This package provides an OpenSearch engine for Laravel Scout. It's built on top of the latest release of Laravel Scout and lets you use OpenSearch as a driver for Scout.
- Laravel Scout 9 support
- Fully configurable settings per index, with default settings support
- Optionally mappings configurable
- Cursor pagination
- PHP >= 8.0
- Laravel >= 8
You can include this package via Composer:
composer require "cloudmediasolutions/laravel-scout-opensearch"
Add / set environment variables (in .env):
Add your OpenSearch host(s): (You can seperate multiple hosts with a comma)
If you have any web authentication on your OpenSearch cluster, you can extend the opensearch.client
Basic authentication:
'client' => [
'hosts' => explode(',', env('OPENSEARCH_HOSTS')),
'basicAuthentication' => [
Before you can use custom index settings and mappings, you have to publish the config to your application:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag "opensearch-config"
After changing indexes you have to create the index:
If the index already exists, delete it first:
php artisan scout:delete-index yourSearchableAsValue
Then you can create the index:
php artisan scout:index yourSearchableAsValue
The index is at this point completely empty. You can import existing data as described in the Laravel Scout documentation:
php artisan scout:import "App\Models\Post"
Some index settings are static and can only be set on index creation. That's why it is important to configure it - when you have specific whishes - before you start using an index.
You can find an example in opensearch.indices.default.settings
. Default is the key as default / fallback configuration. When you want a setting for a specific index, you use opensearch.indices.yourSearchableAsValue.settings
Sometimes you need specific field mappings in OpenSearch. For example, when you use UUID's, the field type is automatically set to text
and it can be usefull to have them as keyword
in filters.
You can find an example in opensearch.indices.table.mappings
. Table is in this case your index name.
You can search data as documented by Laravel in their docs. Because this search query uses query_string in the search query to OpenSearch, it is possible to execute complex queries, such as:
- Star Trek
- the wind AND (rises OR rising)
- status:active Pencil
Cursor pagination uses search_after parameter pagination.
->orderBy("_score", "desc")
If no sorting provided, the _id field will be used as default, and therefore no relevance sorting can be applied when using cursor pagination.
new FieldSort('stars', 'desc', ['mode' => 'avg'])
(new FieldSort('comments.created_at', 'desc', ['mode' => 'max']))
->setNestedFilter(new NestedSort('comments'))
->orderByRaw(new FieldSort(
'point' => [10, 10],
'unit' => 'km',
'distance_type' => 'arc',
'mode' => 'min',
'ignore_unmapped' => true