diff --git a/code/datums/effects/neurotoxin.dm b/code/datums/effects/neurotoxin.dm index 836fccf49ca3..f5489f6f8578 100644 --- a/code/datums/effects/neurotoxin.dm +++ b/code/datums/effects/neurotoxin.dm @@ -128,8 +128,7 @@ switch(rand(0, 100)) if(0 to 5) if(hallu_area) - for(var/mob/dead/observer/observer as anything in GLOB.observer_list) - to_chat(observer, SPAN_DEADSAY("[victim] has experienced a rare neuro-induced 'Schizo Lurker Pounce' hallucination (5% chance) at \the [hallu_area]" + " [OBSERVER_JMP(observer, victim)]")) + notify_ghosts(header = "Hallucinating!", message = "[victim] has experienced a rare neuro-induced 'Schizo Lurker Pounce' hallucination (5% chance) at [hallu_area].", source = victim, action = NOTIFY_ORBIT) playsound_client(victim?.client,pick('sound/voice/alien_pounce.ogg','sound/voice/alien_pounce.ogg')) victim.KnockDown(3) addtimer(CALLBACK(GLOBAL_PROC, GLOBAL_PROC_REF(playsound_client), victim.client,"alien_claw_flesh"), 1 SECONDS) @@ -141,8 +140,7 @@ victim.emote("pain") if(6 to 10) if(hallu_area) - for(var/mob/dead/observer/observer as anything in GLOB.observer_list) - to_chat(observer, SPAN_DEADSAY("[victim] has experienced a rare neuro-induced 'OB' hallucination (4% chance) at \the [hallu_area]" + " [OBSERVER_JMP(observer, victim)]")) + notify_ghosts(header = "Hallucinating!", message = "[victim] has experienced a rare neuro-induced 'OB' hallucination (4% chance) at [hallu_area].", source = victim, action = NOTIFY_ORBIT) playsound_client(victim.client,'sound/effects/ob_alert.ogg') addtimer(CALLBACK(GLOBAL_PROC, GLOBAL_PROC_REF(playsound_client), victim.client,'sound/weapons/gun_orbital_travel.ogg'), 2 SECONDS) if(11 to 16) @@ -150,8 +148,7 @@ victim.KnockDown(1) if(17 to 24) if(hallu_area) - for(var/mob/dead/observer/observer as anything in GLOB.observer_list) - to_chat(observer, SPAN_DEADSAY("[victim] has experienced a rare neuro-induced 'Fake CAS firemission' hallucination (7% chance) at \the [hallu_area]" + " [OBSERVER_JMP(observer, victim)]")) + notify_ghosts(header = "Hallucinating!", message = "[victim] has experienced a rare neuro-induced 'Fake CAS firemission' hallucination (7% chance) at [hallu_area]", source = victim, action = NOTIFY_ORBIT) hallucination_fakecas_sequence(victim) //Not gonna spam a billion timers for this one so outsourcing to a proc with sleeps is a better async solution if(25 to 42) to_chat(victim,SPAN_HIGHDANGER("A SHELL IS ABOUT TO IMPACT [pick(SPAN_UNDERLINE("TOWARDS THE [pick("WEST","EAST","SOUTH","NORTH")]"),SPAN_UNDERLINE("RIGHT ONTOP OF YOU!"))]!"))