So far {{ "{:.2}"|format(results.in_favor_percentage) }}%
of the users with binding vote are in favor and {{ "{:.2}"|format(results.against_percentage) }}%
are against (passing threshold: {{ results.pass_threshold }}%
In favor | Against | Abstain | Not voted |
{{ results.in_favor }} | {{ results.against }} | {{ results.abstain}} | {{ results.not_voted }} |
User | Vote | Timestamp |
{%- for (user, vote) in results.votes ~%} | ||
{%- if vote.binding ~%} |
| {{ user }} | {{ vote.vote_option }} | {{ vote.timestamp }} {{ "|" -}}
{% endif -%} {% endfor -%} {%- for user in results.pending_voters ~%} | @{{ user }} | Pending | {{ "|" -}} {% endfor -%}
{% if results.non_binding > 0 ~%}
{% let max_non_binding = 300 -%}
{% if results.non_binding > max_non_binding %}
<i>(displaying only the first {{ max_non_binding }} non-binding votes)</i>
{% endif %}
{{~ "| User | Vote | Timestamp |" }}
{{~ "| ---- | :---: | :-------: |" }}
{%- for (user, vote) in results.votes|non_binding(max_non_binding) ~%}
| {{ user }} | {{ vote.vote_option }} | {{ vote.timestamp }} {{ "|" -}}
{% endfor ~%}