmark/mci/{mciId}
+ description: "Run MCI benchmark for a single performance metric and return results"
+ Registercredential:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /credential
+ description: "This API registers credential information using hybrid encryption. The process involves compressing and encrypting sensitive data with AES-256, encrypting the AES key with a 4096-bit RSA public key (retrieved via `GET /credential/publicKey`), and using OAEP padding with SHA-256. All values, including the AES key, must be base64 encoded before sending, and the public key token ID must be included in the request."
+ Getspec:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/spec/{specId}
+ description: "Get spec"
+ Putspec:
method: put
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/sshKey/{sshKeyId}
- description: "Update SSH Key"
- Delsshkey:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/spec/{specId}
+ description: "Update spec"
+ Delspec:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/sshKey/{sshKeyId}
- description: "Delete SSH Key"
- Getsshkey:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/sshKey/{sshKeyId}
- description: "Get SSH Key"
- Getvnet:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/spec/{specId}
+ description: "Delete spec"
+ Postfiletomci:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/transferFile/mci/{mciId}
+ description: "Transfer a file to specified MCI to the specified path.\nThe file size should be less than 10MB.\nNot for gerneral file transfer but for specific purpose (small configuration files)."
+ Getconfig:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet/{vNetId}
- description: "Get VNet"
- Delvnet:
+ resourcePath: /config/{configId}
+ description: "Get config"
+ Initconfig:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet/{vNetId}
- description: "Delete VNet"
+ resourcePath: /config/{configId}
+ description: "Init config"
method: get
resourcePath: /provider/{providerName}/region/{regionName}
description: "Get registered region info"
- Getk8sclusterinfo:
+ Getlatencybenchmark:
method: get
- resourcePath: /k8sClusterInfo
- description: "Get kubernetes cluster information"
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/benchmarkLatency/mci/{mciId}
+ description: "Run MCI benchmark for network latency"
+ Getmcigroupvms:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/subgroup/{subgroupId}
+ description: "List VMs with a SubGroup label in a specified MCI"
+ Postmcisubgroupscaleout:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/subgroup/{subgroupId}
+ description: "ScaleOut subGroup in specified MCI"
method: get
resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}
@@ -969,50 +961,26 @@ serviceActions:
method: delete
resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}
description: "Delete VM in specified MCI"
- Postvmdatadisk:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}/dataDisk
- description: "Provisioning (Create and attach) dataDisk"
- Getvmdatadisk:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}/dataDisk
- description: "Get available dataDisks for a VM"
- Putvmdatadisk:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}/dataDisk
- description: "Attach/Detach available dataDisk"
- Postfirewallrules:
+ Filterspecsbyrange:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup/{securityGroupId}/rules
- description: "Create FirewallRules"
- Delfirewallrules:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup/{securityGroupId}/rules
- description: "Delete FirewallRules"
- Getresourcesbylabelselector:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /resources/{labelType}
- description: "Get resources based on a label selector. The label selector supports the following operators:\n- `=` : Selects resources where the label key equals the specified value (e.g., `env=production`).\n- `!=` : Selects resources where the label key does not equal the specified value (e.g., `tier!=frontend`).\n- `in` : Selects resources where the label key is in the specified set of values (e.g., `region in (us-west, us-east)`).\n- `notin` : Selects resources where the label key is not in the specified set of values (e.g., `env notin (production, staging)`).\n- `exists` : Selects resources where the label key exists (e.g., `env exists`).\n- `!exists` : Selects resources where the label key does not exist (e.g., `env !exists`)."
- Lookupspeclist:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/filterSpecsByRange
+ description: "Filter specs by range"
+ Postutiltodesignvnet:
method: post
- resourcePath: /lookupSpecs
- description: "Lookup spec list"
- Getmcigroupvms:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/subgroup/{subgroupId}
- description: "List VMs with a SubGroup label in a specified MCI"
- Postmcisubgroupscaleout:
+ resourcePath: /util/vNet/design
+ description: "Design VNet and subnets based on user-friendly properties"
+ Forwardanyreqtoany:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/subgroup/{subgroupId}
- description: "ScaleOut subGroup in specified MCI"
- Setbastionnodes:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{targetVmId}/bastion/{bastionVmId}
- description: "Set bastion nodes for a VM"
- Getavailablek8sclusterversion:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /availableK8sClusterVersion
- description: "Get available kubernetes cluster version"
+ resourcePath: /forward/{path}
+ description: "Forward any (GET) request to CB-Spider"
+ Postk8snodegroup:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}/k8snodegroup
+ description: "Add a K8sNodeGroup"
+ Inspectresources:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /inspectResources
+ description: "Inspect Resources (vNet, securityGroup, sshKey, vm) registered in CB-Tumblebug, CB-Spider, CSP"
method: get
resourcePath: /config
@@ -1025,74 +993,10 @@ serviceActions:
method: delete
resourcePath: /config
description: "Init all configs"
- Getns:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}
- description: "Get namespace"
- Putns:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}
- description: "Update namespace"
