Multi Layer Video Controller in VHDL for Spartan 3AN
This is the repository of the final thesis project I made for my degree in Electronics (2010). It shows how to build a VGA video controller on a Xilinx FPGA model Spartan3AN (Starter Kit).
It was made using the Xilinx EDK, ISE/XPS.
The controller is able to display a 640x480 image on the VGA output of the board. The devboard supports 4096 color output from hardware side.
- Supports two frame buffers of arbitrary size in DRAM that can be arbitrary blended to allow smooth transitions between images.
- has viewports on those frame buffers (max 640x480)
- time based dithering technique to give the optical illusion of 32k colors.
- 'Amiga Copper' like co-processor that allows to draw colour/transparency bars on the screen independent of the main CPU
- A limited by usefull C++ API to interact with the video controller from the Microblaze CPU.
- uses 2 VFBC busses
- uses the Microblaze softcore as main CPU
Paths of interest:
- EDK\pcores\vga_control_v1_00_a\hdl\vhdl
- EDK\hdl
For the architectural logic of the VGA controller see EDK\pcores\vga_control_v1_00_a\hdl\vhdl\vga_control.vhd
For the core logic of the VGA controller see EDK\pcores\vga_control_v1_00_a\hdl\vhdl\user_logic.vhd The logic is designed to run at 25Mhz.
Somehow GitHub ain't smart enough to give this project a VHDL project and not a C++ project.