Releases: cmbant/CAMB
Releases · cmbant/CAMB
- Quintessence dark energy support updated (from very old) and merged. Example implementation of early dark energy. In general, new models require deriving a new inherited quintessence class in Fortran and Python.
- Lensing and f_NL bispectrum code updated to work with latest version (no Python interface)
- Bug fixes for get_sigmaR and other small bug fixes/additional warnings.
- Correct get_valid_numerical_params
- Sympy 1.6 compatibility
- mathutils functions for polarization Pseudo-CL couplings and better doc
- get_sigmaR function
- get_valid_numerical_params to get list of valid parameter names
- Misc bug fixes
- Updated forutils to work around some recent gfortran version memory leak bugs
- Support for calculating only time source transfer functions, and then power spectra later. This allows calculating non-linear lensing results for different initial power spectrum and non-linear model parameters without recomputing the time transfer functions.
- Fix for Python raw lensing cross CMB output
- Allow k_per_logint to give denser k sampling even when used with non-linear lensing
- Support for wider range of input parameter values and more error propagation to Python
- Added k_hunit option to get_[non]linear_matter_power_spectrum
- get_matter_power_interpolator will now do log(-pk) interpolation for negative spectra
- Fix to assign Neff when omnuh2=0 (thanks @tilmantroester)
- Doc improvements for matter power variables, conda install, mathutils
- Fix for #66, #67
- Tweak to meta class to allow introspection of CAMB's Python classes to work
- Setting thetastar does not initialize reionization model or pk/windows (optimization, avoid errors)