The Var.Variable
type represents a variable in groovy. From pipeline kt you can interpolate a Var.Variable
into a string and it will generated interpolated groovy, for example:
val workspace = "workspace".groovyVariable()
sh("ls $workspace")
will generate the groovy:
sh (script: "ls ${workspace}", returnStdout: false)
You can get an environment variable by calling the String.environmentVar()
method and a parameter by calling String.parameter()
These will be objects of type Var.Variable
. Var
objects can be interpolated into Strings.
val myEnvVar = "SOME_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE".environmentVar()
val myParameter = "MY_PARAMETER".parameter()
sh("./build ${myEnvVar} ${myParameter}")
this would generate the following groovy:
sh (script: "./build ${env.SOME_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE} ${params.MY_PARAMETER}", returnStdout: false)
Maybe you want to declare a variable, say if you want to capture the output of sh
or readproperties
val currentPath = def { sh("pwd", true) }
Which will generate something like:
def rAnDomVariablenAmE = sh (script: "pwd", returnStdout: true) //rAnDomVariablenAmE is psuedo code and the name will be random
You can also reassign existing variables with the assign
//literal is a step that interpolates literal strings into the jenkinsfile
val currentBuildVar = assign("currentBuild.result") { literal("currentBuild.result ?: 'SUCCESS'") }
which generates
currentBuild.result = currentBuild.result ?: 'SUCCESS'