- Delns:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}
- description: "Delete namespace"
- Deletederegistersubnet:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/deregisterCspResource/vNet/{vNetId}/subnet/{subnetId}
- description: "Deregister Subnet, which was created in CSP"
- Addnlbvms:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb/{nlbId}/vm
- description: "Add VMs to NLB"
- Removenlbvms:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb/{nlbId}/vm
- description: "Delete VMs from NLB"
- Postutiltovalidatenetwork:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /util/net/validate
- description: "Validate a hierarchical configuration of a VPC network or multi-cloud network consisting of multiple VPC networks"
method: get
resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/control/mci/{mciId}
description: "Control the lifecycle of MCI (refine, suspend, resume, reboot, terminate)"
- Getmcipolicy:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/policy/mci/{mciId}
- description: "Get MCI Policy"
- Postmcipolicy:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/policy/mci/{mciId}
- description: "Create MCI Automation policy"
- Delmcipolicy:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/policy/mci/{mciId}
- description: "Delete MCI Policy"
- Postspec:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/spec
- description: "Register spec"
- Postregistercspnativevm:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/registerCspVm
- description: "Register existing VM in a CSP to Cloud-Barista MCI"
- Getallcustomimage:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/customImage
- description: "List all customImages or customImages' ID"
- Postcustomimage:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/customImage
- description: "Register existing Custom Image in a CSP (option=register)"
- Delallcustomimage:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/customImage
- description: "Delete all customImages"
- Postsshkey:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/sshKey
- description: "Create SSH Key"
method: delete
resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/sshKey
@@ -1101,289 +1005,428 @@ serviceActions:
method: get
resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/sshKey
description: "List all SSH Keys or SSH Keys' ID"
- Checknodegroupsonk8screation:
+ Postsshkey:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/sshKey
+ description: "Create SSH Key"
+ Getavailablek8sclusterversion:
method: get
- resourcePath: /checkNodeGroupsOnK8sCreation
- description: "Check whether nodegroups are required during the k8scluster creation"
- Getconnconfiglist:
+ resourcePath: /availableK8sClusterVersion
+ description: "Get available kubernetes cluster version"
+ Getallmcipolicy:
method: get
- resourcePath: /connConfig
- description: "List all registered ConnConfig"
- Putsetk8snodegroupautoscaling:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}/k8snodegroup/{k8sNodeGroupName}/onautoscaling
- description: "Set a K8sNodeGroup's Autoscaling On/Off"
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/policy/mci
+ description: "List all MCI policies"
+ Delallmcipolicy:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/policy/mci
+ description: "Delete all MCI policies"
+ Postutiltovalidatenetwork:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /util/net/validate
+ description: "Validate a hierarchical configuration of a VPC network or multi-cloud network consisting of multiple VPC networks"
+ Getbastionnodes:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{targetVmId}/bastion
+ description: "Get bastion nodes for a VM"
method: get
resourcePath: /provider
description: "List all registered Providers"
- Getrequest:
+ Getallbenchmark:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/benchmarkAll/mci/{mciId}
+ description: "Run MCI benchmark for all performance metrics and return results"
+ Getallk8scluster:
method: get
- resourcePath: /request/{reqId}
- description: "Get details of a specific request"
- Deleterequest:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster
+ description: "List all K8sClusters or K8sClusters' ID"
+ Postk8scluster:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster
+ description: "Create K8sCluster Find details from https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-tumblebug/discussions/1614"
+ Deleteallk8scluster:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /request/{reqId}
- description: "Delete details of a specific request"
- Registercredential:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster
+ description: "Delete all K8sClusters"
+ Getsitesinmci:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/site
+ description: "Get sites in MCI"
+ Getmonitordata:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/monitoring/mci/{mciId}/metric/{metric}
+ description: "Get monitoring data of specified MCI for specified monitoring metric (cpu, memory, disk, network)"
+ Postmcidynamiccheckrequest:
method: post
- resourcePath: /credential
- description: "This API registers credential information using hybrid encryption. The process involves compressing and encrypting sensitive data with AES-256, encrypting the AES key with a 4096-bit RSA public key (retrieved via `GET /credential/publicKey`), and using OAEP padding with SHA-256. All values, including the AES key, must be base64 encoded before sending, and the public key token ID must be included in the request."
+ resourcePath: /mciDynamicCheckRequest
+ description: "Check available ConnectionConfig list before create MCI Dynamically from common spec and image"
+ Getconnconfig:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /connConfig/{connConfigName}
+ description: "Get registered ConnConfig info"
method: get
resourcePath: /credential/publicKey
description: "Generates an RSA key pair using a 4096-bit key size with the RSA algorithm. The public key is generated using the RSA algorithm with OAEP padding and SHA-256 as the hash function. This key is used to encrypt an AES key that will be used for hybrid encryption of credentials."
