diff --git a/code/modules/vehicles/apc/apc.dm b/code/modules/vehicles/apc/apc.dm
index 55e2cf2d11..778348b39f 100644
--- a/code/modules/vehicles/apc/apc.dm
+++ b/code/modules/vehicles/apc/apc.dm
@@ -112,7 +112,8 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(command_apc_list)
- /obj/vehicle/multitile/proc/name_vehicle
+ /obj/vehicle/multitile/proc/name_vehicle,
+ /obj/vehicle/multitile/proc/cycle_firemode
else if(seat == VEHICLE_GUNNER)
add_verb(M.client, list(
diff --git a/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/hardpoint.dm b/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/hardpoint.dm
index 85b7984cb7..a5e5671fe2 100644
--- a/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/hardpoint.dm
+++ b/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/hardpoint.dm
@@ -98,31 +98,23 @@
//maximum amount of spare mags
var/max_clips = 0
+ /** An assoc list in the format list(/datum/element/bullet_trait_to_give = list(...args))
+ that will be given to a projectile with the current ammo datum**/
+ var/list/list/traits_to_give
- /**How the bullet will behave once it leaves the gun, also used for basic bullet damage and effects, etc.
- Ammo will be replaced on New() for things that do not use mags.**/
- //var/datum/ammo/ammo = null
- ///What is currently in the chamber. Most guns will want something in the chamber upon creation.
- //var/obj/projectile/in_chamber = null
- /*Ammo mags may or may not be internal, though the difference is a few additional variables. If they are not internal, don't call
- on those unique vars. This is done for quicker pathing. Just keep in mind most mags aren't internal, though some are.
- This is also the default magazine path loaded into a projectile weapon for reverse lookups on New(). Leave this null to do your own thing.*/
- //var/obj/item/ammo_magazine/internal/current_mag = null
- ///How much the bullet scatters when fired.
- var/scatter = 0
- ///Multiplier. Increases or decreases how much bonus scatter is added with each bullet during burst fire (wielded only).
- var/burst_scatter_mult = 4
- ///What minimum range the weapon deals full damage, builds up the closer you get. 0 for no minimum.
- var/effective_range_min = 0
- ///What maximum range the weapon deals full damage, tapers off using damage_falloff after hitting this value. 0 for no maximum.
- var/effective_range_max = 0
+ //Firemodes.
+ ///Current selected firemode of the gun.
+ var/gun_firemode = GUN_FIREMODE_SEMIAUTO
+ ///List of allowed firemodes.
+ var/list/gun_firemode_list = list()
+ //Semi-auto and full-auto.
///For regular shots, how long to wait before firing again. Use modify_fire_delay and set_fire_delay instead of modifying this on the fly
VAR_PROTECTED/fire_delay = 0
- ///When it was last fired, related to world.time.
- var/last_fired = 0
+ /// The multiplier for how much slower this should fire in automatic mode. 1 is normal, 1.2 is 20% slower, 2 is 100% slower, etc. Protected due to it never needing to be edited.
+ VAR_PROTECTED/autofire_slow_mult = 1
+ ///If the gun is currently auto firing.
+ VAR_PROTECTED/auto_firing = FALSE
//Burst fire.
///How many shots can the weapon shoot in burst? Anything less than 2 and you cannot toggle burst. Use modify_burst_amount and set_burst_amount instead of modifying this
@@ -131,44 +123,20 @@
VAR_PROTECTED/burst_delay = 1
///When burst-firing, this number is extra time before the weapon can fire again. Depends on number of rounds fired.
var/extra_delay = 0
+ ///If the gun is currently burst firing.
+ VAR_PROTECTED/burst_firing = FALSE
- // Full auto
- ///Whether or not the gun is firing full-auto
- var/fa_firing = FALSE
- ///How many full-auto shots to get to max scatter?
- var/fa_scatter_peak = 4
- ///How bad does the scatter get on full auto?
