diff --git a/code/modules/cm_aliens/structures/special/pylon_core.dm b/code/modules/cm_aliens/structures/special/pylon_core.dm index 96a0e5dee72c..f890e8848550 100644 --- a/code/modules/cm_aliens/structures/special/pylon_core.dm +++ b/code/modules/cm_aliens/structures/special/pylon_core.dm @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ if(hijack_delete) return ..() - marine_announcement("ALERT.\n\nEnergy build up around communication relay at [get_area(src)] halted.", "[MAIN_AI_SYSTEM] Biological Scanner") // Ask lore team for a better AI system name, honestly a second look for these announcements may be good - Morrow + marine_announcement("ALERT.\n\nEnergy build up around communication relay at [get_area(src)] halted.", "[MAIN_AI_SYSTEM] Biological Scanner") for(var/hivenumber in GLOB.hive_datum) var/datum/hive_status/checked_hive = GLOB.hive_datum[hivenumber] @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ /// Checks if all comms towers are connected and then starts end game content on all pylons if they are /obj/effect/alien/resin/special/pylon/endgame/proc/comms_relay_connection() - marine_announcement("ALERT.\n\nIrregular build up of energy around communication relays at [get_area(src)].", "[MAIN_AI_SYSTEM] Biological Scanner") // Ask lore team for a better AI system name, honestly a second look for these announcements may be good - Morrow + marine_announcement("ALERT.\n\nIrregular build up of energy around communication relays at [get_area(src)].", "[MAIN_AI_SYSTEM] Biological Scanner") for(var/hivenumber in GLOB.hive_datum) var/datum/hive_status/checked_hive = GLOB.hive_datum[hivenumber]