- Createorupdatelabel:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /label/{labelType}/{uid}
- description: "Create or update a label for a resource identified by its uid"
- Getlabels:
+ Getallmci:
method: get
- resourcePath: /label/{labelType}/{uid}
- description: "Get labels for a resource identified by its uid"
- Recommendvm:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci
+ description: "List all MCIs or MCIs' ID"
+ Postmci:
method: post
- resourcePath: /mciRecommendVm
- description: "Recommend MCI plan (filter and priority) Find details from https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-tumblebug/discussions/1234"
- Getnlbhealth:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci
+ description: "Create MCI"
+ Delallmci:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci
+ description: "Delete all MCIs"
+ Getallnlb:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb/{nlbId}/healthz
- description: "Get NLB Health"
- Getcustomimage:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb
+ description: "List all NLBs or NLBs' ID"
+ Postnlb:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb
+ description: "Create NLB"
+ Delallnlb:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb
+ description: "Delete all NLBs"
+ Registercspnativeresources:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /registerCspResources
+ description: "Register CSP Native Resources (vNet, securityGroup, sshKey, vm) to CB-Tumblebug"
+ Testjwtauth:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/customImage/{customImageId}
- description: "Get customImage"
- Delcustomimage:
+ resourcePath: /auth/test
+ description: "Test JWT authentication"
+ Deletederegistervnet:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/customImage/{customImageId}
- description: "Delete customImage"
- Getspec:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/deregisterCspResource/vNet/{vNetId}
+ description: "Deregister the VNet, which was created in CSP"
+ Delallimage:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/image
+ description: "Delete all images"
+ Getallimage:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/spec/{specId}
- description: "Get spec"
- Putspec:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/image
+ description: "List all images or images' ID"
+ Postimage:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/image
+ description: "Register image"
+ Getallsubnet:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet/{vNetId}/subnet
+ description: "List all subnets"
+ Postsubnet:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet/{vNetId}/subnet
+ description: "Create Subnet"
+ Delallsharedresources:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/sharedResources
+ description: "Delete all Default Resource Objects in the given namespace"
+ Retrieveregionlistfromcsp:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /regionFromCsp
+ description: "RetrieveR all region lists from CSPs"
+ Getcontrolmcivm:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/control/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}
+ description: "Control the lifecycle of VM (suspend, resume, reboot, terminate)"
+ Putsitetositevpn:
method: put
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/spec/{specId}
- description: "Update spec"
- Delspec:
+ resourcePath: /stream-response/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vpn/{vpnId}
+ description: "(To be provided) Update a site-to-site VPN"
+ Postsitetositevpn:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /stream-response/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vpn/{vpnId}
+ description: "Create a site-to-site VPN (Currently, GCP-AWS is supported)"
+ Deletesitetositevpn:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/spec/{specId}
- description: "Delete spec"
- Getsystemlabelinfo:
+ resourcePath: /stream-response/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vpn/{vpnId}
+ description: "Delete a site-to-site VPN (Currently, GCP-AWS is supported)"
+ Postteststreamresponse:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /testStreamResponse
+ description: "Receives a number and streams the decrementing number every second until zero"
+ Getcloudinfo:
method: get
- resourcePath: /labelInfo
- description: "Return LabelTypes and system defined label keys with example"
- Delallns:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns
- description: "Delete all namespaces"
- Getallns:
+ resourcePath: /cloudInfo
+ description: "Get cloud information"
+ Putsetk8snodegroupautoscaling:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}/k8snodegroup/{k8sNodeGroupName}/onautoscaling
+ description: "Set a K8sNodeGroup's Autoscaling On/Off"
+ Checkhttpversion:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns
- description: "List all namespaces or namespaces' ID"
- Postns:
+ resourcePath: /httpVersion
+ description: "Checks and logs the HTTP version of the incoming request to the server console."
+ Postregistercspnativevm:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns
- description: "Create namespace"
- Getlatencybenchmark:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/registerCspVm
+ description: "Register existing VM in a CSP to Cloud-Barista MCI"
+ Getregions:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/benchmarkLatency/mci/{mciId}
- description: "Run MCI benchmark for network latency"
- Postmcnlb:
+ resourcePath: /provider/{providerName}/region
+ description: "Get registered region info"
+ Getconnconfiglist:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /connConfig
+ description: "List all registered ConnConfig"
+ Fetchspecs:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/mcSwNlb
- description: "Create a special purpose MCI for NLB and depoly and setting SW NLB"
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/fetchSpecs
+ description: "Fetch specs"
method: post
resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/registerCspResource/vNet
description: "Register the VNet, which was created in CSP"
- Getconfig:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /config/{configId}
- description: "Get config"
- Initconfig:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /config/{configId}
- description: "Init config"
- Checkresource:
+ Recommendvm:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /mciRecommendVm
+ description: "Recommend MCI plan (filter and priority) Find details from https://github.com/cloud-barista/cb-tumblebug/discussions/1234"
+ Getns:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/checkResource/{resourceType}/{resourceId}
- description: "Check resources' existence"
- Removebastionnodes:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/bastion/{bastionVmId}
- description: "Remove a bastion VM from all vNets"
- Delallmcipolicy:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}
+ description: "Get namespace"
+ Putns:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}
+ description: "Update namespace"
+ Delns:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/policy/mci
- description: "Delete all MCI policies"
- Getallmcipolicy:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/policy/mci
- description: "List all MCI policies"
- Postutiltodesignnetwork:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}
+ description: "Delete namespace"
+ Addnlbvms:
method: post
- resourcePath: /util/net/design
- description: "Design a hierarchical network configuration of a VPC network or multi-cloud network consisting of multiple VPC networks"
- Getcloudinfo:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /cloudInfo
- description: "Get cloud information"
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb/{nlbId}/vm
+ description: "Add VMs to NLB"
+ Removenlbvms:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb/{nlbId}/vm
+ description: "Delete VMs from NLB"
method: get
resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/subgroup
description: "List SubGroup IDs in a specified MCI"
- Filterspecsbyrange:
+ Setbastionnodes:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{targetVmId}/bastion/{bastionVmId}
+ description: "Set bastion nodes for a VM"
+ Postmcidynamic:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/filterSpecsByRange
- description: "Filter specs by range"
- Postfiletomci:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mciDynamic
+ description: "Create MCI Dynamically from common spec and image"
+ Putdatadisk:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/dataDisk/{dataDiskId}
+ description: "Upsize Data Disk"
+ Deldatadisk:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/dataDisk/{dataDiskId}
+ description: "Delete Data Disk"
+ Getdatadisk:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/dataDisk/{dataDiskId}
+ description: "Get Data Disk"
+ Postspec:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/transferFile/mci/{mciId}
- description: "Transfer a file to specified MCI to the specified path.\nThe file size should be less than 10MB.\nNot for gerneral file transfer but for specific purpose (small configuration files)."
