Do a fetch request with random servers.
Depends on the server you're using
- Able to mask your IP Address
- Able to mask your user agents
- Able to bypass rate limits (Do many requests at once)
- Able to choose a random server to make a request
- Uses axios
- Server addresses can be choosen for specific request
Source code: /relayServer
Try to use different service providers to host them
They are not rate limited/protected from any kinds of attacks by other people out there
- You should set an encryption/do a verification to make sure that every request is made by an authorized person
[POST] /
POST request to/
endpoint with the body as the fetch queryfetch(`https://your-server.example`, { method:"POST", body: JSON.stringify({ url: '' }) }).then(r=>r.text()).then(r=>r)
const { setRelays, fetch } = require('fetch-relay');
setRelays(['https://relay-server-1.example', 'https://relay-server-2.example', ...]);
url: '', // url to make request to with a relay server
method: "POST", // method to be used
data: { // data (parsed and stringify) by axios
value: "TEST"