diff --git a/code/game/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons.dm b/code/game/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons.dm index ee39e593ea..bbac44de86 100644 --- a/code/game/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons.dm +++ b/code/game/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons.dm @@ -135,577 +135,7 @@ if(screen_mode != 3 || !selected_firemission || dropship.mode != SHUTTLE_CALL) update_location(user, null) - if(screen_mode != 3 || !selected_firemission || shuttle_state != "in_transit") - update_location(null) - // /if(firemission_envelope) - - data = list( - "shuttle_state" = shuttle_state, - "fire_mission_enabled" = dropship.in_flyby, - "equipment_data" = equipment_data, - "targets_data" = targets_data, - "selected_eqp" = selected_eqp_name, - "selected_eqp_ammo_name" = selected_eqp_ammo_name, - "selected_eqp_ammo_amt" = selected_eqp_ammo_amt, - "selected_eqp_max_ammo_amt" = selected_eqp_max_ammo_amt, - "screen_mode" = screen_mode, - "firemission_data" = firemission_data, - "editing_firemission" = editing_firemission, - "editing_firemission_length" = fm_length, - "firemission_edit_data" = firemission_edit_data, - "current_mission_error" = current_mission_error, - "firemission_edit_timeslices" = firemission_edit_timeslices, - "has_firemission" = !!firemission_envelope, - "can_firemission" = !!selected_firemission && shuttle_state == "in_transit", - "can_launch_firemission" = !!selected_firemission && shuttle_state == "in_transit" && firemission_stat != FIRE_MISSION_STATE_IDLE, - //firemission related stuff - "firemission_name" = (selected_firemission ? selected_firemission.name : ""), - "firemission_selected_laser" = firemission_signal, - "firemission_offset" = fm_offset, - "firemission_direction" = fm_direction, - "firemission_message" = fm_step_text, - "firemission_step" = firemission_stat, - ) - - ui = nanomanager.try_update_ui(user, src, ui_key, ui, data, force_open) - - if (!ui) - ui = new(user, src, ui_key, "dropship_weapons_console.tmpl", "Weapons Control", 800, 600) - ui.set_initial_data(data) - ui.open() - ui.set_auto_update(1) - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/Topic(href, href_list) - if(..()) - return - - add_fingerprint(usr) - - var/obj/docking_port/mobile/marine_dropship/dropship = SSshuttle.getShuttle(shuttle_tag) - if (!istype(dropship)) - return - - if(href_list["equip_interact"]) - var/base_tag = text2num(href_list["equip_interact"]) - var/obj/structure/dropship_equipment/E = shuttle_equipments[base_tag] - E.linked_console = src - E.equipment_interact(usr) - - if(href_list["open_fire"]) - var/targ_id = text2num(href_list["open_fire"]) - var/mob/M = usr - if(ishuman(M)) - var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = M - if(!H.allow_gun_usage) - to_chat(H, SPAN_WARNING("Your programming prevents you from operating dropship weaponry!")) - return - var/obj/structure/dropship_equipment/weapon/DEW = selected_equipment - if(!selected_equipment || !selected_equipment.is_weapon) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("No weapon selected.")) - return - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, DEW.skill_required)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("You don't have the training to fire this weapon!")) - return - - if(!faction) - return //no faction, no weapons - - var/datum/cas_iff_group/cas_group = cas_groups[faction] - - if(!cas_group) - return //broken group. No fighting - - for(var/X in cas_group.cas_signals) - var/datum/cas_signal/LT = X - if(LT.target_id == targ_id && LT.valid_signal()) - if(dropship.mode != SHUTTLE_CALL) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Dropship can only fire while in flight.")) - return - if(dropship.door_override) - return - if(!selected_equipment || !selected_equipment.is_weapon) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("No weapon selected.")) - return - DEW = selected_equipment // for if the weapon somehow changes - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, DEW.skill_required)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("You don't have the training to fire this weapon!")) - return - if(!dropship.in_flyby && DEW.fire_mission_only) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("[DEW] requires a fire mission flight type to be fired.")) - return - - if(!DEW.ammo_equipped || DEW.ammo_equipped.ammo_count <= 0) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("[DEW] has no ammo.")) - return - if(DEW.last_fired > world.time - DEW.firing_delay) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("[DEW] just fired, wait for it to cool down.")) - return - if(!LT.signal_loc) - return - var/turf/TU = get_turf(LT.signal_loc) - var/area/targ_area = get_area(LT.signal_loc) - var/is_outside = FALSE - if(is_ground_level(TU.z)) - switch(targ_area.ceiling) - if(CEILING_NONE) - is_outside = TRUE - if(CEILING_GLASS) - is_outside = TRUE - if(!is_outside && !cavebreaker) //cavebreaker doesn't care - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("INVALID TARGET: target must be visible from high altitude.")) - return - if (protected_by_pylon(TURF_PROTECTION_CAS, TU)) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("INVALID TARGET: biological-pattern interference with signal.")) - return - if(!DEW.ammo_equipped.can_fire_at(TU, usr)) - return - - DEW.open_fire(LT.signal_loc) - break - - if(href_list["deselect"]) - var/mob/M = usr - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, SKILL_PILOT_TRAINED)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("A screen with graphics and walls of physics and engineering values open, you immediately force it closed.")) - return - selected_equipment = null - - if(href_list["create_mission"]) - var/mob/M = usr - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, SKILL_PILOT_TRAINED)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("A screen with graphics and walls of physics and engineering values open, you immediately force it closed.")) - return - if(firemission_envelope.max_mission_len <= firemission_envelope.missions.len) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Cannot store more than [firemission_envelope.max_mission_len] Fire Missions.")) - return - var/fm_name = stripped_input(usr, "", "Enter Fire Mission Name", "Fire Mission [firemission_envelope.missions.len+1]", 50) - if(!fm_name || length(fm_name) < 5) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Name too short (at least 5 symbols).")) - return - var/fm_length = stripped_input(usr, "Enter length of the Fire Mission. Has to be less than [firemission_envelope.fire_length]. Use something that divides [firemission_envelope.fire_length] for optimal performance.", "Fire Mission Length (in tiles)", "[firemission_envelope.fire_length]", 5) - var/fm_length_n = text2num(fm_length) - if(!fm_length_n) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Incorrect input format.")) - return - if(fm_length_n > firemission_envelope.fire_length) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Fire Mission is longer than allowed by this vehicle.")) - return - if(firemission_envelope.stat != FIRE_MISSION_STATE_IDLE) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Vehicle has to be idle to allow Fire Mission editing and creation.")) - return - //everything seems to be fine now - firemission_envelope.generate_mission(fm_name, fm_length_n) - - if(href_list["mission_tag_delete"]) - var/ref = text2num(href_list["mission_tag_delete"]) - var/mob/M = usr - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, SKILL_PILOT_TRAINED)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("A screen with graphics and walls of physics and engineering values open, you immediately force it closed.")) - return - if(ref>firemission_envelope.missions.len) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Fire Mission ID corrupted or already deleted.")) - return - if(selected_firemission == firemission_envelope.missions[ref]) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Can't delete selected Fire Mission.")) - return - var/result = firemission_envelope.delete_firemission(ref) - if(result != 1) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Unable to delete Fire Mission while in combat.")) - return - - if(href_list["mission_tag"]) - var/ref = text2num(href_list["mission_tag"]) - var/mob/M = usr - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, SKILL_PILOT_TRAINED)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("A screen with graphics and walls of physics and engineering values open, you immediately force it closed.")) - return - if(ref>firemission_envelope.missions.len) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Fire Mission ID corrupted or deleted.")) - return - if(firemission_envelope.stat > FIRE_MISSION_STATE_IN_TRANSIT && firemission_envelope.stat < FIRE_MISSION_STATE_COOLDOWN) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Fire Mission already underway.")) - return - if(selected_firemission == firemission_envelope.missions[ref]) - selected_firemission = null - else - selected_firemission = firemission_envelope.missions[ref] - - if(href_list["mission_tag_edit"]) - var/ref = text2num(href_list["mission_tag_edit"]) - var/mob/M = usr - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, SKILL_PILOT_TRAINED)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("A screen with graphics and walls of physics and engineering values open, you immediately force it closed.")) - return - if(ref>firemission_envelope.missions.len) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Fire Mission ID corrupted or deleted.")) - return - if(selected_firemission == firemission_envelope.missions[ref]) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Can't edit selected Fire Mission.")) - return - if(firemission_envelope.stat > FIRE_MISSION_STATE_IN_TRANSIT && firemission_envelope.stat < FIRE_MISSION_STATE_COOLDOWN) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Fire Mission already underway.")) - return - editing_firemission = firemission_envelope.missions[ref] - - if(href_list["leave_firemission_editing"]) - editing_firemission = null - - if(href_list["switch_to_firemission"]) - var/mob/M = usr - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, SKILL_PILOT_TRAINED)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("A screen with graphics and walls of physics and engineering values open, you immediately force it closed.")) - return - in_firemission_mode = TRUE - - if(href_list["switch_to_simulation"]) - if(!selected_firemission) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Select a firemission before attempting to run the simulation")) - return - - configuration = selected_firemission - - // simulation mode - tgui_interact(usr) - - if(href_list["leave_firemission_execution"]) - var/mob/M = usr - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, SKILL_PILOT_TRAINED)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("A screen with graphics and walls of physics and engineering values open, you immediately force it closed.")) - return - firemission_envelope.remove_user_from_tracking(usr) - in_firemission_mode = FALSE - - if(href_list["change_direction"]) - var/mob/M = usr - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, SKILL_PILOT_TRAINED)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("A screen with graphics and walls of physics and engineering values open, you immediately force it closed.")) - return - var/list/directions = list(dir2text(NORTH), dir2text(SOUTH), dir2text(EAST), dir2text(WEST)) - var/chosen = tgui_input_list(usr, "Select new Direction for the strafing run", "Select Direction", directions) - - var/chosen_dir = text2dir(chosen) - if(!chosen_dir) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Error with direction detected.")) - return - - update_direction(chosen_dir) - - if(href_list["change_offset"]) - var/mob/M = usr - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, SKILL_PILOT_TRAINED)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("A screen with graphics and walls of physics and engineering values open, you immediately force it closed.")) - return - - var/chosen = stripped_input(usr, "Select Fire Mission length, from 0 to [firemission_envelope.max_offset]", "Select Offset", "[firemission_envelope.recorded_offset]", 2) - var/chosen_offset = text2num(chosen) - - if(chosen_offset == null) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Error with offset detected.")) - return - - update_offset(chosen_offset) - - if(href_list["select_laser_firemission"]) - var/mob/M = usr - var/targ_id = text2num(href_list["select_laser_firemission"]) - if(!targ_id) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Bad Target.")) - return - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, SKILL_PILOT_TRAINED)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("A screen with graphics and walls of physics and engineering values open, you immediately force it closed.")) - return - if(firemission_envelope.stat > FIRE_MISSION_STATE_IN_TRANSIT && firemission_envelope.stat < FIRE_MISSION_STATE_COOLDOWN) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Fire Mission already underway.")) - return - if(dropship.mode != SHUTTLE_CALL) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Shuttle has to be in orbit.")) - return - var/datum/cas_iff_group/cas_group = cas_groups[faction] - var/datum/cas_signal/cas_sig - for(var/X in cas_group.cas_signals) - var/datum/cas_signal/LT = X - if(LT.target_id == targ_id && LT.valid_signal()) - cas_sig = LT - if(!cas_sig) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Target lost or obstructed.")) - return - - update_location(cas_sig) - - if(href_list["execute_firemission"]) - var/mob/M = usr - if(ishuman(M)) - var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = M - if(!H.allow_gun_usage) - to_chat(H, SPAN_WARNING("Your programming prevents you from operating dropship weaponry!")) - return - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, SKILL_PILOT_TRAINED)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("A screen with graphics and walls of physics and engineering values open, you immediately force it closed.")) - return - if(firemission_envelope.stat != FIRE_MISSION_STATE_IDLE) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Fire Mission already underway.")) - return - if(dropship.mode != SHUTTLE_CALL) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Shuttle has to be in orbit.")) - return - if(!firemission_envelope.recorded_loc) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Target is not selected or lost.")) - return - - initiate_firemission() - - if(href_list["fm_weapon_id"]) - var/weap_ref = text2num(href_list["fm_weapon_id"])+1 - var/offset_ref = text2num(href_list["fm_offset_id"])+1 - var/mob/M = usr - if(!skillcheck(M, SKILL_PILOT, SKILL_PILOT_TRAINED)) //only pilots can fire dropship weapons. - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("A screen with graphics and walls of physics and engineering values open, you immediately force it closed.")) - return - if(!editing_firemission) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("You are no longer editing Fire Mission.")) - return - if(!editing_firemission.records || editing_firemission.records.len FIRE_MISSION_STATE_IN_TRANSIT && firemission_envelope.stat < FIRE_MISSION_STATE_COOLDOWN) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Fire Mission already underway.")) - return - var/list/gimb = record.get_offsets() - var/min = gimb["min"] - var/max = gimb["max"] - var/offset_value = stripped_input(usr, "Enter offset for the [record.weapon.name]. It has to be between [min] and [max]. Enter '-' to remove fire order on this time stamp.", "Firing offset", "[record.offsets[offset_ref]]", 2) - if(offset_value == null) - return - if(offset_value == "-") - offset_value = "-" - else - offset_value = text2num(offset_value) - if(offset_value == null) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Incorrect offset value.")) - return - var/result = firemission_envelope.update_mission(firemission_envelope.missions.Find(editing_firemission), weap_ref, offset_ref, offset_value, TRUE) - if(result == 0) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Update caused an error: [firemission_envelope.mission_error]")) - if(result == -1) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("System Error. Delete this Fire Mission.")) - - if(href_list["firemission_camera"]) - if(dropship.mode != SHUTTLE_CALL) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Shuttle has to be in orbit.")) - return - - if(!firemission_envelope.guidance) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Guidance is not selected or lost.")) - return - - firemission_envelope.add_user_to_tracking(usr) - - to_chat(usr, "You peek through the guidance camera.") - - if(href_list["cas_camera"]) - if(!ishuman(usr)) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("You have no idea how to do that!")) - return - if(dropship.mode != SHUTTLE_CALL) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Shuttle has to be in orbit.")) - return - - if(!faction) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_DANGER("Bug encountered, this console doesn't have a faction set, report this to a coder!")) - return - - var/datum/cas_iff_group/cas_group = cas_groups[faction] - if(!cas_group) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_DANGER("Bug encountered, no CAS group exists for this console, report this to a coder!")) - return - - var/targ_id = text2num(href_list["cas_camera"]) - - var/datum/cas_signal/new_signal - for(var/datum/cas_signal/LT as anything in cas_group.cas_signals) - if(LT.target_id == targ_id && LT.valid_signal()) - new_signal = LT - break - - if(!new_signal) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Target lost or obstructed.")) - return - - if(usr in selected_cas_signal?.linked_cam?.viewing_users) // Reset previous cam - remove_from_view(usr) - - selected_cas_signal = new_signal - if(selected_cas_signal && selected_cas_signal.linked_cam) - selected_cas_signal.linked_cam.view_directly(usr) - else - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Error!")) - return - give_action(usr, /datum/action/human_action/cancel_view) - RegisterSignal(usr, COMSIG_MOB_RESET_VIEW, PROC_REF(remove_from_view)) - RegisterSignal(usr, COMSIG_MOB_RESISTED, PROC_REF(remove_from_view)) - firemission_envelope.apply_upgrade(usr) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_NOTICE("You peek through the guidance camera.")) - - ui_interact(usr) - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/proc/remove_from_view(mob/living/carbon/human/user) - UnregisterSignal(user, COMSIG_MOB_RESET_VIEW) - UnregisterSignal(user, COMSIG_MOB_RESISTED) - if(selected_cas_signal && selected_cas_signal.linked_cam) - selected_cas_signal.linked_cam.remove_from_view(user) - firemission_envelope.remove_upgrades(user) - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/proc/initiate_firemission() - set waitfor = 0 - var/obj/docking_port/mobile/marine_dropship/dropship = SSshuttle.getShuttle(shuttle_tag) - if (!istype(dropship)) - return - if (dropship.timer && dropship.timeLeft(1) < firemission_envelope.get_total_duration()) - to_chat(usr, "Not enough time to complete the Fire Mission") - return - if (!dropship.in_flyby || dropship.mode != SHUTTLE_CALL) - to_chat(usr, "Has to be in Fly By mode") - return - - var/fmid = firemission_envelope.missions.Find(selected_firemission) - if(!fmid) - to_chat(usr, "No Firemission selected") - return - - var/result = firemission_envelope.execute_firemission(firemission_envelope.recorded_loc, firemission_envelope.recorded_offset, firemission_envelope.recorded_dir, fmid) - if(result<1) - to_chat(usr, "Screen beeps with an error: "+ firemission_envelope.mission_error) - else - update_trace_loc() - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/proc/update_offset(new_offset) - var/result = firemission_envelope.change_offset(new_offset) - if(result<1) - to_chat(usr, "Screen beeps with an error: "+ firemission_envelope.mission_error) - else - update_trace_loc() - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/proc/update_location(new_location) - var/result = firemission_envelope.change_target_loc(new_location) - if(result<1) - to_chat(usr, "Screen beeps with an error: "+ firemission_envelope.mission_error) - else - update_trace_loc() - - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/proc/update_direction(new_direction) - var/result = firemission_envelope.change_direction(new_direction) - if(result<1) - to_chat(usr, "Screen beeps with an error: " + firemission_envelope.mission_error) - else - update_trace_loc() - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/on_unset_interaction(mob/user) - ..() - if(firemission_envelope && firemission_envelope.guidance) - firemission_envelope.remove_user_from_tracking(user) - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/proc/update_trace_loc() - if(!firemission_envelope) - return - if(firemission_envelope.recorded_loc == null || firemission_envelope.recorded_dir == null || firemission_envelope.recorded_offset == null) - return - if(firemission_envelope.recorded_loc.obstructed_signal()) - if(firemission_envelope.user_is_guided(usr)) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Signal Obstructed. You have to go in blind.")) - return - var/sx = 0 - var/sy = 0 - switch(firemission_envelope.recorded_dir) - if(NORTH) //default direction - sx = 0 - sy = 1 - if(SOUTH) - sx = 0 - sy = -1 - if(EAST) - sx = 1 - sy = 0 - if(WEST) - sx = -1 - sy = 0 - var/turf/tt_turf = get_turf(firemission_envelope.recorded_loc.signal_loc) - if(!tt_turf) - return - var/turf/shootloc = locate(tt_turf.x + sx*firemission_envelope.recorded_offset, tt_turf.y + sy*firemission_envelope.recorded_offset,tt_turf.z) - if(!shootloc) - return - var/area/laser_area = get_area(shootloc) - if(!istype(laser_area) || CEILING_IS_PROTECTED(laser_area.ceiling, CEILING_PROTECTION_TIER_1)) - if(firemission_envelope.user_is_guided(usr)) - to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Vision Obstructed. You have to go in blind.")) - firemission_envelope.change_current_loc() - else - firemission_envelope.change_current_loc(shootloc) - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/Destroy() - . = ..() - - QDEL_NULL(firemission_envelope) - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/midway - name = "\improper 'Midway' weapons controls" - shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_MIDWAY - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/midway/small - icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' - icon_state = "cameras" - layer = WEATHER_LAYER - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/cyclone - name = "\improper 'Cyclone' weapons controls" - shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_CYCLONE - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/cyclone/small - icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' - icon_state = "cameras" - layer = WEATHER_LAYER - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tornado - name = "\improper 'Tornado' weapons controls" - shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_TORNADO - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tornado/small - icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' - icon_state = "cameras" - layer = WEATHER_LAYER - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/typhoon - name = "\improper 'Typhoon' weapons controls" - shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_TYPHOON - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/typhoon/small - icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' - icon_state = "cameras" - layer = WEATHER_LAYER - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tripoli - name = "\improper 'Tripoli' weapons controls" - shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_TRIPOLI - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tripoli/small - icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' - icon_state = "cameras" - layer = WEATHER_LAYER - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/dropship1 - name = "\improper 'Alamo' weapons controls" - shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_ALAMO - -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/dropship2 - name = "\improper 'Normandy' weapons controls" - shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_NORMANDY - -// CAS TGUI SHIT \\ + tgui_interact(user) /obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tgui_interact(mob/user, datum/tgui/ui) if(!registered) @@ -1466,6 +896,55 @@ firemission_envelope = new /datum/cas_fire_envelope/uscm_dropship() shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_MIDWAY +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/midway/small + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' + icon_state = "cameras" + layer = WEATHER_LAYER + +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/cyclone + name = "\improper 'Cyclone' weapons controls" + req_one_access = list(ACCESS_MARINE_LEADER, ACCESS_MARINE_DROPSHIP, ACCESS_WY_FLIGHT) + firemission_envelope = new /datum/cas_fire_envelope/uscm_dropship() + shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_CYCLONE + +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/cyclone/small + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' + icon_state = "cameras" + layer = WEATHER_LAYER + +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tornado + name = "\improper 'Tornado' weapons controls" + req_one_access = list(ACCESS_MARINE_LEADER, ACCESS_MARINE_DROPSHIP, ACCESS_WY_FLIGHT) + firemission_envelope = new /datum/cas_fire_envelope/uscm_dropship() + shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_TORNADO + +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tornado/small + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' + icon_state = "cameras" + layer = WEATHER_LAYER + +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/typhoon + name = "\improper 'Typhoon' weapons controls" + shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_TYPHOON + req_one_access = list(ACCESS_MARINE_LEADER, ACCESS_MARINE_DROPSHIP, ACCESS_WY_FLIGHT) + firemission_envelope = new /datum/cas_fire_envelope/uscm_dropship() + +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/typhoon/small + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' + icon_state = "cameras" + layer = WEATHER_LAYER + +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tripoli + name = "\improper 'Tripoli' weapons controls" + shuttle_tag = DROPSHIP_TRIPOLI + req_one_access = list(ACCESS_MARINE_LEADER, ACCESS_MARINE_DROPSHIP, ACCESS_WY_FLIGHT) + firemission_envelope = new /datum/cas_fire_envelope/uscm_dropship() + +/obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/tripoli/small + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi' + icon_state = "cameras" + layer = WEATHER_LAYER + /obj/structure/machinery/computer/dropship_weapons/Destroy() . = ..