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263 lines (244 loc) · 7.83 KB

Week 07, Day 04

17 / 09 / 2015

What we covered today:

Backbone Blog

An Approach for Building Backbone Apps
  • Lots and lots of thinking
  • Create a basic HTML page
<title>Basic Backbone App Structure</title>
<div id="main"></div>

<!-- jQuery from -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- underscore.js from -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- backbone.js from -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Your Scripts Here -->
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
``` - Referencing all of your files - Create the router blueprint

var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend( { routes: { "" : "index" }, // Any functions required for the routes index: function () {


} ); ```

  • Create a new instance of the AppRouter constructor, and tell it to start listening. Make sure you don't do this until the document has loaded!

var router; $( document ).ready( function () { router = new AppRouter(); // Creates a new instance Backbone.history.start(); // Tells it to start listening } ); ```

  • Decide what you want in each view. Let's pretend we are working with the index page
  • We want that to show the intro page, so we are going to create an AppView and then render it.
  • Create your main view, give it an el, an initialize method, and a render method. Make sure in the render method that you save a reference to the view.

var AppView = Backbone.View.extend( { el : "#main", initialize: function () { },

render: function () {
    var view = this;
    var $welcomeText = $( "<h1 />" ).text( "Welcome to our App" );
    view.$el.html( $welcomeText );

} );

  • Actually create an instance of that view in the Router blueprint (AppView)

var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend( { routes: { "" : "index", "posts/:id" : "showPost" }, // Any functions required for the routes index: function () { var appView = new AppView(); appView.render(); // Have this written ready to pass in a collection if necessary },

showPost: function ( id ) {
    var post = blogPosts.get( id );
    var postView = new PostView( { model : post } );

} ); ```

  • Let's work with templates though, so let's make some of them
<script id="appTemplate" type="text/template">

Welcome to our Application

ul.posts </script>
  • Change the render function on the AppView to use the template

render: function () { var view = this; var $welcomePageHTML = $( "#appTemplate" ).html(); view.$el.html( $welcomePageHTML ); }

  • Now define your main model and give it some default values (if necessary)

var Post = Backbone.Model.extend( { defaults : { title : "Untitled Post", content : "Untitled Post Content" } } ); ```

  • Create your collection - passing the appropriate model

var Posts = Backbone.Collection.extend( { model : Post } ); ```

  • Create some sample data (models that are given to the collection) to make sure that it all has worked.

var blogPosts = new Posts([ new Post( { id: 1, title: "Post 1", content: "Post 1 Content" } ), new Post( { id: 2, title: "Post 2", content: "Post 2 Content" } ), new Post( { id: 3, title: "Post 3", content: "Post 3 Content" } ), ]); ```

  • Check that all the connections have worked!!

console.log( "Blog Posts object: ", blogPosts ); console.log( "Blog Posts length: ", blogPosts.length ); console.log( "Models in our blogPosts collection: ", blogPosts.models ); ```

  • Change the index function to show all the dummy data

var AppView = Backbone.View.extend( { el : "#main", initialize: function () { }, render: function () { var view = this; var appHTML = $( "#appTemplate" ).html(); view.collection.each( function ( post ) { console.log( post.toJSON() ); } ); } } ); ```

  • Change the creation and render of this particular view to pass in a collection

var appView = new AppView( { collection : blogPosts } ); appView.render(); ```

  • Create smaller views if necessary (more localised - for one post for example)

var PostListView = Backbone.View.extend( { tagName : "li", render: function () { console.log( "The model passed in - ", this.model.toJSON() ); } } ); ```

  • Change the appView render to create new instances of this PostListView

render: function () { var view = this; var appHTML = $( "#appTemplate" ).html(); view.collection.each( function ( post ) { var postListView = new PostListView( { model: post } ); // Create a new instance of PostListView, passing in a model postListView.render() } ); } ```

  • Now that we are going to want interpolation with the templating stuff, let's add a different style of interpolation (using curly brackets) to underscore templates by adding this code at the very top of the file

_.templateSettings = { evaluate : /{[([\s\S]+?)]}/g, // {[ console.log("Hello"); ]} - runs interpolate : /{{([\s\S]+?)}}/g // {{ key }} - interpolates }; ```

  • And let's create our template, remembering to put it at the bottom of the HTML page in script tags with a type of "text/template"
<script class="#postListTemplate" type="text/template">

{{ title }}

{{ content }}

  • In our PostListView render function, we need to actually use this template to work our stuff

render: function () { var postListTemplate = $( "#postListTemplate" ).html(); var postListHTML = _.template( postListTemplate ); this.$el.html( postListHTML( this.model.toJSON() ) ); } ```

  • Now we need to give some events to our PostListView

var PostListView = Backbone.View.extend( { events: { "click" : "showPost" }, showPost: function () { router.navigate( "posts/" + this.model.get("id"), true ); // Change URL with Backbone to posts/:id } } ) ```

  • We actually need to listen for this URL. Add a few things to your Router!

var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend( { routes: { "" : "index", "posts/:id" : "showPost" }, // Any functions required for the routes index: function () { var appView = new AppView(); appView.render(); // Have this written ready to pass in a collection if necessary },

showPost: function ( id ) {
    var post = blogPosts.get( id );
    var postView = new PostView( { model : post } );

} ); ```

  • We have said that we need to render a postView, lets create it!

var PostView = Backbone.View.extend( { el: "#main", render: function () { var postTemplate = $( "#postTemplate" ).html(); var postHTML = _.template( postTemplate ); this.$el.html( postHTML( this.model.toJSON() ) ); } } ); ```

Must Haves in Backbone

  • Backbone.View.extend({ });
    • el
    • initialize (maybe)
    • render
  • Backbone.Collection.extend({ });
    • model
    • initialize (maybe)
  • Backbone.Model.extend({ });
    • defaults (maybe)
    • initialize
    • watchers - change etc.