- Deleteallrequests:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/spec
+ description: "Register spec"
+ Getavailablek8sclusternodeimage:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /availableK8sClusterNodeImage
+ description: "(UNDER DEVELOPMENT!!!) Get available kubernetes cluster node image"
+ Delallvnet:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /requests
- description: "Delete details of all requests"
- Getallrequests:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet
+ description: "Delete all VNets"
+ Getallvnet:
method: get
- resourcePath: /requests
- description: "Get details of all requests with optional filters."
- Inspectresourcesoverview:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet
+ description: "List all VNets or VNets' ID"
+ Postvnet:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet
+ description: "Create a new VNet"
+ Getsecuritygroup:
method: get
- resourcePath: /inspectResourcesOverview
- description: "Inspect Resources Overview (vNet, securityGroup, sshKey, vm) registered in CB-Tumblebug and CSP for all connections"
- Postmcivmdynamic:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup/{securityGroupId}
+ description: "Get Security Group"
+ Delsecuritygroup:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup/{securityGroupId}
+ description: "Delete Security Group"
+ Lookupspec:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vmDynamic
- description: "Create VM Dynamically and add it to MCI"
+ resourcePath: /lookupSpec
+ description: "Lookup spec"
method: get
resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vpn/{vpnId}/request/{requestId}
description: "Check the status of a specific request by its ID"
- Postinstallmonitoragenttomci:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/monitoring/install/mci/{mciId}
- description: "Install monitoring agent (CB-Dragonfly agent) to MCI"
- Postutiltodesignvnet:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /util/vNet/design
- description: "Design VNet and subnets based on user-friendly properties"
method: post
resourcePath: /lookupImages
description: "Lookup image list"
- Getallbenchmark:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/benchmarkAll/mci/{mciId}
- description: "Run MCI benchmark for all performance metrics and return results"
- Postsystemmci:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /systemMci
- description: "Create System MCI Dynamically for Special Purpose"
- Lookupspec:
+ Getsystemlabelinfo:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /labelInfo
+ description: "Return LabelTypes and system defined label keys with example"
+ Fetchimages:
method: post
- resourcePath: /lookupSpec
- description: "Lookup spec"
- Getallnlb:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/fetchImages
+ description: "Fetch images"
+ Getimage:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb
- description: "List all NLBs or NLBs' ID"
- Postnlb:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/image/{imageId}
+ description: "GetImage returns an image object if there are matched images for the given namespace and imageKey(Id, CspResourceName, GuestOS,...)"
+ Putimage:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/image/{imageId}
+ description: "Update image"
+ Delimage:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/image/{imageId}
+ description: "Delete image"
+ Postutiltodesignnetwork:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb
- description: "Create NLB"
- Delallnlb:
+ resourcePath: /util/net/design
+ description: "Design a hierarchical network configuration of a VPC network or multi-cloud network consisting of multiple VPC networks"
+ Removebastionnodes:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb
- description: "Delete all NLBs"
- Getallsecuritygroup:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/bastion/{bastionVmId}
+ description: "Remove a bastion VM from all vNets"
+ Delalldatadisk:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/dataDisk
+ description: "Delete all Data Disks"
+ Getalldatadisk:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup
- description: "List all Security Groups or Security Groups' ID"
- Postsecuritygroup:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/dataDisk
+ description: "List all Data Disks or Data Disks' ID"
+ Postdatadisk:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup
- description: "Create Security Group"
- Delallsecuritygroup:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/securityGroup
- description: "Delete all Security Groups"
- Getobjects:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/dataDisk
+ description: "Create Data Disk"
+ Loadassets:
method: get
- resourcePath: /objects
- description: "List all objects for a given key"
- Deleteobjects:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /objects
- description: "Delete child objects along with the given object"
+ resourcePath: /loadAssets
+ description: "Load Common Resources from internal asset files (Spec, Image)"
+ Checkresource:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/checkResource/{resourceType}/{resourceId}
+ description: "Check resources' existence"
method: post
resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/cmd/mci/{mciId}
description: "Send a command to specified MCI"
- Deletek8snodegroup:
+ Getk8scluster:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}
+ description: "Get K8sCluster"
+ Deletek8scluster:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}/k8snodegroup/{k8sNodeGroupName}
- description: "Remove a K8sNodeGroup"
- Postmcivm:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}
+ description: "Delete K8sCluster"
+ Postmcnlb:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm
- description: "Create and add homogeneous VMs(subGroup) to a specified MCI (Set subGroupSize for multiple VMs)"
- Getallsubnet:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/mcSwNlb
+ description: "Create a special purpose MCI for NLB and depoly and setting SW NLB"
+ Getvmdatadisk:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet/{vNetId}/subnet
- description: "List all subnets (metadata)"
- Postsubnet:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}/dataDisk
+ description: "Get available dataDisks for a VM"
+ Putvmdatadisk:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}/dataDisk
+ description: "Attach/Detach available dataDisk"
+ Postvmdatadisk:
method: post
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet/{vNetId}/subnet
- description: "Create Subnet"
- Getavailablek8sclusternodeimage:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}/dataDisk
+ description: "Provisioning (Create and attach) dataDisk"
+ Getsubnet:
method: get
- resourcePath: /availableK8sClusterNodeImage
- description: "Get available kubernetes cluster node image"
- Delmci:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet/{vNetId}/subnet/{subnetId}
+ description: "Get Subnet"
+ Delsubnet:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}
- description: "Delete MCI"
- Getmci:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/resources/vNet/{vNetId}/subnet/{subnetId}
+ description: "Delete Subnet\n- refine: delete information of subnet if there's no info/resource in Spider/CSP\n- force: delete subnet regardless of the status of info/resource in Spider/CSP"
+ Getresourcesbylabelselector:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}
- description: "Get MCI object (option: status, accessInfo, vmId)"
- Getnlb:
+ resourcePath: /resources/{labelType}
+ description: "Get resources based on a label selector. The label selector supports the following operators:\n- `=` : Selects resources where the label key equals the specified value (e.g., `env=production`).\n- `!=` : Selects resources where the label key does not equal the specified value (e.g., `tier!=frontend`).\n- `in` : Selects resources where the label key is in the specified set of values (e.g., `region in (us-west, us-east)`).\n- `notin` : Selects resources where the label key is not in the specified set of values (e.g., `env notin (production, staging)`).\n- `exists` : Selects resources where the label key exists (e.g., `env exists`).\n- `!exists` : Selects resources where the label key does not exist (e.g., `env !exists`)."
