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Add job to the server and validate

Add job to the server

This script is ensuring that the SQL Server Agent job named 'Daily SQLTestDB backup' is targeted to run on the local server (since no specific server is provided). This is a necessary step after creating a job and before it can be run, as SQL Server needs to know where the job should be executed. If you're in a multi-server environment and you want the job to run on a different server, you would specify that server in the sp_add_jobserver procedure.

USE msdb;  -- Switch to using the 'msdb' database which is used by SQL Server Agent for scheduling alerts and jobs.
GO  -- A batch terminator, it signals the end of a batch of Transact-SQL statements to the SQL Server utilities.

EXEC dbo.sp_add_jobserver  -- Execute the stored procedure to target the job to run on a server.
    @job_name = N'Daily SQLTestDB backup';  -- Specify the name of the job to be targeted to run on the server.
GO  -- 


In this SQL query, we are retrieving the name of a job and the name of the server where the job is executed from the SQL Server Agent job tables. We use joins to link the sysjobs, sysjobservers, and sysservers tables together to get the desired information. The WHERE clause is used to filter the results to only include the job named 'Daily SQLTestDB backup'.

SELECT AS JobName,  -- Select the name of the job and alias it as JobName.
    s.srvname AS ServerName  -- Select the name of the server and alias it as ServerName.
    msdb.dbo.sysjobs j  -- Specify the sysjobs table from the msdb database as the main table and alias it as j.
    msdb.dbo.sysjobservers js ON j.job_id = js.job_id  -- Join with the sysjobservers table using the job_id field and alias the table as js.
    master.dbo.sysservers s ON js.server_id = s.srvid  -- Join with the sysservers table from the master database using the server_id field and alias the table as s.
WHERE = N'Daily SQLTestDB backup';  -- Filter the results to only include rows where the job name is 'Daily SQLTestDB backup'.
  • Output
JobName ServerName
Daily SQLTestDB backup sqlEnterprise