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Daniel Hundhausen edited this page Jun 6, 2024 · 8 revisions

This repository contains the python-based framework for the measurement of matching efficiencies, trigger turn-on curves, scalings and rates for the assessment of the physics performance of the CMS Phase-2 L1 Menu.

Schematic overview of the menu tools

The general workflow can be summarised as follows:

  1. Run cache_objects to produce input files for all following steps
  2. Run object_performance to produce turnons and scalings
  3. Run rate_plots to get the rates an individual object contributes as a function of the threshold
  4. Run rate_table to evaluate the rate of the entire menu

For each of these steps configuration files in yaml format need to be written that are organised in configs.

For further details and instructions see the markdown files in docs/ as well as the Phase II L1 Trigger Menu Tools TWiki Page.

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