This is the response pattern list of DyOCSP. " - " indicates unrelated condition.
Request | Issuers*1 | Certificate status in DB*2 | Requested serial number matched cache | Request time is before nextUpdate | Response status | Certificate status in response |
Malformed | - | - | - | - | malformedRequest | - |
Formed | Different | - | - | - | unauthorized | - |
Formed | Same | E | - | - | unauthorized | - |
Formed | Same | S | - | - | unauthorized | - |
Formed | Same | V | no | - | unauthorized | - |
Formed | Same | R | no | - | unauthorized | - |
Formed | Same | V | yes | no | unauthorized | - |
Formed | Same | R | yes | no | unauthorized | - |
Formed | Same | V | yes | yes | successful | good |
Formed | Same | R | yes | yes | successful | revoked |
*1: The issuer of the requested certificate and the issuer of the responder.
*2: Expired, Suspended, Valid, Revoked