+ Getallns:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb/{nlbId}
- description: "Get NLB"
- Delnlb:
+ resourcePath: /ns
+ description: "List all namespaces or namespaces' ID"
+ Postns:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /ns
+ description: "Create namespace"
+ Delallns:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/nlb/{nlbId}
- description: "Delete NLB"
- Forwardanyreqtoany:
+ resourcePath: /ns
+ description: "Delete all namespaces"
+ Postmcivmdynamic:
method: post
- resourcePath: /forward/{path}
- description: "Forward any (GET) request to CB-Spider"
- Getk8scluster:
+ resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vmDynamic
+ description: "Create VM Dynamically and add it to MCI"
+ Getobject:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}
- description: "Get K8sCluster"
- Deletek8scluster:
+ resourcePath: /object
+ description: "Get value of an object"
+ Deleteobject:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}
- description: "Delete K8sCluster"
- Getmonitordata:
+ resourcePath: /object
+ description: "Delete an object"
+ Getreadyz:
method: get
- resourcePath: /ns/{nsId}/monitoring/mci/{mciId}/metric/{metric}
- description: "Get monitoring data of specified MCI for specified monitoring metric (cpu, memory, disk, network)"
+ resourcePath: /readyz
+ description: "Check Tumblebug is ready"
+ Getallrequests:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /requests
+ description: "Get details of all requests with optional filters."
+ Deleteallrequests:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /requests
+ description: "Delete details of all requests"
+ Getlabels:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /label/{labelType}/{uid}
+ description: "Get labels for a resource identified by its uid"
+ Createorupdatelabel:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /label/{labelType}/{uid}
+ description: "Create or update a label for a resource identified by its uid"
- Deleteinfra:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /migration/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}
- description: "Delete the migrated mult-cloud infrastructure (MCI)"
+ Testtracing:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /test/tracing
+ description: "Test tracing to Tumblebug"
+ Checkhttpversion:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /httpVersion
+ description: "Checks and logs the HTTP version of the incoming request to the server console."
+ Migrateinfra:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /migration/ns/{nsId}/mci
+ description: "Migrate an infrastructure to the multi-cloud infrastructure (MCI)"
method: get
resourcePath: /migration/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}
description: "Get the migrated multi-cloud infrastructure (MCI)"
+ Deleteinfra:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /migration/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}
+ description: "Delete the migrated mult-cloud infrastructure (MCI)"
method: get
resourcePath: /readyz
@@ -1391,15 +1434,15 @@ serviceActions:
method: post
resourcePath: /recommendation/mci
- description: "Recommend an appropriate multi-cloud infrastructure (MCI) for cloud migration"
- Createuser:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /sample/users
- description: "Create a new user with the given information."
+ description: "Recommend an appropriate multi-cloud infrastructure (MCI) for cloud migration\n\n[Note] `desiredProvider` and `desiredRegion` are required.\n- `desiredProvider` and `desiredRegion` can set on the query parameter or the request body.\n\n- If desiredProvider and desiredRegion are set on request body, the values in the query parameter will be ignored."
method: get
resourcePath: /sample/users
description: "Get information of all users."
+ Createuser:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /sample/users
+ description: "Create a new user with the given information."
method: get
resourcePath: /sample/users/{id}
@@ -1416,112 +1459,150 @@ serviceActions:
method: patch
resourcePath: /sample/users/{id}
description: "Patch a user with the given information."
- Checkhttpversion:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /httpVersion
- description: "Checks and logs the HTTP version of the incoming request to the server console."
- Migrateinfra:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /migration/ns/{nsId}/mci
- description: "Migrate an infrastructure to the multi-cloud infrastructure (MCI)"
- Testtracing:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /test/tracing
- description: "Test tracing to Tumblebug"
- GetLoadTestMetrics:
+ Getestimatecost:
method: get
- resourcePath: /api/v1/load/test/metrics
- description: "Retrieve load test metrics based on provided parameters."
- GetLoadTestExecutionState:
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/cost/estimate
+ description: "Fetch estimated cost details based on provider, region, instance type, and resource specifications. Pagination support is provided through `Page` and `Size` parameters."
