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File metadata and controls

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Deploy to a network

Install MACI dependencies

Install rapidsnark (if on an intel chip)

Check the MACI doc,, on how to install the rapidsnark.

Install C++ dependencies (if on intel chip)

sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev nlohmann-json3-dev nasm g++

Setup BrightID

If using BrightID as the user registry type:

Register your app with BrightID using the following form:

Note: select the hex address (ONLY) option to identify users and the meet verification type

Once the app is registered, you will get an appId which will be set to BRIGHTID_CONTEXT when deploying the contracts in later steps.

Deploy Contracts

Goto the contracts folder.

Generate the coordinator MACI private key

yarn hardhat new-maci-key

Make a note of MACI private key to setup the contracts/.env file.

Edit the contracts/.env file


COORDINATOR_MACISK=The coordinator's private key from previous step which starts with `macisk.`
# API keys for verifying contracts, update hardhat.config for additional keys if needed

Download MACI circuit files

The following script will download the files in the params folder under the current folder where the script is run


Edit the contracts/deploy-config.json file

cp deploy-config-example.json deploy-config.json

Update the VkRegistry.paramsDirectory with the circuit parameter folder. If you ran the monorepo/.github/scripts/ in the contracts folder, it should be ./params.

Run the deployment scripts

Use yarn hardhat help to print the command line help menu for all available commands. Note that the following steps are for deploying a standalone ClrFund instance. To deploy an instance of the ClrFundDeployer contract, please refer to the ClrFundDeployer Deployment Guide

  1. Deploy an instance of ClrFund
yarn hardhat new-clrfund --network <network>

Notice that the file deployed-contracts.json is created or updated (if already exists). Make a copy of this file now in case you run the new-clrfund command without the --incremental flag, this file will be overwritten. You'll need this file for the new-round and verify-all commands.

  1. deploy new funding round
yarn hardhat new-round --network <network>
  1. To load a list of users into the simple user registry,
yarn hardhat load-simple-users --file-path addresses.txt --user-registry <address> --network <network>

If using a snapshot user registry, run the set-storage-root task to set the storage root for the block snapshot for user account verification

yarn hardhat set-storage-root --registry {user-registry-address} --slot 2 --token {token-address} --block 34677758 --network {network}

Note: to get the storage slot '--slot' value, run the find-storage-slot task.

  1. If using a merkle user registry, run the load-merkle-users task to set the merkle root for all the authorized users
# for example:
yarn hardhat load-merkle-users --address-file ./addresses.txt --user-registry 0x9E1c12Af45504e66D16D592cAF3B877ddc6fF643 --network arbitrum-goerli

Note: Make sure to upload generated merkle tree file to IPFS.

  1. Verify all deployed contracts: Make sure the deployed-contracts.json file is present as it stores contract constructor arguments used by the verify-all script.
yarn hardhat verify-all --network {network}

Deploy the subgraph

Currently, we are using the Hosted Service. First, check out the official instructions to authenticate using the Graph CLI and create a new subgraph.

Inside /subgraph:

  1. Prepare the config file
    • Under the /config folder, create a new JSON file or update an existing one
    • If you deployed a standalone ClrFund contract, use the xdai.json as a template to create your config file
    • If you deployed a ClrFundDeployer contract, use the deployer-arbitrum-sepolia.json as a template
  2. Prepare the schema.graphql file
    • Run npx mustache <your-config-file> schema.template.graphql > schema.graphql
  3. Prepare the subgraph.yaml file
    • Run npx mustache <your-config-file> subgraph.template.yaml > subgraph.yaml
  4. Build:
    • yarn codegen
    • yarn build
  5. Authenticate with yarn graph auth --product hosted-service <ACCESS_TOKEN>
  6. Deploy it by running yarn graph deploy --product hosted-service USERNAME/SUBGRAPH

Deploy the user interface

Deploy on netlify

Setup the environment variables

copy .env.example from the /vue-app folder to .env and make sure to revise the following parameters


# see for instruction on how to set these

Note: if VITE_SUBGRAPH_URL is not set, the app will try to get the round information from the vue-app/src/rounds.json file which can be generated using the hardhat export-round command.

Setup the netlify functions
  1. Set the functions directory to vue-app/dist/lambda.

See How to set netlify function directory

Deploy on IPFS

Add static files to IPFS:

ipfs add -r vue-app/dist/