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Create And Validate Job Step


Object Name Type Description
msdb Database The msdb database is a system database that is used by SQL Server Agent for scheduling alerts and jobs, and by other features such as SQL Server Management Studio, Service Broker, and Database Mail.
msdb.dbo.sysjobs Table The sysjobs table, located in the msdb database, stores information about each scheduled job to be executed by SQL Server Agent. This includes details like the job name, description, enabled status, and more.
msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps Table The sysjobsteps table, also in the msdb database, contains details about each step in a SQL Server Agent job. This includes the command to be executed, the order of the step within its job, the database context, and more.
sp_add_jobstep Stored Procedure sp_add_jobstep is a system stored procedure that is used to create a step in a SQL Server Agent job. It allows you to specify various parameters like the step name, command, database context, and more to define the actions and flow of a job step.

Constructing unique name for the backupfile

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR, GETDATE(), 120), ':', ''), '-', ''), ' ', '') AS FormattedDateTime;

Each REPLACE() function is nested inside the next, meaning that the innermost REPLACE() function is evaluated first, then the next outer REPLACE() function is applied to its result, and so on. This allows you to perform multiple replacements in a single expression by nesting them.

Let's break down the nested REPLACE() functions and construct the statement step by step:

Step 1: Convert Date and Time to String


This converts the current date and time into a string format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS.

Step 2: Remove Colons from the Time

SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR, GETDATE(), 120), ':', '') AS FormattedDateTime;

This removes the colons : from the time portion, resulting in a string like YYYY-MM-DD HHMISS.

Step 3: Remove Hyphens from the Date

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR, GETDATE(), 120), ':', ''), '-', '') AS FormattedDateTime;

This removes the hyphens - from the date portion, resulting in a string like YYYYMMDD HHMISS.

Step 4: Remove Space between Date and Time

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR, GETDATE(), 120), ':', ''), '-', ''), ' ', '') AS FormattedDateTime;

This removes the space between the date and time portions, resulting in a string like YYYYMMDDHHMISS.

Add a new job step to existing job

-- Switch to the 'msdb' database, which is used by SQL Server Agent for configuring and managing scheduled jobs and other automated tasks.
USE msdb;  
GO  -- Execute the previous batch of statements.

-- Add a new step to an existing SQL Server Agent job using the 'sp_add_jobstep' stored procedure.
EXEC sp_add_jobstep  
    @job_name = N'Daily SQLTestDB backup',  -- Specify the name of the job to which the step will be added.
    @step_name = N'Backup database',  -- Specify the name of the new step.
    @subsystem = N'TSQL',  -- Specify the subsystem as 'TSQL', indicating that the step will execute Transact-SQL statements.
    -- The following command parameter contains T-SQL code that will be executed when the job step runs.
    --                      -- Declare a variable to hold the backup file name.
    --                      -- Construct the backup file name by concatenating a base name, a formatted date/time string, and a file extension.
    --                      -- Perform a backup of the 'SQLTestDB' database, specifying the dynamically constructed file name as the target.
    --                      -- Specify additional backup options: 'FORMAT' initializes the backup media, 'MEDIANAME' assigns a name to the backup media, and 'NAME' assigns a name to the backup set.
    @command = N'DECLARE @BackupFileName NVARCHAR(255);  
                SET @BackupFileName = N''SQLTestDB_'' 
                + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR, GETDATE(), 120), '':'', ''''), ''-'', ''''), '' '', '''') 
                + ''.bak''; 
                BACKUP DATABASE SQLTestDB 
                TO DISK = @BackupFileName 
                WITH FORMAT, MEDIANAME = ''SQLServerBackups'', NAME = ''Full Backup of SQLTestDB'';',
    @retry_attempts = 5,  -- Specify the number of retry attempts if the step fails.
    @retry_interval = 5,  -- Specify the interval (in minutes) between retry attempts.
    @database_name = 'SQLTestDB';  -- Specify the name of the database in which to execute the step.
GO  -- Execute the batch of statements.

Validate the job step created

-- Validate Job Steps
-- Retrieve information about the steps of a specific SQL Server Agent job.

SELECT AS JobName,  -- Select the name of the job.
    js.step_id,  -- Select the ID of the step within the job.
    js.step_name,  -- Select the name of the step.
    js.command,  -- Select the command (T-SQL, PowerShell, etc.) that the step will execute.
    js.subsystem  -- Select the subsystem (T-SQL, CmdExec, PowerShell, etc.) that the step uses.
    msdb.dbo.sysjobs j  -- From the sysjobs table in the msdb database (aliased as j).
    msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps js ON j.job_id = js.job_id  -- Join to the sysjobsteps table (aliased as js) using the job_id column to match rows.
WHERE = N'Daily SQLTestDB backup';  -- Filter the results to only show rows where the job name is 'Daily SQLTestDB backup'.
  • Output
JobName step_id step_name command subsystem
Daily SQLTestDB backup 1 Backup database command here TSQL