- var/fa_max_scatter = 6.5
- var/flags_gun_features = GUN_AMMO_COUNTER
- /** An assoc list in the format list(/datum/element/bullet_trait_to_give = list(...args))
- that will be given to a projectile with the current ammo datum**/
- var/list/list/traits_to_give
+ //Firing cooldown.
+ ///When it was last fired, related to world.time.
+ var/last_fired = 0
+ ///Fire delay of last firemode used.
+ var/last_delay = 0
- ///Current selected firemode of the gun.
- var/gun_firemode = GUN_FIREMODE_SEMIAUTO
- ///List of allowed firemodes.
- var/list/gun_firemode_list = list()
- ///How many bullets the gun fired while bursting/auto firing
- var/shots_fired = 0
/// Currently selected target to fire at. Set with set_target()
/// Current operator (crew) of the hardpoint.
- /// If this gun should spawn with semi-automatic fire. Protected due to it never needing to be edited.
- VAR_PROTECTED/start_semiauto = TRUE
- /// If this gun should spawn with automatic fire. Protected due to it never needing to be edited.
- VAR_PROTECTED/start_automatic = FALSE
- /// The type of projectile that this gun should shoot
- var/projectile_type = /obj/projectile
- /// The multiplier for how much slower this should fire in automatic mode. 1 is normal, 1.2 is 20% slower, 2 is 100% slower, etc. Protected due to it never needing to be edited.
- VAR_PROTECTED/autofire_slow_mult = 1
- /// Semi auto cooldown
- COOLDOWN_DECLARE(semiauto_fire_cooldown)
- /// How long between semi-auto shots this should wait, to reduce possible spam
- var/semiauto_cooldown_time = 0.2 SECONDS
var/empty_alarm = 'sound/weapons/hmg_eject_mag.ogg'
@@ -177,12 +145,8 @@
. = ..()
- //set_gun_config_values()
- //setup_firemodes()
- //gun_firemode = gun_firemode_list[1] || GUN_FIREMODE_SEMIAUTO
- AddComponent(/datum/component/automatedfire/autofire, fire_delay, burst_delay, burst_amount, gun_firemode, autofire_slow_mult, CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(set_bursting)), CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(reset_fire)), CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(fire_wrapper)), CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(display_ammo)), CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(set_auto_firing))) //This should go after handle_starting_attachment() and setup_firemodes() to get the proper values set.
+ AddComponent(/datum/component/automatedfire/autofire, fire_delay, burst_delay, burst_amount, gun_firemode, autofire_slow_mult, CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(set_burst_firing)), CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(reset_fire)), CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(continue_fire)), CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(display_ammo)), CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(set_auto_firing))) //This should go after handle_starting_attachment() and setup_firemodes() to get the proper values set.
@@ -638,42 +602,14 @@
- var/old_firemode = gun_firemode
- gun_firemode_list.len = 0
- if(start_automatic)
- gun_firemode_list |= GUN_FIREMODE_AUTOMATIC
- if(start_semiauto)
- gun_firemode_list |= GUN_FIREMODE_SEMIAUTO
- if(burst_amount > BURST_AMOUNT_TIER_1)
- gun_firemode_list |= GUN_FIREMODE_BURSTFIRE
- if(!length(gun_firemode_list))
- CRASH("[src] called setup_firemodes() with an empty gun_firemode_list")
