Due to limited upload size, i couldn't upload the entire script data, but the uploaded data consists all the data collected from the entire scripts so i hope you guys will have a good time playing with data.
Hey there lobsters after all the hard work, the sweat, the frustration, the strain, and omg what not should I say. I have taken to complete this project was so surreal, I mean from data collection(WEB SCRAPING USING SELENIUM), cleaning the data, and to extract as many answers as I wanted and then loading them onto excel was so exciting and a bit why?, because although there were many data sources there was never like this one before, so inorder to put an end to this gap, I have taken up this challenge for myself and created this dataset and made it public so that everyone can enjoy from it,(Note: this type of dataset is not available on the internet, believe me, I tried a lot/maybe I didn’t try hard enough, but I got this. So, after all the hard work, now is the time for tasting the dish that we have prepared, yes it is time to perform some Analysis and answers the question and prepare a cool dashboard too,, you know,,, to make yourself happy that you have used your unique skills and learned something from this project and being proud of yourself, that you have not only created this dataset, but also inspired people who are as passionate as you are to work on this, and if you guys have anything that you guys would like to know about the sitcom, the Data is yours, feel free to play with the data and know your answers.
But, before that, please give me credits for creating this data and for my friend who provided the scripts [(https://fangj.github.io/)] and if you guys need all the step-by-step cleaning datasets which involve from web scraping to loading them onto excel, please feel free to contact me at Gmail: [email protected] or we can connect on the linkdin [(www.linkedin.com/in/abhinaylingala)] believe me, I'll reply within 48 hrs., ciao.
Well, if you guys want ready to eat dish, you can just pick Final_Clean_Data.xlsx or final_raw_data.xlsx and start working on them, but if ya'll are nerds and geeks like be follow this order for more precise information.
- working on combining entire scripts.ipynb
- All_Episode_Friends_Scripts_Analysis.ipynb
- no_null_final_data.xlsx
- final_raw_data.xlsx
- Final_Clean_Data.xlsx
Again please give me some tips on how to improve myself on this, watch out for other popular web series datasets coming in the future.