This project is designed to monitor temperature using the DS18B20 sensor and get current datetime using the DS3231+AT24C32 RTCM real-time module. Then display the current time in EU timeformat and temperature in Celsius and on a 16x2 LCD display. It aims to create a simple but effective way to visualize real-time temperature in a DJ booth or any other environment where monitoring temperature is essential for comfort and equipment safety.
The code leverages the I2C protocol to communicate with the LCD and the DallasTemperature library to read from the temperature sensor. The display welcomes the user with a custom message and then continuously updates the temperature values in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
- AR-NANOCH-TYPE-C: Arduino Nano clone development board.
- DS18B20: One-wire digital temperature sensor.
- DS3231+AT24C32 RTCM: Real-time clock module with EEPROM.
- KC-1602-BB-I2C: 16x2 I2C LCD display for displaying messages and temperature readings.
- 4.7kΩ resistor: Used to pull up the data line of the DS18B20 sensor.
- Breadboard: Optional, for wiring connections.
- Jumper wires: For connecting components to the Arduino.
- 1599 EBK (170x86x35) Project Box: Optional, for housing the components.
Project directory: ./djbooth_sensor
You need to install the following libraries using the Arduino IDE's Library Manager:
- OneWire: Used for communicating with the DS18B20 temperature sensor.
- DallasTemperature: Simplifies reading from the DS18B20 sensor.
- LiquidCrystal_I2C: For controlling the 16x2 LCD display via I2C.
- Wire: Required for I2C communication.
To install these libraries:
- Open Arduino IDE.
- Go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries.
- Search for each of the required libraries and click Install.
DS18B20 connections:
- VCC (Red): Connect to Arduino's 5V.
- GND (Black): Connect to Arduino's GND.
- Data (Yellow): Connect to Arduino D2. Add a 4.7kΩ resistor between the VCC and Data lines.
DS3231+AT24C32 RTCM connections:
- VCC: Connect to Arduino's 5V.
- GND: Connect to Arduino's GND.
- SDA: Connect to Arduino's A4.
- SCL: Connect to Arduino's A5.
16x2 LCD display (I2C):
- VCC: Connect to Arduino's 5V.
- GND: Connect to Arduino's GND.
- SDA: Connect to Arduino's A4.
- SCL: Connect to Arduino's A5.
Once the hardware is connected and the libraries are installed:
- Open the Arduino IDE.
- Copy the provided code into the IDE.
- Select the correct board (
Arduino Nano
) and port under Tools. - Upload the code to the Arduino.
This project uses the DS18B20 temperature sensor, DS3231+AT24C32 RTCM module and an I2C LCD to display the current temperature and current time in Celsius. Here’s how the code works:
Setup Phase:
- Time is initialized using the DS3231+AT24C32 RTCM module.
- The temperature sensor is initialized.
- The LCD is initialized and the backlight is turned on.
- Version number message is displayed on the LCD, then waits for 2 seconds.
- Clear the LCD display.
- A welcome message, "Welcome SIPP!", is displayed on the first line of the LCD.
- A message, "Let's get party!", is displayed on the second line.
- The setup waits for 5 seconds before moving into the loop.
- The LCD is cleared again.
Main Loop:
- Time is read from the DS3231+AT24C32 RTCM module.
- The time is converted to EU time format (24-hour clock, ). Format: HH:MM:SS (mm-dd)
- The temperature is read from the DS18B20 sensor in Celsius.
- The first row of the LCD displays the time in the format above.
- The second row displays the temperature in Celsius with a degree symbol (ºC).
- The display updates every 250 milliseconds, because time module is updated sharply every second and we need to catch the time update. If we update the display every second, we may miss the time update and the display shows the same time for 2 seconds.
The code is designed to be flexible and could be easily extended to handle additional sensors or display features.