- else if(old_firemode in gun_firemode_list)
- gun_firemode = old_firemode
- else
- gun_firemode = gun_firemode_list[1]
/// Setter proc to toggle burst firing
-/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/set_bursting(bursting = FALSE)
- if(bursting)
- else
+/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/set_burst_firing(burst = FALSE)
+ burst_firing = burst
///Clean all references
- shots_fired = 0//Let's clean everything
- set_target(null)
+ set_target(null)
///Set the target and take care of hard delete
@@ -690,79 +626,53 @@
target = get_turf(target)
-/// Setter proc for fa_firing
+/// Setter proc for auto_firing
/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/set_auto_firing(auto = FALSE)
- fa_firing = auto
+ auto_firing = auto
user = hp_operator
- if(CHECK_BITFIELD(flags_gun_features, GUN_AMMO_COUNTER) && ammo)
- //var/chambered = in_chamber ? TRUE : FALSE
- to_chat(user, SPAN_DANGER("[ammo.current_rounds] / [ammo.max_rounds] ROUNDS REMAINING"))
- if(!ammo?.current_rounds)
- to_chat(hp_operator, SPAN_WARNING("*click*"))
- playsound(src, 'sound/weapons/gun_empty.ogg', 25, 1, 5)
- return
- return fire_shot()
-/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/fire_shot() //Bang Bang
- var/atom/T = target
- var/turf/origin_turf = get_turf(src)
- origin_turf = locate(origin_turf.x + origins[1], origin_turf.y + origins[2], origin_turf.z)
- var/obj/projectile/P = generate_bullet(hp_operator, origin_turf)
- P.fire_at(T, hp_operator, src, P.ammo.max_range, P.ammo.shell_speed)
- if(LAZYLEN(activation_sounds))
- playsound(get_turf(src), pick(activation_sounds), 60, 1)
- if(use_muzzle_flash)
- muzzle_flash(Get_Angle(origin_turf, T))
- ammo.current_rounds--
- if(!ammo.current_rounds)
- handle_ammo_out()
+ if( ammo)
+ //to_chat(user, SPAN_DANGER("[ammo.current_rounds] / [ammo.max_rounds] ROUNDS REMAINING"))
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("[name] Ammo: [SPAN_HELPFUL(ammo ? ammo.current_rounds : 0)]/[SPAN_HELPFUL(ammo ? ammo.max_rounds : 0)] | Mags: [SPAN_HELPFUL(LAZYLEN(backup_clips))]/[SPAN_HELPFUL(max_clips)]"))
visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[icon2html(src, viewers(src))] [src] beeps steadily and its ammo light blinks red."))
playsound(loc, empty_alarm, 25, 1)
/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/crew_mouseup(datum/source, atom/object, turf/location, control, params)
- if(!target)
- return
- if(gun_firemode == GUN_FIREMODE_AUTOMATIC)
- reset_fire()
- display_ammo()
+ if(auto_firing || burst_firing)
+ //autofire component resets on burst completion, have to do it ourselves for automatic
+ if(auto_firing)
+ reset_fire()
+ display_ammo()
///Update the target if you draged your mouse
-/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/crew_mousedrag(datum/source, atom/src_object, atom/over_object, turf/src_location, turf/over_location, src_control, over_control, params)
- set_target(get_turf_on_clickcatcher(over_object, hp_operator, params))
+/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/crew_mousedrag(mob/source, atom/src_object, atom/over_object, turf/src_location, turf/over_location, src_control, over_control, params)
+ set_target(get_turf_on_clickcatcher(over_object, hp_operator, params)) //stops when dragging over UI
+ /*
+ if(istype(over_object, /atom/movable/screen)) //doesn't stop when dragging over UI, no side effects?