+ Updateandgetestimatecost:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/cost/estimate
+ description: "Update the estimate cost based on provided specifications and retrieve the updated cost estimation. Required fields for each specification include `ProviderName`, `RegionName`, and `InstanceType`. Specifications can also be provided in a formatted string using `+` delimiter."
+ Getallmonitoringagentinfos:
method: get
- resourcePath: /api/v1/load/tests/state/{loadTestKey}
- description: "Retrieve a load test execution state by load test key."
- GetLoadTestExecutionInfo:
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/load/monitoring/agents
+ description: "Retrieve monitoring agent information based on specified criteria."
+ Uninstallmonitoringagent:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/load/monitoring/agents/uninstall
+ description: "Uninstall monitoring agents from specified VMs or all VMs in an mci."
+ Getloadtestresult:
method: get
- resourcePath: /api/v1/load/tests/infos/{loadTestKey}
- description: "Retrieve the load test execution state information for a specific load test key."
- RunLoadTest:
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/load/test/result
+ description: "Retrieve load test result based on provided parameters."
+ Runloadtest:
method: post
resourcePath: /api/v1/load/tests/run
description: "Start a load test using the provided load test configuration."
- StopLoadTest:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /api/v1/load/tests/stop
- description: "Stop a running load test using the provided load test key."
- InstallLoadGenerator:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /api/v1/load/generators
- description: "Install a load generator either locally or remotely."
- GetAllLoadGeneratorInstallInfo:
+ Getloadtestexecutionstate:
method: get
- resourcePath: /api/v1/load/generators
- description: "Retrieve a list of all installed load generators with pagination support."
- InstallMonitoringAgent:
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/load/tests/state/{loadTestKey}
+ description: "Retrieve a load test execution state by load test key."
+ Antserverreadiness:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /readyz
+ description: "This endpoint checks if the CB-Ant API server is ready by verifying the status of both the load service and the cost service. If either service is unavailable, it returns a 503 status indicating the server is not ready."
+ Uninstallloadgenerator:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/load/generators/{loadGeneratorInstallInfoId}
+ description: "Uninstall a previously installed load generator."
+ Installmonitoringagent:
method: post
resourcePath: /api/v1/load/monitoring/agent/install
description: "Install a monitoring agent on specific mci."
- GetLoadTestResult:
+ Getloadtestmetrics:
method: get
- resourcePath: /api/v1/load/test/result
- description: "Retrieve load test result based on provided parameters."
- GetAllLoadTestExecutionInfos:
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/load/test/metrics
+ description: "Retrieve load test metrics based on provided parameters."
+ Getallloadtestexecutioninfos:
method: get
resourcePath: /api/v1/load/tests/infos
description: "Retrieve a list of all load test execution information with pagination support."
- UninstallLoadGenerator:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /api/v1/load/generators/{loadGeneratorInstallInfoId}
- description: "Uninstall a previously installed load generator."
- GetAllMonitoringAgentInfos:
+ Getloadtestexecutioninfo:
method: get
- resourcePath: /api/v1/load/monitoring/agents
- description: "Retrieve monitoring agent information based on specified criteria."
- UninstallMonitoringAgent:
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/load/tests/infos/{loadTestKey}
+ description: "Retrieve the load test execution state information for a specific load test key."
+ Getlastloadtestexecutionstate:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/load/tests/state/last
+ description: "Retrieve a last load test execution state by given ids."
+ Updateestimateforecastcostraw:
method: post
- resourcePath: /api/v1/load/monitoring/agents/uninstall
- description: "Uninstall monitoring agents from specified VMs or all VMs in an mci."
- GetCostInfo:
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/cost/estimate/forecast/raw
+ description: "Update and retrieve raw forecasted cost estimates for specified cost resources and additional AWS information over the past 14 days."
+ Getallloadgeneratorinstallinfo:
method: get
- resourcePath: /api/v1/cost/info
- description: "Retrieve cost information for specified parameters within a defined date range. The date range must be within a 6-month period. Optionally, you can specify cost aggregation type and date order for the results."
- UpdateCostInfo:
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/load/generators
+ description: "Retrieve a list of all installed load generators with pagination support."
+ Installloadgenerator:
method: post
- resourcePath: /api/v1/cost/info
- description: "Update cost information for specified resources, including details such as migration ID, cost resources, and additional AWS info if applicable. The request body must include a valid migration ID and a list of cost resources. If AWS-specific details are provided, ensure all required fields are populated."
- GetAllLoadTestExecutionState:
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/load/generators
+ description: "Install a load generator either locally or remotely."
+ Getallloadtestexecutionstate:
method: get
resourcePath: /api/v1/load/tests/state
description: "Retrieve a list of all load test execution states with pagination support."
- GetPriceInfos:
+ Getestimateforecastcost:
method: get
- resourcePath: /api/v1/price/info
- description: "Retrieve pricing information for cloud resources based on specified query parameters. Returns price data based on provider, region, instance type, vCPU, memory, and OS type. It offer instances with the lowest monthly prices what in the database."
- UpdatePriceInfos:
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/cost/estimate/forecast
+ description: "Fetch estimated forecast cost data based on specified parameters, including a date range that must be within 6 months. Supports pagination and filtering by namespace IDs, migration configuration IDs, and resource types."
+ Updateestimateforecastcost:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/cost/estimate/forecast
+ description: "Update and retrieve forecasted cost estimates for a specified namespace and migration configuration ID over the past 14 days."
+ Stoploadtest:
method: post
- resourcePath: /api/v1/price/info
- description: "Retrieve pricing information for cloud resources based on specified parameters. If saved data is more than 7 days, fetch new data and insert new price data even if same price as before."
