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Message Aggregator

Joel Mitchell edited this page Dec 18, 2017 · 3 revisions

Cofoundry includes a simple Message Aggregator / Event Bus implementation to allow subscribable message communication.

This is particularly useful when you want to tap into Cofoundry events. An example of this is if you want to update a search index whenever an entity is saved.

Subscribing to a Message

Cofoundry already has message classes built in for core entity types, a full list is available in the Subscribable Messages List.

Message Handlers

A message handler contains the code that is executed when a message is published. Handlers should inherit from IMessageHandler<TMessage> or from IBatchMessageHandler<TMessage> when your able to take advantage of batch message handling.

Here's a simple example of a handler that detects blog post custom entities being deleted and removes the entity from a search index:

public class BlogPostDeletedMessageHandler : IMessageHandler<CustomEntityDeletedMessage>
    private readonly IExampleSearchIndexRepository _exampleSearchIndexRepository;

    public BlogPostDeletedMessageHandler(
        IExampleSearchIndexRepository exampleSearchIndexRepository
        _exampleSearchIndexRepository = exampleSearchIndexRepository;

    public async Task HandleAsync(CustomEntityDeletedMessage message)
        if (message.CustomEntityDefinitionCode == BlogPostCustomEntityDefinition.DefinitionCode)
            await _exampleSearchIndexRepository.DeleteAsync(message.CustomEntityId);

Registering Subscriptions

The best way to set up your message subscriptions is to create a registration class that implements IMessageSubscriptionRegistration, doing so will ensure that Cofoundry automatically registers any message subscriptions at startup.

using Cofoundry.Core.MessageAggregator

public class BlogPostMessageSubscriptionRegistration : IMessageSubscriptionRegistration
    public void Register(IMessageSubscriptionConfig config)
        config.Subscribe<ICustomEntityContentUpdatedMessage, BlogPostUpdatedMessageHandler>();
        config.Subscribe<CustomEntityDeletedMessage, BlogPostDeletedMessageHandler>();

Creating a Message

Creating your own message class is simple, it should be a basic POCO and should only include properties that are serializable (the simpler the better):

/// <summary>
/// This message is published when a page is deleted
/// </summary>
public class PageDeletedMessage
    /// <summary>
    /// Id of the page that has been deleted
    /// </summary>
    public int PageId { get; set; }

Interfaces can also be subscribed to so if you want to add an interface to represent several different messages you may do so. In this example the interface IPageContentUpdatedMessage is used to represent any message that results from updating the content of a page:

/// <summary>
/// This message is published when page draft has been 
/// updated. To be notified when any part of a page changes 
/// (including page data and publish changes) you should 
/// subscribe to IPageContentUpdatedMessage
/// </summary>
public class PageDraftVersionUpdatedMessage: IPageContentUpdatedMessage
    /// <summary>
    /// Id of the page with the draft version being updated
    /// </summary>
    public int PageId { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Because the draft version has been modified this will
    /// always be false
    /// </summary>
    public bool HasPublishedVersionChanged { get { return false; } }

    /// <summary>
    /// Id of the page version that has been updated
    /// </summary>
    public int PageVersionId { get; set; }

Publishing a Message

Publishing a message is as simple as calling PublishAsync on an instance of IMessageAggregator. Here's an example:

using Cofoundry.Core.MessageAggregator;

public class AddPageCommandHandler
    private readonly IMessageAggregator _messageAggregator;

    public AddPageCommandHandler(
        IMessageAggregator messageAggregator
        _messageAggregator = messageAggregator;

    public async Task AddPage(AddPageCommand command)
        var page = new Page();
        // ... code to add the page

        await _messageAggregator.PublishAsync(new PageAddedMessage()
            PageId = page.PageId,
            HasPublishedVersionChanged = command.Publish

If you want to publish multiple messages of the same type, you can do so using IMessageAggregator.PublishBatchAsync. Some message handlers are optimized to act on a batch of messages, so this can be a more performant way of doing this. An example of how this can be used is ReOrderCustomEntitiesCommandHandler, where re-ordering can cause changes to many custom entities at a time.

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