() QDEL_NULL(firemission_envelope) diff --git a/code/modules/cm_marines/overwatch.dm b/code/modules/cm_marines/overwatch.dm index 243ecd9342..c29b4ad5b5 100644 --- a/code/modules/cm_marines/overwatch.dm +++ b/code/modules/cm_marines/overwatch.dm @@ -920,6 +920,8 @@ icon_state = "toc" bound_width = 64 bound_height = 32 + layer = ABOVE_TABLE_LAYER + density = TRUE /obj/structure/supply_drop name = "Supply Drop Pad" diff --git a/colonialmarines.dme b/colonialmarines.dme index d5e035d6d2..d75338ecfe 100644 --- a/colonialmarines.dme +++ b/colonialmarines.dme @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ #include "code\__DEFINES\_tick.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\access.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\admin.dm" -#include "code\__DEFINES\alerts.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\ARES.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\assert.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\atmospherics.dm" @@ -100,7 +99,6 @@ #include "code\__DEFINES\speech_channels.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\stamina.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\stats.dm" -#include "code\__DEFINES\status_effects.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\STUI.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\subsystems.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\surgery.dm" @@ -111,7 +109,6 @@ #include "code\__DEFINES\tgui.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\traits.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\turf_flags.dm" -#include "code\__DEFINES\turfs.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\unit_tests.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\urls.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\vehicle.dm" @@ -136,7 +133,6 @@ #include "code\__DEFINES\dcs\signals\atom\signals_obj.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\dcs\signals\atom\signals_projectile.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\dcs\signals\atom\signals_turf.dm" -#include "code\__DEFINES\dcs\signals\atom\mob\signals_mind.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\dcs\signals\atom\mob\signals_mob.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\dcs\signals\atom\mob\living\signals_human.dm" #include "code\__DEFINES\dcs\signals\atom\mob\living\signals_living.dm" @@ -174,7 +170,6 @@ #include "code\__HELPERS\sanitize_values.dm" #include "code\__HELPERS\shell.dm" #include "code\__HELPERS\status_effects.dm" -#include "code\__HELPERS\string_lists.dm" #include "code\__HELPERS\text.dm" #include "code\__HELPERS\traits.dm" #include "code\__HELPERS\type2type.dm" @@ -307,12 +302,10 @@ #include "code\controllers\subsystem\init\lobby_art.dm" #include "code\controllers\subsystem\processing\defprocess.dm" #include "code\controllers\subsystem\processing\effects.dm" -#include "code\controllers\subsystem\processing\fasteffects.dm" #include "code\controllers\subsystem\processing\fastobj.dm" #include "code\controllers\subsystem\processing\hive_status.dm" #include "code\controllers\subsystem\processing\obj_tab_items.dm" #include "code\controllers\subsystem\processing\objects.dm" -#include "code\controllers\subsystem\processing\oldeffects.dm" #include "code\controllers\subsystem\processing\processing.dm" #include "code\controllers\subsystem\processing\shield_pillar.dm" #include "code\controllers\subsystem\processing\slowobj.dm" @@ -646,12 +639,6 @@ #include "code\datums\statistics\random_facts\kills_fact.dm" #include "code\datums\statistics\random_facts\random_fact.dm" #include "code\datums\statistics\random_facts\revives_fact.dm" -#include "code\datums\status_effects\_status_effect.dm" -#include "code\datums\status_effects\_status_effect_helpers.dm" -#include "code\datums\status_effects\grouped_effect.dm" -#include "code\datums\status_effects\limited_effect.dm" -#include "code\datums\status_effects\stacking_effect.dm" -#include "code\datums\status_effects\debuffs\debuffs.dm" #include "code\datums\supply_packs\_supply_packs.dm" #include "code\datums\supply_packs\ammo.dm" #include "code\datums\supply_packs\attachments.dm" @@ -733,7 +720,6 @@ #include "code\game\area\techtree.dm" #include "code\game\area\varadero.dm" #include "code\game\area\WhiskeyOutpost.dm" -#include "code\game\camera_manager\camera_manager.dm" #include "code\game\cas_manager\datums\cas_fire_envelope.dm" #include "code\game\cas_manager\datums\cas_fire_mission.dm" #include "code\game\cas_manager\datums\cas_iff_group.dm" @@ -1402,13 +1388,9 @@ #include "code\modules\admin\ToRban.dm" #include "code\modules\admin\game_master\game_master.dm" #include "code\modules\admin\game_master\game_master_submenu.dm" -#include "code\modules\admin\game_master\resin_panel.dm" #include "code\modules\admin\game_master\sound_panel.dm" -#include "code\modules\admin\game_master\extra_buttons\fire_support_menu.dm" -#include "code\modules\admin\game_master\extra_buttons\marine_announce.dm" #include "code\modules\admin\game_master\extra_buttons\rappel_menu.dm" #include "code\modules\admin\game_master\extra_buttons\rename_platoon.dm" -#include "code\modules\admin\game_master\extra_buttons\toggle_ai_xeno_weeding.dm" #include "code\modules\admin\game_master\extra_buttons\toggle_join_xeno.dm" #include "code\modules\admin\game_master\extra_buttons\toggle_vehicle_blockers.dm" #include "code\modules\admin\game_master\game_master_submenu\ambush.dm" @@ -2395,7 +2377,6 @@ #include "code\modules\tgui\tgui-say\modal.dm" #include "code\modules\tgui\tgui-say\speech.dm" #include "code\modules\tgui\tgui-say\typing.dm" -#include "code\modules\tgui_input\checkboxes.dm" #include "code\modules\tgui_input\text.dm" #include "code\modules\tgui_panel\audio.dm" #include "code\modules\tgui_panel\external.dm" diff --git a/maps/map_files/LV522_Chances_Claim/LV522_Chances_Claim.dmm b/maps/map_files/LV522_Chances_Claim/LV522_Chances_Claim.dmm index a196e2f20c..59b29a6e5d 100644 --- a/maps/map_files/LV522_Chances_Claim/LV522_Chances_Claim.dmm +++ b/maps/map_files/LV522_Chances_Claim/LV522_Chances_Claim.dmm @@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/mining) "aaF" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "15" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_left_exhaust{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "aaI" = ( /obj/item/stack/sheet/metal, @@ -2464,8 +2465,8 @@ /turf/open/floor/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/b_block/bridge) "bpZ" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "18" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "35" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "bqo" = ( @@ -4084,6 +4085,15 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/b_block/bar) +"cet" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ + icon_state = "rasputin3" + }, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "cex" = ( /turf/open/auto_turf/shale/layer2, /area/lv522/landing_zone_2) @@ -5362,10 +5372,13 @@ }, /area/lv522/oob) "cJc" = ( -/obj/item/prop/colony/used_flare, -/obj/structure/cargo_container/wy/right, -/turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_east_street) +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ + icon_state = "rasputin3" + }, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "cJg" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/xeno, /turf/open/asphalt/cement{ @@ -6212,6 +6225,11 @@ /obj/structure/machinery/photocopier, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/cargo) +"dae" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "78" + }, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "dah" = ( /obj/structure/filingcabinet{ density = 0; @@ -6724,15 +6742,10 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/atmos/east_reactor) "dic" = ( -/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin15" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/right_outer_wing_connector{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "dio" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/green{ @@ -7175,11 +7188,13 @@ }, /area/lv522/atmos/east_reactor/south) "dqn" = ( -/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ - icon_state = "p_stair_full" +/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/dropshiprear/ds2{ + id = "aft_door"; + name = "\improper Cyclone cargo door" }, -/obj/structure/platform{ - dir = 8 +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "UD6 East"; + indestructible = 1 }, /turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ icon_state = "rasputin15" @@ -7994,9 +8009,8 @@ /turf/open/floor/carpet, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/garage) "dIr" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "22" - }, +/obj/vehicle/powerloader, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "dIt" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes{ @@ -8664,8 +8678,8 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/cargo) "dWv" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "6" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "29" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "dWD" = ( @@ -8707,9 +8721,10 @@ }, /area/lv522/atmos/east_reactor) "dWY" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "32" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/right_inner_bottom_wing{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "dXa" = ( /obj/structure/cargo_container/arious/leftmid, @@ -8971,8 +8986,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/atmos/way_in_command_centre) "ecP" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "25" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "26" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "ecU" = ( @@ -9354,6 +9369,11 @@ icon_state = "squares" }, /area/lv522/atmos/east_reactor) +"ejQ" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "77" + }, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "ekf" = ( /obj/structure/curtain/medical, /turf/open/floor/strata{ @@ -11057,12 +11077,8 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_1/tunnel) "eTw" = ( -/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ - icon_state = "p_stair_full" - }, -/obj/structure/platform{ - dir = 8 - }, +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/inner_right_weapons, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/cyclone/right_fore, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "eTQ" = ( @@ -11120,9 +11136,10 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/lone_buildings/outdoor_bot) "eUS" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "33" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/right_outer_bottom_wing{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "eUX" = ( /obj/effect/landmark/survivor_spawner, @@ -11447,11 +11464,12 @@ }, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/south_east_street) "fbY" = ( -/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ - icon_state = "p_stair_full" +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 }, +/obj/structure/cargo_container/wy/right, /turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) +/area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_east_street) "fcd" = ( /obj/vehicle/train/cargo/trolley, /turf/open/floor/prison{ @@ -12492,9 +12510,10 @@ }, /area/lv522/atmos/reactor_garage) "fzC" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "28" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/left_outer_bottom_wing{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "fzE" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk/prison, @@ -13031,8 +13050,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/atmos/cargo_intake) "fLa" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "47" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "18" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "fLc" = ( @@ -13467,11 +13486,12 @@ /turf/open/auto_turf/shale/layer1, /area/lv522/outdoors/nw_rockies) "fTm" = ( -/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ - icon_state = "p_stair_full" +/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ + id = "UD6 East"; + indestructible = 1 }, /turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin3" + icon_state = "rasputin15" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "fTs" = ( @@ -13627,9 +13647,10 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/b_block/bar) "fXn" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "19" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/right_inner_wing_connector{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "fXs" = ( /obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/vehicles, @@ -13726,6 +13747,15 @@ }, /turf/open/gm/river, /area/lv522/landing_zone_1/tunnel) +"fYN" = ( +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective, +/obj/structure/platform{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ + icon_state = "rasputin3" + }, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "fYP" = ( /obj/effect/landmark/structure_spawner/setup/distress/xeno_door, /turf/open/floor/corsat{ @@ -15915,9 +15945,6 @@ /turf/open/floor/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/cargo) "gOZ" = ( -/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ - dir = 8 - }, /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood, /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_east_street) @@ -17708,6 +17735,12 @@ icon_state = "blue" }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/hallway) +"hvf" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/left_inner_wing_connector{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "hvh" = ( /obj/structure/platform, /turf/open/gm/river, @@ -19355,8 +19388,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/atmos/reactor_garage) "ibE" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "23" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "22" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "ibS" = ( @@ -26137,8 +26170,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/admin) "kzk" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "17" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "24" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "kzl" = ( @@ -26887,11 +26920,10 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/dorm_north) "kNR" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/crate/explosives, -/obj/item/storage/box/explosive_mines, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin15" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/nose_top_left{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "kOa" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/green{ @@ -27971,13 +28003,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/atmos/cargo_intake) "lgw" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - dir = 4; - id = "UD6 East"; - indestructible = 1 - }, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin3" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "43" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "lgR" = ( @@ -29531,6 +29558,11 @@ }, /turf/open/auto_turf/shale/layer1, /area/lv522/outdoors/nw_rockies) +"lMI" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "42" + }, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "lML" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/generic, /turf/open/floor/prison{ @@ -29935,11 +29967,11 @@ /turf/closed/wall/strata_outpost, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/kitchen/glass) "lVs" = ( -/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ - dir = 4 +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/nose_top_right{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, /turf/open/floor/plating, -/area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_east_street) +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "lVA" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, /obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/souto{ @@ -31512,6 +31544,14 @@ icon_state = "w-y2" }, /area/lv522/atmos/way_in_command_centre) +"mCl" = ( +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ + icon_state = "rasputin3" + }, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "mCm" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/green{ dir = 4 @@ -34884,6 +34924,18 @@ icon_state = "floor_plate" }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/dorms) +"nOm" = ( +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = -10 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ + icon_state = "rasputin15" + }, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "nOB" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/wood, @@ -34967,7 +35019,9 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/admin) "nPN" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado, +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "38" + }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "nPV" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy, @@ -35050,9 +35104,10 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/security/glass) "nQY" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "53" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_left_cap{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "nRp" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/vents/pump, @@ -35168,8 +35223,19 @@ /turf/open/floor/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/admin) "nSN" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "27" +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med{ + pixel_y = 26; + pixel_x = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet/lifeboat{ + pixel_y = 27; + pixel_x = -2 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ + icon_state = "rasputin15" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "nTa" = ( @@ -35587,6 +35653,11 @@ icon_state = "floor_plate" }, /area/lv522/atmos/cargo_intake) +"nZN" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "48" + }, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "oaa" = ( /turf/open/asphalt/cement{ icon_state = "cement14" @@ -38709,8 +38780,18 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/cargo) "pkB" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "9" +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "dropship_cyclone"; + name = "Dropship Lockdown"; + normaldoorcontrol = 3; + pixel_y = -19; + req_one_access_txt = "3;22" + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ + icon_state = "rasputin15" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "pkE" = ( @@ -38956,8 +39037,18 @@ /turf/open/auto_turf/shale/layer1, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_street) "prD" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "5" +/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{ + id = "dropship_cyclone"; + name = "Dropship Lockdown"; + normaldoorcontrol = 3; + pixel_y = -19; + req_one_access_txt = "3;22" + }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ + icon_state = "rasputin15" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "prM" = ( @@ -39380,8 +39471,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/hallway) "pAd" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "24" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "23" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "pAj" = ( @@ -41295,18 +41386,13 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/dorms) "qjy" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - dir = 4; - id = "UD6 East"; - indestructible = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/dropshiprear/dropshipside/ds2{ - dir = 1; - name = "\improper Tornado crew hatch" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/lower_right_wall{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin3" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_left_cap{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "qjC" = ( /obj/item/stack/rods, @@ -41330,15 +41416,8 @@ /turf/open/auto_turf/shale/layer1, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/south_east_street) "qjX" = ( -/obj/item/clothing/mask/facehugger{ - desc = "It has some sort of a tube at the end of its tail. What the hell is this thing?"; - icon_state = "facehugger_impregnated"; - layer = 3; - name = "????"; - stat = 2 - }, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin3" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "39" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "qkw" = ( @@ -42205,8 +42284,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Typhoon) "qzw" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "26" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "27" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "qzy" = ( @@ -42631,8 +42710,14 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/dorms) "qHg" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "2" +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ + icon_state = "rasputin15" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "qHj" = ( @@ -44193,9 +44278,11 @@ }, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/east_central_street) "rfi" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "100" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/nose_front_left{ + name = "\improper Cyclone"; + icon_state = "95a" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "rfk" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, @@ -44236,8 +44323,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/cargo) "rgA" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "101" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "97a" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "rgG" = ( @@ -44303,9 +44390,11 @@ }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Typhoon) "rii" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "102" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/nose_front_right{ + name = "\improper Cyclone"; + icon_state = "99a" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "ris" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, @@ -45241,8 +45330,8 @@ /turf/open/floor/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/garage) "rAc" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "95" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "86b" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "rAf" = ( @@ -45258,13 +45347,9 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/dorms) "rAt" = ( -/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ - icon_state = "p_stair_full" - }, -/obj/structure/platform{ - dir = 4 +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "36" }, -/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "rAu" = ( /obj/structure/platform_decoration, @@ -45321,8 +45406,31 @@ }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Typhoon) "rBZ" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "97" +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle{ + dir = 1; + pixel_x = 7; + layer = 4.1 + }, +/obj/structure/phone_base{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = -19; + pixel_y = 12; + layer = 3.1; + phone_category = "Dropship"; + name = "Cyclone telephone receiver"; + phone_id = "Cyclone" + }, +/obj/structure/prop{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi'; + icon_state = "camerasb_old"; + name = "dropship navigation computer"; + desc = "A flight computer that can be used for autopilot or long-range flights."; + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 8; + layer = 2.98 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ + icon_state = "rasputin15" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "rCa" = ( @@ -45333,8 +45441,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/lone_buildings/engineering) "rCi" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "99" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "89b" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "rCp" = ( @@ -45386,10 +45494,8 @@ pixel_x = -6; pixel_y = 32 }, -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "17" - }, -/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_east_street) "rCQ" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/green{ dir = 4 @@ -45993,10 +46099,12 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/medical) "rOO" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "4" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/outer_left_weapons{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, -/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) +/obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/cyclone, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_east_street) "rOP" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/green{ dir = 4 @@ -46716,9 +46824,9 @@ }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Typhoon) "sct" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "40" - }, +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/inner_left_weapons, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/cyclone/left_fore, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "scv" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ @@ -46953,8 +47061,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/fitness/glass) "shq" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "86" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "86a" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "shD" = ( @@ -47099,9 +47207,7 @@ /turf/open/floor/prison, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/windbreaker/observation) "sjS" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/crate/green, -/obj/item/device/sentry_computer, -/obj/item/defenses/handheld/sentry, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger/folded, /turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ icon_state = "rasputin15" }, @@ -47148,8 +47254,9 @@ }, /area/lv522/atmos/reactor_garage) "skE" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "63" +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ + icon_state = "rasputin15" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "skQ" = ( @@ -47207,24 +47314,24 @@ /turf/open/auto_turf/shale/layer1, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_west_street) "slK" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/computer/cameras{ - desc = "The flight controls for a UD6 Dropship. these controls look pretty banged up, and there's some blood covering the screen.."; - name = "\improper 'Tornado' flight controls"; - network = null; - pixel_y = 21 - }, -/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/pilot{ - dir = 1 +/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "p_stair_full"; + pixel_y = 22 }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/copilot{ dir = 1; - layer = 2.9; - pixel_y = 9 + layer = 5; + pixel_x = 7 }, -/obj/item/prop/almayer/flight_recorder{ - layer = 2.9; - pixel_x = -9; - pixel_y = 4 +/obj/structure/prop{ + icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi'; + icon_state = "camerasb"; + name = "\improper 'Cyclone' weapons controls"; + desc = "A computer to manage equipment, weapons and simulations installed on the dropship."; + pixel_x = 7; + pixel_y = 8; + layer = 4.14 }, /turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ icon_state = "rasputin15" @@ -47620,8 +47727,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/medical) "ssU" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "89" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "89a" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "std" = ( @@ -47753,8 +47860,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/cargo) "swr" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "45" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "34" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "swt" = ( @@ -48045,7 +48152,7 @@ /turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_1) "sCp" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ icon_state = "75" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) @@ -48344,9 +48451,14 @@ icon_state = "25" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Typhoon) +"sIz" = ( +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "47" + }, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "sIA" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "76" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "81" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "sIE" = ( @@ -48408,8 +48520,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/central_streets) "sKi" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "77" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "80" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "sKj" = ( @@ -49294,6 +49406,7 @@ /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/garage) "sYh" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/hatch/cockpit/two, +/obj/structure/blocker/forcefield/multitile_vehicles, /turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ icon_state = "rasputin15" }, @@ -49456,7 +49569,7 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/hallway) "tcu" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ icon_state = "83" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) @@ -49748,9 +49861,10 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/dorms/glass) "the" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "71" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/upper_left_wing{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "thi" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/xeno, @@ -50160,7 +50274,7 @@ /turf/open/floor/carpet, /area/lv522/indoors/b_block/bar) "toY" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ icon_state = "72" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) @@ -50575,8 +50689,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/admin) "twB" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "48" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "19" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "twQ" = ( @@ -50702,15 +50816,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/mining) "tzm" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ - dir = 4; - pixel_y = -5 - }, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin15" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "31" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "tzz" = ( @@ -51208,11 +51315,8 @@ /turf/open/floor/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/garage) "tIF" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin15" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "37" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "tIM" = ( @@ -51771,7 +51875,7 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/admin) "tSo" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ icon_state = "73" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) @@ -52277,9 +52381,10 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/fitness) "ucD" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "74" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/upper_right_wing{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "ucM" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/manifold/fourway/hidden/green, @@ -52816,8 +52921,12 @@ /turf/open/floor/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/security/glass) "ulh" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "3" +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/golden_arrow/cyclone{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = -23 + }, +/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ + icon_state = "rasputin3" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "ulL" = ( @@ -53097,9 +53206,10 @@ /turf/open/asphalt/cement, /area/lv522/outdoors/n_rockies) "uru" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "66" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/middle_left_wing{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "urv" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/prison, @@ -53375,7 +53485,7 @@ /turf/closed/wall/strata_ice/dirty, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_east_street) "uwQ" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ icon_state = "67" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) @@ -53626,17 +53736,10 @@ /turf/open/floor/prison, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_street) "uDM" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ - dir = 8; - pixel_y = -5 - }, -/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin15" - }, -/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/outer_right_weapons, +/obj/effect/attach_point/electronics/cyclone, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_east_street) "uDP" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy{ dir = 8 @@ -54566,8 +54669,9 @@ /turf/closed/wall/strata_outpost, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/corpo) "uSB" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "31" +/obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/cyclone, +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "32" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "uSI" = ( @@ -54932,15 +55036,10 @@ /turf/open/auto_turf/shale/layer1, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/central_streets) "vbk" = ( -/obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ - icon_state = "p_stair_full" - }, -/obj/structure/platform{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin15" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_right_cap{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "vbm" = ( /obj/structure/pipes/standard/simple/hidden/green{ @@ -55424,13 +55523,13 @@ /turf/open/floor/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/mining) "vjs" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ - dir = 4; - pixel_y = -5 - }, /obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ dir = 8 }, +/obj/structure/machinery/camera/autoname/golden_arrow/cyclone{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = 23 + }, /turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ icon_state = "rasputin15" }, @@ -55442,7 +55541,7 @@ }, /area/lv522/atmos/reactor_garage) "vjv" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ icon_state = "69" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) @@ -55511,6 +55610,12 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/admin) +"vky" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/left_outer_inner_wing{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "vkC" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/cobweb, /turf/open/floor/prison{ @@ -55792,9 +55897,10 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/corpo) "vpU" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "70" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/middle_right_wing{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "vqe" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/light{ @@ -56079,9 +56185,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_1/ceiling) "vuF" = ( -/obj/vehicle/powerloader, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin3" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "25" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "vuH" = ( @@ -58680,9 +58785,10 @@ /turf/closed/wall/shiva/prefabricated/reinforced, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_west_street) "wqt" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "16" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_right_exhaust{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "wqA" = ( /obj/structure/bed/chair{ @@ -59101,12 +59207,15 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/bridges) "wyM" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "61" +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/dropship2/left_wing, +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/lower_left_wing{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/cyclone/left_wing, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "wzg" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ icon_state = "62" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) @@ -59156,8 +59265,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/east_central_street) "wAf" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "68" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "33" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "wAB" = ( @@ -59195,12 +59304,12 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/executive) "wBr" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/medical/wall_med/limited{ - pixel_x = 30 - }, /obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ dir = 8 }, +/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ + dir = 4 + }, /turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ icon_state = "rasputin15" }, @@ -59234,7 +59343,7 @@ }, /area/lv522/atmos/reactor_garage) "wCr" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ icon_state = "64" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) @@ -59909,9 +60018,10 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/fitness) "wRL" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "30" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/left_outer_wing_connector{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "wRQ" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, @@ -60163,9 +60273,12 @@ /turf/open/floor/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/bridges/dorms_fitness) "wXe" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "65" +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/dropship2/right_wing, +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/lower_right_wing{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/obj/effect/attach_point/weapon/cyclone/right_wing, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "wXq" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/almayer, @@ -60468,6 +60581,12 @@ }, /turf/open/floor/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/c_block/mining) +"xcR" = ( +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/nose_center{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" + }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "xcU" = ( /turf/open/floor/corsat{ icon_state = "plate" @@ -60856,15 +60975,8 @@ }, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/security) "xkk" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/light/double{ - dir = 8; - pixel_y = -5 - }, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin15" +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone{ + icon_state = "30" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "xkv" = ( @@ -61184,8 +61296,9 @@ /turf/open/floor/prison, /area/lv522/indoors/a_block/dorms/glass) "xsc" = ( -/turf/closed/shuttle/dropship2/tornado{ - icon_state = "29" +/obj/effect/attach_point/fuel/cyclone, +/turf/closed/shuttle/cyclone/transparent{ + icon_state = "28" }, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "xsd" = ( @@ -62204,15 +62317,7 @@ }, /area/lv522/atmos/east_reactor/south) "xNu" = ( -/obj/structure/platform_decoration{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/bed/chair/dropship/passenger{ - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin15" - }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "xNw" = ( /obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/generic{ @@ -62502,18 +62607,13 @@ }, /area/lv522/outdoors/colony_streets/north_street) "xRM" = ( -/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/almayer/dropshiprear/dropshipside/ds2{ - dir = 1; - name = "\improper Tornado crew hatch" - }, -/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/almayer{ - dir = 4; - id = "UD6 East"; - indestructible = 1 +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/lower_left_wall{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, -/turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ - icon_state = "rasputin3" +/obj/structure/shuttle/part/dropship2/transparent/engine_right_cap{ + name = "\improper Cyclone" }, +/turf/open/floor/plating, /area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "xRQ" = ( /obj/structure/surface/table/woodentable/fancy, @@ -62901,6 +63001,10 @@ "xYD" = ( /turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk/prison, /area/lv522/atmos/east_reactor/south) +"xZf" = ( +/obj/item/prop/colony/used_flare, +/turf/open/floor/plating, +/area/lv522/landing_zone_forecon/UD6_Tornado) "xZw" = ( /turf/open/floor/corsat{ icon_state = "squares" @@ -102585,10 +102689,10 @@ qUL qUL eRI eRI -sct -fzC -dIr -wqt +qUL +qUL +qUL +qUL iRl qUL qUL @@ -102811,16 +102915,16 @@ the uru wyM qUL -qUL +nQY swr xsc ibE -kzk -sct +aaF +qUL fzC -dIr -wqt -nPN +qUL +qUL +qUL qUL lAn krH @@ -103030,24 +103134,24 @@ krH xIv qUL qUL -nSF qUL qUL +rOO sCp toY uwQ wzg -lgw +lMI xRM bpZ -wRL +dWv pAd -pkB -swr -xsc -ibE -kzk -qHg +wqt +qUL +vky +qUL +qUL +qUL qUL lAn krH @@ -103257,24 +103361,24 @@ krH xIv qUL qUL -nSF +qUL qUL sct -sIA -tth -uDM -tth -uXj -uXj +ejQ +nSN tth +qHg +prD +sIz +rAt xkk -tth +kzk fLa -bpZ +hvf wRL -pAd -bpZ -ulh +qUL +qUL +qUL qUL pVb krH @@ -103483,26 +103587,26 @@ pFH krH xIv qUL -qUL +kNR rfi rAc shq -sKi +dae tBM uKQ uKQ -uKQ -uKQ -qjX -uKQ hFm +fYN +uKQ +ulh +cJc dqn -dic -uDM -tth -eTw -lVs +xNu +xNu qBH +qUL +qUL +qUL lAn krH nTp @@ -103710,26 +103814,26 @@ pFH krH xIv qUL -qUL +xcR rgA rBZ slK sYh tCR sjS -wAf -skE -skE -nQY -kNR +sjS tCR +skE +uXj +uXj +uXj fTm -uKQ -uKQ -vuF -fbY -qUL +dIr +xZf tRu +qUL +qUL +qUL lAn krH nTp @@ -103937,7 +104041,7 @@ pFH krH xIv qUL -qUL +lVs rii rCi ssU @@ -103945,18 +104049,18 @@ sKi tDm uKQ uKQ +iSu +cet uKQ uKQ -uKQ -uKQ -iSu -vbk +mCl +fTm xNu -vjs -tIF -rAt +xNu +fbY +qUL gOZ -cJc +iRl lAn krH nTp @@ -104166,250 +104270,250 @@ xIv qUL qUL qUL -pTW -swr -sIA -tIF -vjs -wBr -uXj -uXj -tIF -tzm -tIF -twB -fXn -uSB -ecP -fXn -rOO -qUL -lAn -krH -nTp -vGp -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -bMX -"} -(180,1,1) = {" -bMX -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -cpy -ien -qSH -qSH -pFH -krH -xIv -qUL -qUL -qUL +qUL +eTw +sIA +nOm +vjs +wBr +pkB +nZN +tIF +tzm +vuF +twB +fXn +dic +qUL qUL qUL +qUL +lAn +krH +nTp +vGp +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +bMX +"} +(180,1,1) = {" +bMX +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +cpy +ien +qSH +qSH +pFH +krH +xIv +qUL +qUL +qUL +qUL +uDM tcu tSo vjv wCr lgw qjy -fXn +nPN uSB ecP aaF -sct +qUL dWY -qzw -wqt -prD +qUL +qUL +qUL qUL lAn krH @@ -104621,22 +104725,22 @@ qUL qUL qUL qUL -nSF +qUL qUL ucD vpU wXe qUL -qUL -sct -dWY +vbk +qjX +wAf qzw wqt -swr +qUL eUS -nSN +qUL rCI -dWv +qUL qUL lAn krH @@ -104855,10 +104959,10 @@ qUL dBd iRl qUL -swr -eUS -nSN -kzk +qUL +qUL +qUL +qUL iRl pTW qUL diff --git a/maps/shuttles/dropship_typhoon.dmm b/maps/shuttles/dropship_typhoon.dmm index bbc0e0c4ac..4891214fbb 100644 --- a/maps/shuttles/dropship_typhoon.dmm +++ b/maps/shuttles/dropship_typhoon.dmm @@ -479,11 +479,6 @@ }, /area/shuttle/tornado) "Ou" = ( -/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle{ - pixel_x = 8; - dir = 1; - layer = 3.2 - }, /obj/structure/stairs/perspective{ dir = 1; icon_state = "p_stair_full"; @@ -497,6 +492,11 @@ pixel_y = 3; density = 0 }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/copilot{ + dir = 1; + pixel_x = 8; + layer = 5 + }, /turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ icon_state = "rasputin15" }, @@ -645,10 +645,6 @@ icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/computer.dmi'; pixel_x = 8 }, -/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle{ - pixel_x = 8; - dir = 1 - }, /obj/structure/phone_base{ dir = 4; pixel_x = -19; @@ -658,6 +654,10 @@ name = "Typhoon telephone receiver"; phone_id = "Typhoon" }, +/obj/structure/bed/chair/vehicle/dropship_cockpit/pilot{ + dir = 1; + pixel_x = 8 + }, /turf/open/shuttle/dropship{ icon_state = "rasputin15" },