diff --git a/episodes/03-disk-image.md b/episodes/03-disk-image.md index c32db2d..5ede08b 100644 --- a/episodes/03-disk-image.md +++ b/episodes/03-disk-image.md @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ The output shows your account and project. ### Bucket for logs To build an image disk, we will use a script that produces some logs. -We create a bucket for these logs with +Create a bucket for these logs with ``` gcloud storage buckets create gs:/// --location europe-west4 @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ cd tools/gke-disk-image-builder/ ## Create the image -To create the image with the script, you must have `go` installed. +To run the script to build the image, you must have `go` installed. Run the script with @@ -134,6 +134,16 @@ Run the script with go run ./cli --project-name= --image-name=pfnano-disk-image --zone=europe-west4-a --gcs-path=gs:// --disk-size-gb=50 --container-image=docker.io/cernopendata/cernopendata-client:latest --container-image=docker.io/rootproject/root:latest --container-image=ghcr.io/cms-dpoa/pfnano-image-build:main --timeout 100m ``` +The script will create a secondary disk images with the container images that are needed in the processing workflow: + +- `cernopendata/cernopendata-client` for getting the metadata +- `ghcr.io/cms-dpoa/pfnano-image-build:main` for the processing +- `rootproject/root` for an eventual test plot. + +The container image `pfnano-image-build` is the standard [CMS Open data container image](https://opendata.cern.ch/docs/cms-guide-docker#images) with the [PFNano processing code](https://opendata.cern.ch/record/12504) compiled. + +Note the `timeout` options, the default tiemout of 20 mins is not enough. + :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout Note that while images can in most cases be "pulled" from Dockerhub specifying only the image name (e.g. `cernopendata/cernopendata-client` and `rootproject/root`), in this script you must give the full registry address starting with `docker.io` **and** specify a tag (i.e. `:latest`).