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Yo Yehudi edited this page May 10, 2018 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the code-is-science wiki!

How the site is built


  • hugo to generate the site
  • less - only needed if you wish to build the less into css.

Building the site is a static-generated site built on hugo. To build the site locally, clone the repo, and on the command line run hugo from the root of the repository. If you're editing the site live, and want the pages to auto refresh as you work, run hugo serve and go to http://localhost:1313 to view the site

Building CSS

Assuming you have a less compiler installed, in the command line, run lessc style.less style.css from the themes/codeisscience/static/css directory.

Folder structure

Content is added into the content directory, and a file name will be reflected in the directory structure - e.g. content/posts/ will add a post at

Theme files - e.g. css, index, and partials for the header and footer are located under theme/codeisscience.

The docs folder should never be edited manually - this is just the generated site, for use by github pages.

Clone this wiki locally