diff --git a/static/html/1 b/static/html/1 deleted file mode 100644 index 24249e1..0000000 --- a/static/html/1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,367 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - {{if eq .Lang "cn"}}Kube-Install(二进制方式部署K8S集群){{else}}Kube-Install(installation of K8S in binary mode){{end}} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}打通kube-install到目标主机的SSH通道{{else}}Open the SSH channel from kube-install to the target host{{end}}

{{if eq .Lang
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}目标主机的IP地址{{else}}IP address of the target host{{end}} *
- -
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}填写目标主机的IP地址,多个IP请用英文逗号","隔开{{else}}The IP address of the target host to operation, separate multiple IP addresses with English comma ","{{end}}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}目标主机的{{.Sshuser}}密码{{else}}{{.Sshuser}} password of the target host{{end}} *
- -
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}填写目标主机{{.Sshuser}}用户的密码{{else}}The password of the {{.Sshuser}} user of the target host{{end}}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}注意:如果想用Kube-Install管理目标主机,就必须要先打通Kube-Install服务器到目标主机的SSH通道。(你可以选择手工自己打通主机SSH通道,也可以通过Kube-Install来自动化打通){{else}}Notice: If you want to use Kube-Install to manage the target host, you must first open the SSH channel from the Kube-Install server to the target host.(You can choose to open the SSH channel of the host manually or automatically through Kube install){{end}}
- -      - -

- -

{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}快速安装一个新Kubernetes集群{{else}}Fast installation of a new kubernetes cluster{{end}}

{{if eq .Lang
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}Kubernetes集群标示{{else}}Kubernetes cluster label{{end}} *
- -
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}填写用于唯一识别这个Kubernetes集群的标示字段(Label长度必须小于32个字符){{else}}Fill in the label field that uniquely identifies the kubernetes cluster (Length must be less than 32 strings){{end}}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}选择Kubernetes版本{{else}}Kubernetes version{{end}} * -
- -
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}选择你要安装的Kubernetes软件版本{{else}}Select the version of kubernetes software you want to install.{{end}}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}Master IP地址{{else}}Master IP address{{end}} *
- -
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}填写要部署的Kubernetes Master主机IP地址,多个IP请用英文逗号","隔开{{else}}Fill in the IP address of the kubernetes master to be deployed. Separate multiple IP addresses with English comma ","{{end}}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}Node IP地址{{else}}Node IP address{{end}} *
- -
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}填写要部署的Kubernetes Node主机IP地址,多个IP请用英文逗号","隔开{{else}}Fill in the IP address of the kubernetes node host to be deployed. Separate multiple IP addresses with English comma ","{{end}}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}操作系统类型{{else}}Operating system type{{end}}* -
- -
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}选择目标主机的操作系统类型。相同批次的主机操作系统需要保持一致{{else}}Select the operating system type of the target host. Host operating systems of the same batch need to be consistent!{{end}}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}自动升级OS内核{{else}}Automatically upgrade OS kernel{{end}}
-              -
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}由于低版本的centos7和redhat7可能缺少内核模块,这里仅支持centos7和rhel7操作系统内核的自动升级。其他操作系统不用做升级。{{else}}Because the lower versions of CentOS 7 and red hat 7 may lack kernel modules, only the kernel automatic upgrade of CentOS 7 and rhel7 operating systems is supported here, and other operating systems do not need to be upgraded. {{end}}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}部署到目标主机路径{{else}}Deploy to target host path{{end}} *
- -
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}默认无需修改。如果所安装的目标主机路径需要更换的话,可以通过这里进行修改。{{else}}No modification is required by default. If the installed target host path needs to be changed, you can modify it here.{{end}}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}选择开始安装的时间{{else}}Select when to start installation{{end}}
- - -
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}默认立即开始安装。如需定时安装,可以在这里设置计划开始执行的时间。(任务计划支持精确到分钟级别)
注意:请确保Kube-Install本地操作系统的当前时间与Web页面当前时间一致!{{else}}Install now by default. For scheduled installation, you can set the scheduled execution time here.(Support accuracy to minute level)
Notice: Please ensure that the current time of local OS is consistent with the current time of web page!{{end}}
- -      - -
- -
- - -
- -
- -
- -
- - - -
- -