+ var/list/modifiers = params2list(params)
+ var/turf/turf = params2turf(modifiers["screen-loc"], get_turf(source.client.eye), source.client)
+ if (turf)
+ set_target(turf)
+ else
+ set_target(over_object)
+ */
///Check if the gun can fire and add it to bucket auto_fire system if needed, or just fire the gun if not
/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/crew_mousedown(datum/source, atom/object, turf/location, control, params)
- //hp_operator = owner.get_seat_mob(allowed_seat)
hp_operator = source
- if (CHECK_BITFIELD(flags_gun_features, GUN_BURST_FIRING))
- return
var/list/modifiers = params2list(params)
if(modifiers["shift"] || modifiers["middle"] || modifiers["right"])
+ //don't click on UI
if(istype(object, /atom/movable/screen))
@@ -770,18 +680,24 @@
set_target(get_turf_on_clickcatcher(object, hp_operator, params))
- if(gun_firemode == GUN_FIREMODE_SEMIAUTO && COOLDOWN_FINISHED(src, semiauto_fire_cooldown))
- COOLDOWN_START(src, semiauto_fire_cooldown, semiauto_cooldown_time)
- //try_fire(object, hp_operator, modifiers)
- fire_wrapper(object, hp_operator, modifiers)
- reset_fire()
- display_ammo()
- return
- else
+ initiate_fire(object, hp_operator, modifiers)
+/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/initiate_fire(atom/target, mob/living/user, params)
+ //still actively firing
+ if(auto_firing || burst_firing || world.time < last_fired + last_delay)
+ return NONE
+ switch(gun_firemode)
+ try_fire(target, user, params)
/// Wrapper proc for the autofire subsystem to ensure the important args aren't null
-/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/fire_wrapper(atom/target, mob/living/user, params)
+/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/continue_fire(atom/target, mob/living/user, params)
target = src.target
@@ -789,129 +705,88 @@
user = hp_operator
if(!target || !user)
return NONE
- return Fire(target, user, params)
-/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/Fire(atom/target, mob/living/user, params)
- set waitfor = FALSE
+ return try_fire(target, user, params)
- if(!able_to_fire(user) || !target || !get_turf(user) || !get_turf(target))
+/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/try_fire(atom/target, mob/living/user, params)
+ if(health <= 0)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("\The [name] is broken!"))
return NONE
- /*
- This is where burst is established for the proceeding section. Which just means the proc loops around that many times.
- If burst = 1, you must null it if you ever RETURN during the for() cycle. If for whatever reason burst is left on while
- the gun is not firing, it will break a lot of stuff. BREAK is fine, as it will null it.
- */
- if((gun_firemode == GUN_FIREMODE_BURSTFIRE) && burst_amount > BURST_AMOUNT_TIER_1)
- var/fire_return = handle_fire(target, user, params)
- if(!fire_return)
- return fire_return
- DISABLE_BITFIELD(flags_gun_features, GUN_BURST_FIRING) // We always want to turn off bursting when we're done, mainly for when we break early mid-burstfire.
- if(CHECK_BITFIELD(flags_gun_features, GUN_BURST_FIRING))
- return TRUE
- // The rest is delay-related. If we're firing full-auto it doesn't matter
- if(fa_firing)
- return TRUE
- var/next_shot = last_fired + fire_delay
- if(world.time >= next_shot + extra_delay) //check the last time it was fired.
- extra_delay = 0
- return TRUE
+ if(!ammo || ammo.current_rounds <= 0)
+ click_empty(user)
+ return NONE
-/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/handle_fire(atom/target, mob/living/user, params)
- var/turf/curloc = get_turf(src) //In case the target or we are expired.
- var/turf/targloc = get_turf(target)
+ if(!in_firing_arc(target))
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("The target is not within your firing arc!"))
+ return NONE
- var/atom/original_target = target //This is for burst mode, in case the target changes per scatter chance in between fired bullets.
+ return fire_shot(target, user, params)
- //The gun should return the bullet that it already loaded from the end cycle of the last Fire().
- //var/obj/projectile/projectile_to_fire = load_into_chamber(user) //Load a bullet in or check for existing one.
- var/obj/projectile/projectile_to_fire = generate_bullet(user, curloc)
- if(!projectile_to_fire) //If there is nothing to fire, click.
- click_empty(user)
- return NONE
+/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/fire_shot(atom/target, mob/living/user, params)
+ //offset fire origin from lower-left corner
+ var/turf/origin_turf = get_turf(src)
+ origin_turf = locate(origin_turf.x + origins[1], origin_turf.y + origins[2], origin_turf.z)
- /*
- apply_bullet_effects(projectile_to_fire, user) //User can be passed as null.
