trying to import piecemeal for vscode-ast. I discover the diff between "ES2020" and "es6" in tsconfig.json. So I need to correct the imported stuff.
ES2020 ask to initialize class properties.
Examining vscode-ast for ideas
it is built around ts watcher(s) like WatchOfFilesAndCompilerOptions
I note the treeview is not always displayed. It seems created on demand. I discover OutputChannel that is proper to the treeview provider. Why not the extension. Better than console.log.
I put in ./utils stuff that is not specific to the projects and could be reused in other extensions. Not worth creating a separate package though.
constant.ts moved to src/constants.ts because specic to the extension Also a good place for localizable strings. now what about a src/global.ts. What is global to the extension?
Scalable way to assign scoped variables to object member. But does not work with "target": "ES2020" in tsconfig.json, was "es6"in vscode-ast.
// set other properties in the instance
Object.assign(this, {
// set other properties in the instance
Object.assign(this, {
can be ./treeview.ts or ./treeview/index.ts
import TreeViewManager from './treeview';
contains the global variable and calls the UI setting code that sets these
variables. Eventually it calls the event handlers that are in `eventhandlers.ts