./gradlew test
The code (not) covered by tests is measured with JaCoCo.
You can call the following command to generate a HTML coverage report under build/reports/jacoco/test/html
and verify the compliance with coverage rules:
./gradlew test jacocoTestReport jacocoTestCoverageVerification
./gradlew intTest
You can created a fat JAR that contains all dependencies and a Tomcat server to run the application as follows:
./gradlew clean build
To start the gateway on port 9000 with Gradle execute:
./gradlew bootRun
It's recommended to use docker-compose
to start the gateway on port 9000:
docker-compose up --build
To enable the login via Keycloak, an entry needs to be added in /etc/hosts
(C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts on Windows). habitcentric.demo
describes the application's Docker image and expects an existing JAR (see Build).
makes sure that this Docker image is build each time and changes become effective.
You can terminate all started containers as follows:
docker-compose down