Releases: codingchili/excelastic
- support for enabling TLS when indexing to elasticsearch. (see: elastic_tls).
Excelastic v1.2.5
Whats new?
- added http content type headers for strict content type (application/json)
- .. and now supports ElasticSearch 6+.
Excelastic v1.2.4
Excelastic v1.2.3
New release that addresses the following issues
- #41 missing rows in imported data
- #42 fix for menu links not working after upload completes/fails.
- #43 progress bar in the web interface shows actual progress
Changed size check on rows to include empty cells. Previously the empty cells were not accounted for, and the data misaligned with the template data types. Also added a check to not include null or empty string values when indexing in ElasticSearch. This caused an issue previously where a date typed field was empty, as "" could not be parsed by ElasticSearch as a valid date the whole row was discarded.
Added a websocket connection to update the progress in the web interface.
Updated links to ignore the current path, changed from href="." to #.
Thanks for submitting issue #41 with very useful test data. Please submit any issues if found in the release.
Excelastic v1.2.2
Changes in this version
- Adds support for specifying a mapping when importing files.
Excelastic v1.2.1
Excelastic v1.2.0
Lots of changes in this update!
Major changes
- detects dates in excel files properly and indexes in iso-8601 format.
- added support for XML97 (.xls) files in addition to OOXML (.xlsx).
- lots of improvements to logging and the website, new theme etc..
Minor changes
- default configuration used if configuration.json missing
- moved file parsing off the event loop
- added javadoc to sources
- cleaned up jade templating
Excelastic v1.0.1
In order to be able to fix bugs faster and provide feedback to users the following has changed,
- Improved error handling by printing the stack trace in the browser.
Excelastic v1.0.0
First stable release, tested with Kibana and ElasticSearch 5.0.0-alpha1.
Web-based UI for importing XLSX files, the user is able to specify the row of the titles and the index name to insert into.