Ops would like to provide a namespace for each organization to deploy their product/project's services.
By default, new service account doesn't have access to anything except 'get' on discovery like version, health etc. In this demo, we are going to provide access to new service accounts to create, get and list deployment, replica controller, secrets and pods.
First we will se service account doent have access to anything and then grant access by creating clusterroles and rolebindings. At last, we will see how we can restrict delete
access by modifying clusterrole.
kubectl create serviceaccount org-1-service-account -n org-1
kubectl create serviceaccount org-2-service-account -n org-2
It will create secrets for service account automatically. To view secret
kubectl get secrets -n org-1
kubectl get secrets -n org-2
Add secrets to pull image from registry to each namespace
kubectl get secret default-us-icr-io -o yaml | sed 's/default/<new-namespace>/g' | kubectl -n <new-namespace> create -f -
We have two options to login through particular service account, via --as command or editing kube-config file.
kubectl --as=system:serviceaccount:org-1:org-1-service-account -n org-1
Get the service account token using following commands
kubectl get secret --namespace={namespace}
kubectl get secret default-token-2mfqv --namespace={namespace} -o yaml
The token part in the output is base64 encoded. Decode token and create as new user in config.
kubectl config set-credentials org-1-users --token=$(kubectl get secret <secret_name> --namespace={namespace} -o jsonpath={.data.token} | base64 -D)
Create new context with this service account and same cluster.
kubectl config set-context org-1-context --user=org-1-users --cluster={cluster_name}
Point to new context
kubectl config use-context org-1-context
kubectl get pods -n org-1 --as=system:serviceaccount:org-1:org-1-service-account
kubectl create -f ./Deployment-service-a.yaml -n org-1 --as=system:serviceaccount:org-1:org-1-service-account
To get all the roles and rolebindings for namespace
kubectl describe rolebinding.rbac -n org-1
kubectl describe role.rbac -n org-1
Create the cluster role to allow teams to create, get deployments, pods, secrets and configmap
kubectl apply -f ./ClusterRole.yaml
Assign this role to service accounts using rolebindings for thier respective namespaces.
kubectl apply -f ./RoleBindings.yaml
Verify that org-1 service account can get on resources in namespace org-1 and not in org-2 and viceversa.
kb get pods -n org-1 --as=system:serviceaccount:org-1:org-1-service-account
kb get pods -n org-2 --as=system:serviceaccount:org-2:org-2-service-account
kb get pods -n org-1 --as=system:serviceaccount:org-2:org-2-service-account
kb get pods -n org-2 --as=system:serviceaccount:org-1:org-1-service-account
kubectl apply -f ./Deployment-service-a.yaml -n org-1 --as=system:serviceaccount:org-1:org-1-service-account
kubectl apply -f ./Deployment-service-b.yaml -n org-1 --as=system:serviceaccount:org-1:org-1-service-account
kubectl apply -f ./Deployment-service-c.yaml -n org-2 --as=system:serviceaccount:org-2:org-2-service-account
kubectl delete deployment service-b -n org-1 --as=system:serviceaccount:org-1:org-1-service-account
kb edit clusterrole kb-security
and remove 'delete from verbs'.
- Try deleting again, forbidden error.
kubectl apply -f ./Deployment-service-b.yaml -n org-1 --as=system:serviceaccount:org-1:org-1-service-account