+ var/obj/projectile/projectile_to_fire = generate_bullet(user, origin_turf)
- */
- if(QDELETED(original_target)) //If the target's destroyed, shoot at where it was last.
- target = targloc
- else
- target = original_target
- targloc = get_turf(target)
+ play_firing_sounds(projectile_to_fire, user)
- projectile_to_fire.original = target
+ INVOKE_ASYNC(projectile_to_fire, TYPE_PROC_REF(/obj/projectile, fire_at), target, user, src, projectile_to_fire.ammo.max_range, projectile_to_fire.ammo.shell_speed)
+ projectile_to_fire = null
- /*
- // turf-targeted projectiles are fired without scatter, because proc would raytrace them further away
- var/ammo_flags = projectile_to_fire.ammo.flags_ammo_behavior | projectile_to_fire.projectile_override_flags
- target = simulate_scatter(projectile_to_fire, target, curloc, targloc, user)
+ if(use_muzzle_flash)
+ muzzle_flash(Get_Angle(origin_turf, target))
- var/bullet_velocity = projectile_to_fire?.ammo?.shell_speed + velocity_add
- */
+ ammo.current_rounds--
+ //just ran out
+ if(ammo.current_rounds <= 0)
+ playsound(get_turf(src), empty_alarm, 70, 1)
+ //cooldown to respect intended ROF
+ last_fired = world.time
+ switch(gun_firemode)
+ last_delay = fire_delay
+ reset_fire()
+ display_ammo()
+ last_delay = burst_delay + extra_delay
+ last_delay = fire_delay
+/// Toggles the gun's firemode one down the list
+/obj/item/hardpoint/proc/do_toggle_firemode(mob/user, new_firemode)
- if(params) // Apply relative clicked position from the mouse info to offset projectile
- if(!params["click_catcher"])
- if(params["vis-x"])
- projectile_to_fire.p_x = text2num(params["vis-x"])
- else if(params["icon-x"])
- projectile_to_fire.p_x = text2num(params["icon-x"])
- if(params["vis-y"])
- projectile_to_fire.p_y = text2num(params["vis-y"])
- else if(params["icon-y"])
- projectile_to_fire.p_y = text2num(params["icon-y"])
- var/atom/movable/clicked_target = original_target
- if(istype(clicked_target))
- projectile_to_fire.p_x -= clicked_target.bound_width / 2
- projectile_to_fire.p_y -= clicked_target.bound_height / 2
- else
- projectile_to_fire.p_x -= world.icon_size / 2
- projectile_to_fire.p_y -= world.icon_size / 2
- else
- projectile_to_fire.p_x -= world.icon_size / 2
- projectile_to_fire.p_y -= world.icon_size / 2
+ if(get_burst_firing())//can't toggle mid burst
+ return
- play_firing_sounds(projectile_to_fire, user)
- if(targloc != curloc)
- //This is where the projectile leaves the barrel and deals with projectile code only.
- //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
- //in_chamber = null // It's not in the gun anymore
- INVOKE_ASYNC(projectile_to_fire, TYPE_PROC_REF(/obj/projectile, fire_at), target, user, src, projectile_to_fire?.ammo?.max_range, projectile_to_fire?.ammo?.shell_speed, original_target)
- projectile_to_fire = null // Important: firing might have made projectile collide early and ALREADY have deleted it. We clear it too.
- //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ if(!length(gun_firemode_list))
+ CRASH("[src] called do_toggle_firemode() with an empty gun_firemodes")
- . = TRUE
+ if(length(gun_firemode_list) == 1)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("[icon2html(src, user)] This gun only has one firemode."))
