All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- New skeleton / skeleton group (if using multiline) custom size.
- Update Snapshot testing package to v1.9.0.
- Renamed
extension initializer signature to avoid conflicts.
- Improved the way GeometryReader is used to fix its behaviour in the newest and previous SwiftUI versions.
- Improved the performance in 'AnimationInteractor'.
- Fixes a small bug that didn't let remove any animation.
- SecureField support.
- SkeletonForEach support.
- Update Snapshot testing package to pointfreeco repository.
- Update Snapshot testing package to pointfreeco repository.
- Slope angle.
- Commented macOS tests because weren't passing on the CI, its screen scale factor is 1 and should be 2 to match locally generated reference images. It will be fixed later.
- Commented default Skeleton list test because wasn't on the CI. It will be fixed later.
- Skeleton transition.
- iPhone 8 and iPad Pro 12.9-inch snapshot tests.
- First release.