Kubernetes{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}集群管理{{else}} Cluster Management{{end}}

{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}Kubernetes{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}集群的{{else}}cluster{{end}}安装、卸载、节点管理、信息查看等{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}操作{{else}}operation{{end}}{{else}}Kubernetes cluster installation, uninstall, information view {{end}}
- -
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}快速安装新Kubernetes集群{{else}}Install Kubernetes{{end}}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}打通目标主机SSH通道{{else}}Open SSH Channel of Host{{end}}
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - {{ range $v := .Clusterlist}} - {{ if ne $v.Status "notinstall" }} - - - - - - - - - {{ end }} - {{ end }} - -
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}集群标示{{else}}Cluster Label{{end}}{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}K8S版本{{else}}K8S Version{{end}}{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}Master IP地址{{else}}Master IP Address{{end}}{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}集群部署状态{{else}}Installation Status{{end}}{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}定时安装{{else}}Installation Schedule{{end}}{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}更多操作{{else}}More Operation{{end}}
{{ if eq $v.K8t ".default" }} {{if eq .Lang "cn"}}默认{{else}}default{{end}}集群 {{else}} {{$v.K8t}} {{end}}{{ $v.K8v }}{{ $v.Master }} - {{ if eq $v.Status "installing" }}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}安装中{{else}}Installing{{end}}
{{end}} - {{ if eq $v.Status "restarting" }}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}重启中{{else}}Restarting{{end}}{{end}} - {{ if eq $v.Status "uninstalling" }}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}卸载中{{else}}Uninstalling{{end}}
{{end}} - {{ if eq $v.Status "ok" }}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}正常{{else}}OK{{end}}{{end}} - {{ if eq $v.Status "notok" }}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}异常{{else}}Error{{end}}{{end}} - {{ if eq $v.Status "notinstall" }}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}未部署{{else}}Not installed{{end}}{{end}} - {{ if eq $v.Status "unknow" }}
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}未知状态{{else}}Unknow{{end}}{{end}} -
- {{ if eq $v.Scheduler "on" }} 已开启
{{.Instime}} - {{else}}未开启
{{if eq .Lang "cn"}}暂无{{else}}Disabled{{end}}{{end}} -
- {{ if eq $v.Status "unknow" }}   {{if eq $v.Lang "cn"}}查看详细{{else}}View Details{{end}}   |{{end}} {{ if eq $v.Status "ok" }}   {{if eq $v.Lang "cn"}}查看详细{{else}}View Details{{end}}     {{if eq $v.Lang "cn"}}Web控制台{{else}}Kube-Dashboard{{end}}   |   {{if eq $v.Lang "cn"}}Master管理{{else}}Master Management{{end}}     {{if eq $v.Lang "cn"}}Node管理{{else}}Node Management{{end}}   {{end}} - {{ if eq $v.Scheduler "on" }} -   {{if eq .Lang "cn"}}取消定时安装{{else}}Remove Installation Schedule{{end}}   - {{else}} - {{ if ne $v.Status "installing" }}{{ if ne $v.Status "uninstalling" }}{{ if ne $v.Status "restarting" }}   {{if eq .Lang "cn"}}重装K8S集群{{else}}Reinstall{{end}}   {{end}}{{end}}{{end}} - {{ if ne $v.Status "installing" }}{{ if ne $v.Status "uninstalling" }}{{ if ne $v.Status "restarting" }}   {{if eq .Lang "cn"}}卸载K8S集群{{else}}Uninstall{{end}}   {{end}}{{end}}{{end}} - {{end}} - {{ if eq $v.Status "ok" }}|{{end}}   {{if eq $v.Lang "cn"}}安装日志{{else}}Install Log{{end}}     {{if eq $v.Lang "cn"}}卸载日志{{else}}Uninstall Log{{end}}   -
- - - -