+ return
- shots_fired++
+ if(new_firemode)
+ if(!(new_firemode in gun_firemode_list))
+ CRASH("[src] called do_toggle_firemode() with [new_firemode] new_firemode, not on gun_firemodes")
+ gun_firemode = new_firemode
- return TRUE
+ var/mode_index = gun_firemode_list.Find(gun_firemode)
+ if(++mode_index <= length(gun_firemode_list))
+ gun_firemode = gun_firemode_list[mode_index]
+ else
+ gun_firemode = gun_firemode_list[1]
- var/angle = round(Get_Angle(user, target)) //Let's do a muzzle flash.
- muzzle_flash(angle,user)
+ playsound(user, 'sound/weapons/handling/gun_burst_toggle.ogg', 15, 1)
- //This is where we load the next bullet in the chamber.
- //if(!reload_into_chamber(user)) // It has to return a bullet, otherwise it's empty.
- if(!ammo.current_rounds)
- click_empty(user)
- return TRUE //Nothing else to do here, time to cancel out.
- return TRUE
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("[icon2html(src, user)] You switch to [gun_firemode]."))
@@ -924,7 +799,6 @@
playsound(get_turf(src), pick(activation_sounds), 60, 1)
//------ICON PROCS----------
diff --git a/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/primary/dual_cannon.dm b/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/primary/dual_cannon.dm
index 80ab1b23c4..db9c49ac56 100644
--- a/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/primary/dual_cannon.dm
+++ b/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/primary/dual_cannon.dm
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
damage_multiplier = 0.2
health = 500
- cooldown = 7
- accuracy = 0.98
+ //cooldown = 7
+ //accuracy = 0.98
firing_arc = 60
//var/burst_amount = 2
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@
"8" = list(14, 9)
- //fire_delay = 0.6 SECONDS
+ fire_delay = 0.5 SECONDS
burst_amount = 2
burst_delay = 0.3 SECONDS
- //extra_delay = 0.7 SECONDS
+ extra_delay = 0.4 SECONDS
gun_firemode_list = list(
- start_semiauto = FALSE
diff --git a/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/secondary/frontal_cannon.dm b/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/secondary/frontal_cannon.dm
index b274849b20..ac4b486f9a 100644
--- a/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/secondary/frontal_cannon.dm
+++ b/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/secondary/frontal_cannon.dm
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
damage_multiplier = 0.11
health = 350
- cooldown = 16
- accuracy = 0.8
+ //cooldown = 16
+ //accuracy = 0.8
firing_arc = 120
//var/burst_amount = 4
@@ -34,27 +34,19 @@
"8" = list(-62, -26)
+ fire_delay = 0.5 SECONDS
+ burst_amount = 4
+ burst_delay = 0.3 SECONDS
+ extra_delay = 0.4 SECONDS
+ gun_firemode_list = list(
+ )
LAZYADD(traits_to_give, list(
-/obj/item/hardpoint/secondary/frontalcannon/fire(mob/user, atom/A)
- if(ammo.current_rounds <= 0)
- return
- next_use = world.time + cooldown * owner.misc_multipliers["cooldown"]
- for(var/bullets_fired = 1, bullets_fired <= burst_amount, bullets_fired++)
- var/atom/T = A
- if(!prob((accuracy * 100) / owner.misc_multipliers["accuracy"]))
- T = get_step(get_turf(A), pick(cardinal))
- if(LAZYLEN(activation_sounds))
- playsound(get_turf(src), pick(activation_sounds), 60, 1)
- fire_projectile(user, T)
- if(ammo.current_rounds <= 0)
- break
- if(bullets_fired < burst_amount) //we need to sleep only if there are more bullets to shoot in the burst
- sleep(3)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("[src] Ammo: [SPAN_HELPFUL(ammo ? ammo.current_rounds : 0)]/[SPAN_HELPFUL(ammo ? ammo.max_rounds : 0)] | Mags: [SPAN_HELPFUL(LAZYLEN(backup_clips))]/[SPAN_HELPFUL(max_clips)]"))
diff --git a/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/special/firing_port_weapon.dm b/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/special/firing_port_weapon.dm
index 3695130783..f6ae86f726 100644
--- a/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/special/firing_port_weapon.dm
+++ b/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/special/firing_port_weapon.dm
@@ -30,6 +30,17 @@
underlayer_north_muzzleflash = TRUE
+ fire_delay = 0.4 SECONDS
+ burst_amount = 3
+ burst_delay = 0.3 SECONDS
+ extra_delay = -0.2 SECONDS
+ gun_firemode_list = list(
+ )
LAZYADD(traits_to_give, list(
@@ -116,8 +127,12 @@
to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("\The [name] reloads automatically."))
