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Butter Snap

A Bash script to create and maintain the history of snapshots of Btrfs (sub)volumes.

Butter is from the "Btr" string in name "Btrfs", despite that it's actually "B-tree FS", not "Butter FS". Snap is for snapshot.


  • Able to specify the path to store the snapshots.
    • Can be inside or outside the target.
  • Able to purge old snapshots when too many exist.
  • Able to keep multiple snapshot schedules for the same target.
  • Designed to be called from cron on a regular schedule.


  • System: normally a GNU/Linux Distro.
  • Dependencies:
    • Bash.
    • btrfs-progs, which provides btrfs command.


  • AUR: yay -S --needed --noconfirm butter-snap-git
  • Manually: Clone the repo, copy buttersnap to /usr/local/bin/ (or elsewhere included in $PATH) and ensure it has executing permission.

Basic usage


# Options can be placed before target.
buttersnap <target> [options]

The command above creates a snapshot of <target> as <store path>/<snapname>.

  • <target>: The path or mountpoint of a Btrfs (sub)volume.
    • Internally it will be read as target=$(realpath -m <target>).

Example: buttersnap / -n"hourly" will make a snapshot in /.snapshots with a name hourly_<date>_<time>.

  • <date> is on the form YYYY-MM-DD,
  • <time> is on the form HH:MM:SS,
  • The 5 newest snapshots matching the prefix hourly_ are kept around; the rest are deleted.

Options for <store path>:

  • -s, --store-dir <store directory>: Specify the value for <store directory> (by default .snapshots).
  • -S, --store-pathtype <store pathtype>: Specify the value for <store pathtype> (by default rel).
    • rel (relative): Let <store path> to be <target (in realpath)>/<store directory>.
    • mim (mimic): Let <store path> to be <store directory>/<target (in realpath)>.
    • abs (absolute): Let <store path> to be <store directory>.
      • In this case, choose <snapname adj> wisely to avoid name conflicts.

Options for <snapname>:

  • -n, --snapname-adj <snapname adj>: To be used in the name of the snapshot, by default as prefix. The default value is snapshot.
    • It's recommended to set this value corresponding to the schedule, such as hourly, daily, weekly or 1m, 3h, 1d, 1w, 3mo.
  • -N,--snapname-type <snapname type>: Select a set of snapname and matching pattern. By default default.
    • default: Snapname in form of <snapname adj>_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S, with corresponding matching pattern.
      • Applicable snapname option(s): compatible, postfix.
    • vfs: Use the Samba vfs_shadow_copy snapshot naming convention. Snapname in form of @GMT-%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S, with corresponding matching pattern.
    • custom: Custom snapname and matching pattern.
      • --snapname-value <snapname>: Specify customed snapname.
      • --snapname-pattern <snapname pattern>: Specify customed pattern to match the snapname.
  • -o,--snapname-ops <snapname options>: Additional options for a snapname type. By default none.
    • Only apply when applicable.
    • Multiple options should be split by ,, e.g. compatible,postfix.
    • compatible: Compatible snapshot names (i.e. no colons that confuse SAMBA/Windows clients).
    • postfix: Use <snapname adj> as postfix instead of prefix. Might be usefull for chronological sorting.

Options for creating behavior:

  • -t, --time <time>: A snapshot will be created only if the newest already existing snapshot is older than <time> in seconds.
    • Unless -T is specified, no snapshot will be made if <target> has identical timestamp as the newest snapshot. The modification timestamps of the subvolumes/folders are used for comparison which might not work in some scenarios.
  • -T, --use-transid: When -t is specified, no snapshot will be made if <target> has a lower or equal transition-id than newest snapshot.
  • -r, --readonly: Create the snapshot as readonly (requires btrfs-tools > v0.20).
  • -E, --no-omit: Treats omitting of snapshots (e.g. due to options -t/-T) as an error.

Options for auto-clean behavior:

  • -k, --keep <number>: Sort the snapshots matching <snapname pattern> by using ls -dr and keep the first <number> snapshots; the rest ones will be deleted.
    • 5 snapshots will be kept if this option is not specified.

Other options:

  • -q, --quiet: Silent unless an error occurs. Such output is cron-compatible.
  • -h, --help: Print help message and exit.
  • -V, --version: Print version message and exit.
  • --show-all-btrfs: Print current Btrfs mountpoints and unmounted Btrfs subvolumes in system.

Cron usage

Choose only one method below will be enough.

Method: crontab

Suppose you have two Btrfs subvolumes mounted at / and /home.

In crontab, add these two lines:

*/5   *   *   *   *   buttersnap /     -n5m -k12 -r
0     0   *   *   *   buttersnap /home -n1d -k7  -r -S"mim" -s"/snapshots"

The above cronjob will

  • Every 5 minutes, create a read-only snapshot of / with name prefix 5m_ keeping 12 generations in /.snapshots.
  • Every day, create a read-only snapshot of /home with name prefix 1d_ keeping 7 generations in /snapshots/home.

Method: polling

Suppose you have a Btrfs subvolume mounted at /data.

Find a way to run the commands below regularily (e.g. every 10 minutes).

buttersnap -r -S"abs" -s <store path> -t3600           /data -n"data_hourly" -k24
buttersnap -r -S"abs" -s <store path> -t$((3600*24))   /data -n"data_daily"  -k7
buttersnap -r -S"abs" -s <store path> -t$((3600*24*7)) /data -n"data_weekly" -k4


This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License.


The script is originally a rework of QDaniel/btrfs-snap, which is a fork of jf647/btrfs-snap.

Butter Snap
