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Releases: cloudfoundry/bosh-azure-cpi-release


12 Dec 09:44
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New Features:

  • Support Availability Zones #331

    • Azure Availability Zones are still in public review. You MUST reference this document to sign up for the Availability Zones preview.

    • Please reference this guidance to use this new feature in CPI.

  • Support a new CPI method calculate_vm_cloud_properties #336

    With this feature, vm_resources can be specified in the deployment manifest.


  • Sleep 30 seconds before attaching data disk #340

    This is a workaround for the issue #280.

  • Vendors ruby-2.4-r3 from bosh-packages/ruby-release #338

  • Change the format of user image name #342

    In old format, the user image name length may exceed Azure limits (80) in some region (e.g. Australia Southeast). The new format has a shorter name.

  • Fix a bug of using ip configuration properties to check whether the network interface is primary #337



16 Nov 08:06
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  • Allow users to control the "keep failed vms" functionality via CPI global configuration #332

    The functionality was introduced since v24, which is for troubleshooting the failed VM during creating. In v32+, you can control the functionality via the keep_failed_vms property in Azure CPI's global configuration. The default value is false. More details are in #330.


  • Add a flag to enable/disable the azure application security groups tests in CI #333


30 Oct 12:16
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New Features:

  • Support application security groups #325

    • Azure application security group is still in public review. Until now only West Central US supports this new feature. Before using this new feature, you MUST reference this document to register your subscription with this new feature.

    • Please reference this guidance to use this new feature in CPI.


  • Fix an issue introduced by azure-storage-ruby 0.14.0-preview #323

    Background: In azure-storage-ruby 0.14.0-preview, timestamp of the entity is a String instead of a Date. v30 will fail when using multiple storage accounts.

  • Fix the issue of weak password generation in create-service-principal #324

  • Use the latest version of the REST API to create NIC to avoid possible timeout when using Azure Application Gateway #326


16 Oct 04:27
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Please DONOT use this version if you are using multiple storage accounts. A new issue is introduced by the change in azure-storage-ruby 0.14.0-preview that start_time = entities[0]['Timestamp'] in azure-storage-ruby 0.14.0-preview is a String, but in azure-storage-ruby 0.12.1-preview it is a Time so below error will be thrown when using multiple storage accounts.

A hot fix is coming...

External CPI got response: {"result":null,"error":{"type":"Unknown","message":"can't convert String into an exact number","ok_to_retry":false},"log":"Rescued Unknown: can't convert String into an exact number. backtrace: /var/vcap/packages/bosh_azure_cpi/lib/cloud/azure/stemcell_manager.rb:153:in `-'\n/var/vcap/packages/bosh_azure_cpi/lib/cloud/azure/stemcell_manager.rb:153:in `wait_stemcell_copy'\n/var/vcap/packages/bosh_azure_cpi/lib/cloud/azure/stemcell_manager.rb:100:in `handle_stemcell_in_different_storage_account'\n/var/vcap/packages/bosh_azure_cpi/lib/cloud/azure/stemcell_manager.rb:59:in `has_stemcell?'\n/var/vcap/packages/bosh_azure_cpi/lib/cloud/azure/cloud.rb:167:in `block in create_vm'\n/var/vcap/packages/bosh_azure_cpi/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh_common-1.3262.24.0/lib/common/thread_formatter.rb:49:in `with_thread_name'\n/var/vcap/packages/bosh_azure_cpi/lib/cloud/azure/cloud.rb:132:in `create_vm'\n/var/vcap/packages/bosh_azure_cpi/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/gems/bosh_cpi-2.4.1/lib/bosh/cpi/cli.rb:82:in 


  • Refine keyword for the error Hostname not known

    Background: After upgrading Ruby to 2.4.2, the error message for DNS resolve failure changes so the retry logic for this error in v29 does not work.

  • Bump azure-storage-ruby to 0.14.0-preview #317

    Please see changes from 0.12.1-preview to 0.14.0-preview in azure-storage-ruby Release Notes.


  • Update azure cf-stub to work with cf v275 #318

  • Add a known issue of not available LUN #320


  • Upgrade CI pipeline #319

  • Use boshcli v2 in promote-candidate #321


18 Sep 08:51
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  • Fix #314: Bump ruby to 2.4.2

    Background: Proxy does not work because of one bug #1513 in Ruby 2.4.1. You can see more details in the issue #314. If you must use CPI with a proxy, you must avoid using v27 and v28. About when to use CPI with a proxy, please reference here.


  • Update the detailed steps to use application gateway #313


07 Sep 07:25
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New Features:

  • Enable Cloud Foundry integration with Azure Application Gateway. You can follow the guidance to update an existing deployment, or start a new deployment, utilizing Azure Application Gateway instead of HAproxy. #312


30 Aug 01:26
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New Features:

  • Support CA cert in Azure Stack so CPI can use HTTPS to communicate with Azure Stack #302


  • Delete the empty availability set when CPI deletes a VM and the VM is the last one in the availability set #306


  • Retry policy handles connection refused error #298

  • Redact sensitive data in CustomData in logs #298

  • Remove the limitation of max disk size in CPI since the max disk size on Azure is still changing #310

  • Bump ruby=>2.4.1, yaml=>0.1.7, rubygems=>2.6.2, bundler=>1.15.4 #311


  • Update development guidance #311

  • Update Ruby version to 2.2.4 for development environment #311


  • Update documents for multiple resource groups #301

  • Use new command to create Azure service principal #305


04 Aug 01:27
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New Features:

  • Support multiple resource group for VM resources #286. Please see more details here

  • Support managed disks in Azure National Cloud (Germany, China and USGovernment) #288

  • Support large disk, and add new available vm size #289

  • Enable boot diagnostics when debug mode is on #295


  • Set the correct OS disk size for Windows #290



  • Support multiple Azure environment in CI #288

  • Add lifecycle test for Windows stemcell #291


06 Jul 02:34
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New Features:

  • VM is created in the same location with the virtual network instead of the storage account. #274


  • Handle the connection reset error to azure blob storage. #268

  • Retry once and only once if CPI receives AzureConflictError when deleting a managed disk. #269

  • Specify the disk size when attaching an unmanaged disk. Otherwise, the disk size can't be shown by Azure Portal or Azure CLI. #275

  • Uses the same SCSI host device ID for AzureStack as Azure so that it works correctly with the stemcell v3232.5+. #276

  • Update resource provider API versions for AzureStack. #285



  • Provide a checklist before migrating to managed disks. #271


  • Bump rake & spec & other gems. #279

  • Add the integration test cases for azure_cpi. #273

  • Seperate test cases for cloud.rb into different files, and increase coverage rate. #277


28 Apr 11:49
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New Features:

  • Support to set idle timeout in minutes for dynamic public IPs by configuring pip_idle_timeout_in_minutes in global Azure properties.
    • The default idle timeout of Azure public IPs is 4 minutes. The available value is [4, 30]. It must be integer.
    • If the interval that your applications send keep-alive is longer than the idle timeout, the TCP connections from/to the public IPs will be closed by Azure. So you need to increase the idle timeout of public IPs or decrease the interval in your applications.
    • If you set a too big value as the idle timeout, all ports associated with public IPs may be exhausted if your applications do not close TCP connections properly.
  • Keep failed VM if the VM fails in provisioning.
    • Sometimes, the user needs to keep the VM for troubleshooting when the VM provisioning fails due to some platform or stemcell issues.


  • Fix that some functions eat exceptions.


  • Add a doc about how to backup and restore Cloud Foundry