+ resourcePath: /api/v1/load/tests/stop
+ description: "Stop a running load test using the provided load test key."
- Import-Software-Source-Group:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/import/software
- description: "Import software information for all connections in the source group."
- Get-Infra-Info-Source-Group:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/infra
- description: "Get the infra information for all connections in the source group."
- Run-Benchmark-Info:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /bench/{connId}/run
- description: "Run the benchmark information of the connection information. If no Benchmark Agent is present on the connected server, it will be automatically installed, and the benchmark will be executed."
method: get
resourcePath: /readyz
description: "Check Honeybee is ready"
+ Get-Software-Info:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/software
+ description: "Get the software information of the connection information."
+ Get-Infra-Info-Source-Group-Refined:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/infra/refined
+ description: "Get the refined infra information for all connections in the source group."
+ Get-Benchmark-Info:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /bench/{connId}
+ description: "Get the benchmark information of the connection information."
+ Import-Helm:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/import/helm
+ description: "Import the helm information."
+ Import-Infra-Source-Group:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/import/infra
+ description: "Import infra information for all connections in the source group."
+ Get-Software-Info-Source-Group:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/software
+ description: "Get the software information for all connections in the source group."
+ Stop-Benchmark:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /bench/{connId}/stop
+ description: "Stop the benchmark"
+ Get-Connection-Info-Directly:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /connection_info/{connId}
+ description: "Get the connection information directly."
+ Get-Source-Group:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}
+ description: "Get the source group."
+ Update-Source-Group:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}
+ description: "Update the source group."
+ Delete-Source-Group:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}
+ description: "Delete the source group."
+ List-Connection-Info:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info
+ description: "Get a list of connection information."
+ Create-Connection-Info:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info
+ description: "Create the connection information."
method: get
resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}
@@ -1533,27 +1614,47 @@ serviceActions:
method: delete
resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}
- description: "Delete the connection information."
- Import-Kubernetes:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/import/kubernetes
- description: "Import the kubernetes information."
+ description: "Delete the connection information."
method: get
resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/kubernetes
description: "Get the kubernetes information of the connection information."
- Get-Software-Info:
+ Get-Helm-Info-Source-Group:
method: get
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/software
- description: "Get the software information of the connection information."
- Get-Infra-Info-Source-Group-Refined:
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/helm
+ description: "Get the helm information for all connections in the source group."
+ Get-Kubernetes-Info-Source-Group:
method: get
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/infra/refined
- description: "Get the refined infra information for all connections in the source group."
- Get-Connection-Info-Directly:
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/kubernetes
+ description: "Get the kubernetes information for all connections in the source group."
+ Import-Kubernetes-Source-Group:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/import/kubernetes
+ description: "Import kubernetes information for all connections in the source group."
+ Import-Software-Source-Group:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/import/software
+ description: "Import software information for all connections in the source group."
+ Get-Infra-Info-Source-Group:
method: get
- resourcePath: /connection_info/{connId}
- description: "Get the connection information directly."
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/infra
+ description: "Get the infra information for all connections in the source group."
+ Refresh-Source-Group-Connection-Info-Status:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/refresh
+ description: "Refresh connection info status of the source group."
+ Import-Infra:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/import/infra
+ description: "Import the infra information."
+ Get-Infra-Info-Refined:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/infra/refined
+ description: "Get the refined infra information of the connection information."
+ Import-Helm-Source-Group:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/import/helm
+ description: "Import helm information for all connections in the source group."
method: get
resourcePath: /source_group
@@ -1562,92 +1663,60 @@ serviceActions:
method: post
resourcePath: /source_group
description: "Register the source group."
- List-Connection-Info:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info
- description: "Get a list of connection information."
- Create-Connection-Info:
+ Import-Kubernetes:
method: post
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info
- description: "Create the connection information."
- Import-Infra:
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/import/kubernetes
+ description: "Import the kubernetes information."
+ Run-Benchmark-Info:
method: post
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/import/infra
- description: "Import the infra information."
+ resourcePath: /bench/{connId}/run
+ description: "Run the benchmark information of the connection information. If no Benchmark Agent is present on the connected server, it will be automatically installed, and the benchmark will be executed."
+ Get-Helm-Info:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/helm
+ description: "Get the helm information of the connection information."
method: post
resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/import/software
description: "Import the software information."
- Get-Kubernetes-Info-Source-Group:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/kubernetes
- description: "Get the kubernetes information for all connections in the source group."
- Stop-Benchmark:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /bench/{connId}/stop
- description: "Stop the benchmark"
method: get
resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/infra
description: "Get the infra information of the connection information."
- Import-Infra-Source-Group:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/import/infra
- description: "Import infra information for all connections in the source group."
method: post
resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/target
description: "Register target information to the source group."
- Get-Benchmark-Info:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /bench/{connId}
- description: "Get the benchmark information of the connection information."
- Update-Source-Group:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}
- description: "Update the source group."
- Delete-Source-Group:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}
- description: "Delete the source group."
- Get-Source-Group:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}
- description: "Get the source group."
- Get-Infra-Info-Refined:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/connection_info/{connId}/infra/refined
- description: "Get the refined infra information of the connection information."
- Import-Kubernetes-Source-Group:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/import/kubernetes
- description: "Import kubernetes information for all connections in the source group."
- Refresh-Source-Group-Connection-Info-Status:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/refresh
- description: "Refresh connection info status of the source group."
