As of October 2023, I've decided to overhaul my website, moving from my ReactJS-based approach to a minimal, statically-generated, bloat-free Hugo-based approach. The entire website (excluding photos) is under 2MB.
The primary motivation is to start a blog focusing on documenting my endless homelab tinkering and other projects.
ReactJS, while pretty, is tedious to use if you'd like to add a brand new page for each blog post (at least, the way I had it set up).
Additionally, the react-router
plugin for ReactJS, which allows routing to different pages, has one large inherent flaw.
Say you're viewing a web page that you've created,
. If you refresh this page, you will be presented with a 404 error.
React client-sided routing is the culprit, and this Stack Overflow discussion gives a good overview of why this issue exists.
- Builds a production-optimized website
- Creates the music library JSON to be interpreted for the music page.
- Copies the entire production-built directory to nginx's serving directory on my machine.
The updated website will immediately be available. Since this is a static website, rather than a website that uses a database, there is zero system downtime between deployments.
A simple home page with my name and job title.
An image of my most up-to-date resume from Github, plus a link to download the full PDF.
A frequently updated blog page about any sort of project that I'm doing. The base page lists all topics that I've written about.
A page dedicated to listing each album I've listened to, along with its full average track rating. Once I've rated each track in an album from 1-5, it is eligible to show up on this page. Daily, I run a script which scans my music library which indicates which albums have been fully rated, gives the album a rating (average of each track rating), and puts the information into a JSON with supporting metadata.
A small page with more details about me and the content of this website.