The first time using a recurring allowance, the spender needs to pack an additional permit
call before withdrawing to validate and store the approval. After a recurring allowance has been approved, the spender only needs to call withdraw
to transfer tokens from the Smart Wallet.
participant S as Spender
participant M as Spend Permissions
participant A as Smart Wallet
participant ERC20
S->>M: permit(spendPermission, signature)
Note over M: validate signature and store approval
S->>M: withdraw(spendPermission, value)
Note over M: validate recurring allowance authorized <br> and withdraw value within allowance
M->>A: execute(target, value, data)
Note over M,A: transfer tokens
alt token is address(e)
A->>S: call{value}()
Note over A,S: transfer native token to spender
else else is ERC20 contract
A->>ERC20: transfer(spender, value)
Note over A,ERC20: transfer ERC20 to spender