- Get-Software-Info-Source-Group:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /source_group/{sgId}/software
- description: "Get the software information for all connections in the source group."
- Get-Task:
+ List-Task-Component:
method: get
- resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/task/{taskId}
- description: "Get the task."
- List-Task-From-Task-Group:
+ resourcePath: /task_component
+ description: "Get a list of task component."
+ Create-Task-Component:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /task_component
+ description: "Register the task component."
+ List-Workflow:
method: get
- resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/task_group/{tgId}/task
- description: "Get a task list from the task group."
- Get-Task-From-Task-Group:
+ resourcePath: /workflow
+ description: "Get a workflow list."
+ Create-Workflow:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /workflow
+ description: "Create a workflow."
+ Get-Workflow-By-Name:
method: get
- resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/task_group/{tgId}/task/{taskId}
- description: "Get the task from the task group."
- Health-Check-Readyz:
+ resourcePath: /workflow/name/{wfName}
+ description: "Get the workflow by name."
+ Get-Event-Logs:
method: get
- resourcePath: /readyz
- description: "Check Cicada is ready"
+ resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/eventlogs
+ description: "Get Eventlog."
+ Get-Task-Instances:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/workflowRun/{wfRunId}/taskInstances
+ description: "Get the task Logs."
method: get
resourcePath: /task/{taskId}
@@ -1656,30 +1725,10 @@ serviceActions:
method: get
resourcePath: /task_component/name/{tcName}
description: "Get the task component by name."
- Run-Workflow:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/run
- description: "Run the workflow."
method: get
resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/runs
description: "Get the task Logs."
- List-Workflow-Template:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /workflow_template
- description: "Get a list of workflow template."
- Get-Workflow-Template:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /workflow_template/{wftId}
- description: "Get the workflow template."
- Get-Task-Group-Directly:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /task_group/{tgId}
- description: "Get the task group directly."
- Get-Event-Logs:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/eventlogs
- description: "Get Eventlog."
method: get
resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/task_group/{tgId}
@@ -1692,14 +1741,54 @@ serviceActions:
method: get
resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/workflowRun/{wfRunId}/task/{taskId}/taskTryNum/{taskTyNum}/logs
description: "Get the task Logs."
+ Get-Workflow-Template-By-Name:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /workflow_template/name/{wfName}
+ description: "Get the workflow template by name."
+ Get-Workflow-Template:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /workflow_template/{wftId}
+ description: "Get the workflow template."
method: get
resourcePath: /importErrors
description: "Get the importErrors."
- Delete-Task-Component:
+ Get-Task-Group-Directly:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /task_group/{tgId}
+ description: "Get the task group directly."
+ Get-Workflow:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}
+ description: "Get the workflow."
+ Update-Workflow:
+ method: put
+ resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}
+ description: "Update the workflow content."
+ Delete-Workflow:
method: delete
- resourcePath: /task_component/{tcId}
- description: "Delete the task component."
+ resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}
+ description: "Delete the workflow."
+ Run-Workflow:
+ method: post
+ resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/run
+ description: "Run the workflow."
+ List-Task:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/task
+ description: "Get a task list of the workflow."
+ List-Task-From-Task-Group:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/task_group/{tgId}/task
+ description: "Get a task list from the task group."
+ List-Workflow-Template:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /workflow_template
+ description: "Get a list of workflow template."
+ Health-Check-Readyz:
+ method: get
+ resourcePath: /readyz
+ description: "Check Cicada is ready"
method: get
resourcePath: /task_component/{tcId}
@@ -1708,55 +1797,22 @@ serviceActions:
method: put
resourcePath: /task_component/{tcId}
description: "Update the task component."
- Get-Workflow-By-Name:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /workflow/name/{wfName}
- description: "Get the workflow by name."
- List-Task:
+ Delete-Task-Component:
+ method: delete
+ resourcePath: /task_component/{tcId}
+ description: "Delete the task component."
+ Get-Task:
method: get
- resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/task
- description: "Get a task list of the workflow."
+ resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/task/{taskId}
+ description: "Get the task."
method: get
resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/task_group
description: "Get a task group list of the workflow."
- List-Task-Component:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /task_component
- description: "Get a list of task component."
- Create-Task-Component:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /task_component
- description: "Register the task component."
- List-Workflow:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /workflow
- description: "Get a workflow list."
- Create-Workflow:
- method: post
- resourcePath: /workflow
- description: "Create a workflow."
- Update-Workflow:
- method: put
- resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}
- description: "Update the workflow content."
- Delete-Workflow:
- method: delete
- resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}
- description: "Delete the workflow."
- Get-Workflow:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}
- description: "Get the workflow."
- Get-Task-Instances:
- method: get
- resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/workflowRun/{wfRunId}/taskInstances
- description: "Get the task Logs."
- Get-Workflow-Template-By-Name:
+ Get-Task-From-Task-Group:
method: get
- resourcePath: /workflow_template/name/{wfName}
- description: "Get the workflow template by name."
+ resourcePath: /workflow/{wfId}/task_group/{tgId}/task/{taskId}
+ description: "Get the task from the task group."
@@ -1774,13 +1830,12 @@ serviceActions:
method: post
resourcePath: /software/register
- description: "Register the software.
[JSON Body Example] {\"architecture\":\"x86_64\",\"install_type\":\"ansible\",\"match_names\":[\"telegraf\"],\"name\":\"telegraf\",\"os\":\"Ubuntu\",\"os_version\":\"22.04\",\"version\":\"1.0\"}"
+ description: 'Register the software.