return FALSE
+/obj/item/hardpoint/special/firing_port_weapon/try_fire(atom/target, mob/living/user, params)
+ //FPW stop working at 50% hull
+ if(owner.health < initial(owner.health) * 0.5)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("\The [owner]'s hull is too damaged!"))
+ return FALSE
-/obj/item/hardpoint/special/firing_port_weapon/fire(mob/user, atom/A)
to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("You need a free hand to use \the [name]."))
@@ -126,17 +141,8 @@
- next_use = world.time + cooldown * owner.misc_multipliers["cooldown"]
- for(var/bullets_fired = 1, bullets_fired <= burst_amount, bullets_fired++)
- var/atom/T = A
- if(!prob((accuracy * 100) / owner.misc_multipliers["accuracy"]))
- T = get_step(get_turf(A), pick(cardinal))
- if(LAZYLEN(activation_sounds))
- playsound(get_turf(src), pick(activation_sounds), 60, 1)
- fire_projectile(user, T)
- if(ammo.current_rounds <= 0)
- break
- if(bullets_fired < burst_amount) //we need to sleep only if there are more bullets to shoot in the burst
- sleep(3)
- to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("[src] Ammo: [SPAN_HELPFUL(ammo ? ammo.current_rounds : 0)]/[SPAN_HELPFUL(ammo ? ammo.max_rounds : 0)]"))
+ if(reloading)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("\The [name] is reloading. Wait [SPAN_HELPFUL("[((reload_time_started + reload_time - world.time) / 10)]")] seconds."))
+ return FALSE
+ return ..()
diff --git a/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/support/flare.dm b/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/support/flare.dm
index 2cee40064f..facd938aa9 100644
--- a/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/support/flare.dm
+++ b/code/modules/vehicles/hardpoints/support/flare.dm
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
activatable = TRUE
health = 500
- cooldown = 30
- accuracy = 0.7
+ //cooldown = 30
+ //accuracy = 0.7
firing_arc = 120
origins = list(0, -2)
@@ -35,6 +35,14 @@
"8" = list(14, -6)
+ fire_delay = 3.0 SECONDS
+ gun_firemode_list = list(
+ )
LAZYADD(traits_to_give, list(
diff --git a/code/modules/vehicles/multitile/multitile_verbs.dm b/code/modules/vehicles/multitile/multitile_verbs.dm
index c7dd29bbf0..fc79a6a3b7 100644
--- a/code/modules/vehicles/multitile/multitile_verbs.dm
+++ b/code/modules/vehicles/multitile/multitile_verbs.dm
@@ -376,3 +376,30 @@
to_chat(user, SPAN_WARNING("Warning. No FPW for [seat] found, tell a dev!"))
+ set name = "Cycle Firemode"
+ set desc = "Cycles through your gun's firemodes."
+ set category = "Vehicle"
+ var/mob/user = usr
+ if(!user || !istype(user))
+ return
+ var/obj/vehicle/multitile/vehicle = user.interactee
+ if(!istype(vehicle))
+ return
+ var/seat
+ for(var/vehicle_seat in vehicle.seats)
+ if(vehicle.seats[vehicle_seat] == user)
+ seat = vehicle_seat
+ break
+ if(!seat)
+ return
+ var/obj/item/hardpoint/hardpoint = vehicle.active_hp[seat]
+ if(!hardpoint)
+ return
+ hardpoint.do_toggle_firemode(usr)