diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/xenomorph/XenoProcs.dm b/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/xenomorph/XenoProcs.dm
index 780299547a51..8b764d18601d 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/xenomorph/XenoProcs.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/xenomorph/XenoProcs.dm
@@ -536,81 +536,9 @@
client.mouse_pointer_icon = initial(client.mouse_pointer_icon) // Reset our mouse pointer when we no longer have an action queued.
-// Called when pulling something and attacking yourself with the pull
- if(iswarrior(src) && !ripping_limb && M.stat != DEAD)
- if(M.status_flags & XENO_HOST)
- to_chat(src, SPAN_XENOWARNING("This would harm the embryo!"))
- return
- ripping_limb = TRUE
- if(rip_limb(M))
- stop_pulling()
- ripping_limb = FALSE
-// Warrior Rip Limb - called by pull_power()
- if(!istype(M, /mob/living/carbon/human))
- return FALSE
- if(action_busy) //can't stack the attempts
- return FALSE
- var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = M
- var/obj/limb/L = H.get_limb(check_zone(zone_selected))
- if(can_not_harm(H))
- to_chat(src, SPAN_XENOWARNING("You can't harm this host!"))
- return
- if(!L || L.body_part == BODY_FLAG_CHEST || L.body_part == BODY_FLAG_GROIN || (L.status & LIMB_DESTROYED)) //Only limbs and head.
- to_chat(src, SPAN_XENOWARNING("You can't rip off that limb."))
- return FALSE
- var/limb_time = rand(40,60)
- if(L.body_part == BODY_FLAG_HEAD)
- limb_time = rand(90,110)
- visible_message(SPAN_XENOWARNING("[src] begins pulling on [M]'s [L.display_name] with incredible strength!"), \
- SPAN_XENOWARNING("You begin to pull on [M]'s [L.display_name] with incredible strength!"))
- if(!do_after(src, limb_time, INTERRUPT_ALL|INTERRUPT_DIFF_SELECT_ZONE, BUSY_ICON_HOSTILE) || M.stat == DEAD)
- to_chat(src, SPAN_NOTICE("You stop ripping off the limb."))
- return FALSE
- if(L.status & LIMB_DESTROYED)
- return FALSE
- L.take_damage(rand(30,40), 0, 0) // just do more damage
- visible_message(SPAN_XENOWARNING("You hear [M]'s [L.display_name] being pulled beyond its load limits!"), \
- SPAN_XENOWARNING("[M]'s [L.display_name] begins to tear apart!"))
- else
- visible_message(SPAN_XENOWARNING("You hear the bones in [M]'s [L.display_name] snap with a sickening crunch!"), \
- SPAN_XENOWARNING("[M]'s [L.display_name] bones snap with a satisfying crunch!"))
- L.take_damage(rand(15,25), 0, 0)
- L.fracture(100)
- M.last_damage_data = create_cause_data(initial(caste_type), src)
- src.attack_log += text("\[[time_stamp()]\] ripped the [L.display_name] off of [M.name] ([M.ckey]) 1/2 progress")
- M.attack_log += text("\[[time_stamp()]\] had their [L.display_name] ripped off by [src.name] ([src.ckey]) 1/2 progress")
- log_attack("[src.name] ([src.ckey]) ripped the [L.display_name] off of [M.name] ([M.ckey]) 1/2 progress")
- if(!do_after(src, limb_time, INTERRUPT_ALL|INTERRUPT_DIFF_SELECT_ZONE, BUSY_ICON_HOSTILE) || M.stat == DEAD || iszombie(M))
- to_chat(src, SPAN_NOTICE("You stop ripping off the limb."))
- return FALSE
- if(L.status & LIMB_DESTROYED)
- return FALSE
- visible_message(SPAN_XENOWARNING("[src] rips [M]'s [L.display_name] away from \his body!"), \
- SPAN_XENOWARNING("[M]'s [L.display_name] rips away from \his body!"))
- src.attack_log += text("\[[time_stamp()]\] ripped the [L.display_name] off of [M.name] ([M.ckey]) 2/2 progress")
- M.attack_log += text("\[[time_stamp()]\] had their [L.display_name] ripped off by [src.name] ([src.ckey]) 2/2 progress")
- log_attack("[src.name] ([src.ckey]) ripped the [L.display_name] off of [M.name] ([M.ckey]) 2/2 progress")
- L.droplimb(0, 0, initial(name))
- return TRUE
+/// Called when pulling something and attacking yourself wth the pull (Z hotkey) override for caste specific behaviour
+ return
// Vent Crawl
diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/xenomorph/castes/Warrior.dm b/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/xenomorph/castes/Warrior.dm
index 7c8edace81e4..b398642c0e97 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/xenomorph/castes/Warrior.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/xenomorph/castes/Warrior.dm
@@ -156,3 +156,82 @@
+/// Warrior specific behaviour for increasing pull power, limb rip.
