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Connect DevOps Testing Library

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Testing library to ease Connect EaaS Processors development.


Connect DevOps Testing Library can be installed from using pip:

$ pip install connect-devops-testing-library


DevOps Testing Library has a small request builder to ease the manipulation of the connect requests during testing:

from connect.devops_testing import fixtures
import os

template = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/request.json'

request = (fixtures.make_request_builder(template)
           .with_asset_product('PRD-000-000-000', 'Product Name')
           .with_asset_configuration_param('SOME_ASSET_CFG__PARAM_ID_A', 'some_cfg_value_a')
           .with_asset_param('SOME_ASSET_PARAM_ID_001', 'some_value_001')
           .with_asset_param('SOME_ASSET_PARAM_ID_002', 'some_value_002')

DevOps Testing Library also has several built-in assert functions that can be easily used to evaluate a connect request response:

from connect.devops_testing import asserts

asserts.request_status(request, 'approved')
asserts.asset_status(request, 'active')
asserts.asset_param_value_not_equal(request, 'SOME_ASSET_PARAM_ID_001', 'some_expected_value')

Using these two features you can easily create a small test to check a purchase request of your processor:

from connect.devops_testing import fixtures, asserts
from my_ext.extension import MyExtension
import os

def test_should_approve_request(mocked_connect_client, mocked_service_client, logger, eaas_config):
    template = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/request.json'

    # prepare the request.
    request = (fixtures.make_request_builder(template)
               .with_asset_param('subscription_id', '')

    # instantiate and execute the extension for the given request.
    extension = MyExtension(mocked_connect_client, logger, eaas_config)
    result = extension.process_asset_adjustment_request(request)

    # evaluate the task result and request.
    asserts.task_response_status(result, 'success')
    asserts.request_status(request, 'approved')
    asserts.asset_status(request, 'active')
    asserts.asset_param_value(request, 'subscription_id', '==', 'ID:123456789')

Additionally, you may want to create real end-to-end test calling Connect and evaluating the processed request, for this you should use the built-in request dispatcher. The dispatcher will take automatically the required credentials from the environment variables in CONNECT_API_KEY and CONNECT_API_URL. Alternatively, you can pass explicitly the credentials to the make_request_dispatcher(api_key=XXX, api_url=YYY) function. Let's see example:

from connect.devops_testing import asserts, fixtures
import os

def test_should_approve_purchase_request_successfully():
    template = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/request.json'

    # prepare the request.
    request = (fixtures.make_request_builder(template)
               .with_asset_param('subscription_id', '')

    # dispatch the request to connect and wait some time so the 
    # processor can process the request.
    request = (fixtures.make_request_dispatcher()
               .provision_request(request, 10, 20))

    # evaluate the processed request.
    asserts.request_status(request, 'approved')
    asserts.asset_status(request, 'active')
    asserts.asset_param_value(request, 'subscription_id', '==', 'ID:123456789')

Once the request is dispatched the Dispatcher will reload the request again every 10 seconds a maximum of 20 attempts. If the request has not been processed the asserts may fail. The wait time between request reload can be configured directly in the .provision_request(timeout=10, max_attempt=20) method call.

Obviously, some Connect processors may take a lot of time to process a request, for those type of processors this kind of end-to-end test is not suitable.

Behavior Driven Development

Finally, the DevOps Testing Library also allows you to easily use Behave! BDD tool for you test. You just need to set the following code in your features/ file

from behave import use_fixture

# import the built-in steps for e2e testing. 
from connect.devops_testing.bdd import steps
from connect.devops_testing.bdd.fixtures import (

def before_all(context):
    # attach the request dispatcher to the behave context.
    # attach the request builder to the behave context.

def before_feature(context, feature):
    # reset the request store for each feature

It's time to define the feature file in features/purchase.feature:

Feature: Purchase a new subscription.

  Scenario: Customer buys a subscription.
    Given a new valid email address
    When subscription request is processed
    Then the subscription id is provided

Now let's define the steps in features/steps/ file

from behave import given, then
from connect.devops_testing import asserts
import os

@given("a new valid email address")
def step_impl(context):
    template = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/request.json'

    context.request = (context.builder
                       .with_asset_param('CUSTOMER_EMAIL_ADDRESS', '[email protected]'))

@then("the subscription id is provided")
def step_impl(context):
    asserts.request_status(context.request, 'approved')
    asserts.asset_status(context.request, 'active')
    asserts.asset_param_value_not_equal(context.request, 'CUSTOMER_EMAIL_ADDRESS', '')

The @step("subscription request is processed") is provided by the DevOps Testing Library.

Available BDD steps:

Step Description
request is processed Process the request into Connect Platform.
subscription request is processed Alias of request is processed.
tier configuration request is processed Alias of request is processed.
tier config request Loads a tier configuration request template.
asset request Loads an asset request template.
request with id "{request_id}" Sets the request id.
request with status "{request_status}" Set the request status.
request with configuration account "{account_id}" Set the request tier configuration account id.
request with product "{product_id}" Set the request product id.
request with marketplace "{marketplace_id}" Set the request marketplace id.
request with reseller level "{level}" Set the request tier configuration reseller level.
request with parameter "{parameter}" with value "{value}" Set a request parameter value by parameter id.
request with parameter "{parameter}" value "{values}" checked Check a request checkbox parameter values by id.
request with parameter "{parameter}" value "{values}" not checked Uncheck a request checkbox parameter values by id.
request with parameter "{parameter}" without value Unset the request parameter value by id.
request with parameter "{parameter}" with value error "{value}" Set the request parameter value error by id.
request with parameter "{parameter}" without value error Unset the request parameter value error.
request parameter "{parameter}" value is "{value}" Assert that the value of the given parameter by id is the expected one.
request parameter "{parameter}" value contains "{value}" Assert that the value of the given parameter by id contains the expected value.
request parameter "{parameter}" value match "{pattern}" Assert that the value of the given parameter by id match the expected regex expression.
request parameter "{parameter}" value error is "{value_error}" Assert that the value error of the given parameter by id the expected one.
request parameter "{parameter}" value error contains "{value_error}" Assert that the value error of the given parameter by id contains the expected value.
request parameter "{parameter}" value error match "{pattern}" Assert that the value error of the given parameter by id match the expected regex expression.
request status is "{request_status}" Assert that the status of the request is the expected one.


Connect DevOps Testing Library is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.