+ if(!ripping_limb && mob.stat != DEAD)
+ if(mob.status_flags & XENO_HOST)
+ to_chat(src, SPAN_XENOWARNING("This would harm the embryo!"))
+ return
+ ripping_limb = TRUE
+ if(rip_limb(mob))
+ stop_pulling()
+ ripping_limb = FALSE
+/// Warrior Rip Limb - called by pull_power()
+ if(!istype(mob, /mob/living/carbon/human))
+ return FALSE
+ if(action_busy) //can't stack the attempts
+ return FALSE
+ var/mob/living/carbon/human/human = mob
+ var/obj/limb/limb = human.get_limb(check_zone(zone_selected))
+ if(can_not_harm(human))
+ to_chat(src, SPAN_XENOWARNING("You can't harm this host!"))
+ return
+ if(!limb || limb.body_part == BODY_FLAG_CHEST || limb.body_part == BODY_FLAG_GROIN || (limb.status & LIMB_DESTROYED)) //Only limbs and head.
+ to_chat(src, SPAN_XENOWARNING("You can't rip off that limb."))
+ return FALSE
+ var/limb_time = rand(40,60)
+ if(limb.body_part == BODY_FLAG_HEAD)
+ limb_time = rand(90,110)
+ visible_message(SPAN_XENOWARNING("[src] begins pulling on [mob]'s [limb.display_name] with incredible strength!"), \
+ SPAN_XENOWARNING("You begin to pull on [mob]'s [limb.display_name] with incredible strength!"))
+ if(!do_after(src, limb_time, INTERRUPT_ALL|INTERRUPT_DIFF_SELECT_ZONE, BUSY_ICON_HOSTILE) || mob.stat == DEAD || mob.status_flags & XENO_HOST)
+ to_chat(src, SPAN_NOTICE("You stop ripping off the limb."))
+ if(mob.status_flags & XENO_HOST)
+ to_chat(src, SPAN_NOTICE("You detect an embryo inside [mob] which overwhelms your instinct to rip."))
+ return FALSE
+ if(limb.status & LIMB_DESTROYED)
+ return FALSE
+ if(limb.status & (LIMB_ROBOT|LIMB_SYNTHSKIN))
+ limb.take_damage(rand(30,40), 0, 0) // just do more damage
+ visible_message(SPAN_XENOWARNING("You hear [mob]'s [limb.display_name] being pulled beyond its load limits!"), \
+ SPAN_XENOWARNING("[mob]'s [limb.display_name] begins to tear apart!"))
+ else
+ visible_message(SPAN_XENOWARNING("You hear the bones in [mob]'s [limb.display_name] snap with a sickening crunch!"), \
+ SPAN_XENOWARNING("[mob]'s [limb.display_name] bones snap with a satisfying crunch!"))
+ limb.take_damage(rand(15,25), 0, 0)
+ limb.fracture(100)
+ mob.last_damage_data = create_cause_data(initial(caste_type), src)
+ src.attack_log += text("\[[time_stamp()]\] ripped the [limb.display_name] off of [mob.name] ([mob.ckey]) 1/2 progress")
+ mob.attack_log += text("\[[time_stamp()]\] had their [limb.display_name] ripped off by [src.name] ([src.ckey]) 1/2 progress")
+ log_attack("[src.name] ([src.ckey]) ripped the [limb.display_name] off of [mob.name] ([mob.ckey]) 1/2 progress")
+ if(!do_after(src, limb_time, INTERRUPT_ALL|INTERRUPT_DIFF_SELECT_ZONE, BUSY_ICON_HOSTILE) || mob.stat == DEAD || iszombie(mob))
+ to_chat(src, SPAN_NOTICE("You stop ripping off the limb."))
+ return FALSE
+ if(limb.status & LIMB_DESTROYED)
+ return FALSE
+ visible_message(SPAN_XENOWARNING("[src] rips [mob]'s [limb.display_name] away from their body!"), \
+ SPAN_XENOWARNING("[mob]'s [limb.display_name] rips away from their body!"))
+ src.attack_log += text("\[[time_stamp()]\] ripped the [limb.display_name] off of [mob.name] ([mob.ckey]) 2/2 progress")
+ mob.attack_log += text("\[[time_stamp()]\] had their [limb.display_name] ripped off by [src.name] ([src.ckey]) 2/2 progress")
+ log_attack("[src.name] ([src.ckey]) ripped the [limb.display_name] off of [mob.name] ([mob.ckey]) 2/2 progress")
+ limb.droplimb(0, 0, initial(name))
+ return TRUE