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533 lines (334 loc) · 23.8 KB

File metadata and controls

533 lines (334 loc) · 23.8 KB


  • Fix: restrict the renderer's canvas to be at most as large as the screen. Previously we had the canvas size bound to window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight. However, in VSCode it was possible that window.innerHeight was muuuuch larger than the actual screen, which in turn caused a WebGL error (invalid renderbuffer size). This issues was first reported at flekschas/jupyter-scatter#37.


  • Fix: properly set mouse mode on initialization and add tests for it


  • Fix: expose x start/end and y start/end for horizontal and vertical line annotations.
  • Fix: ensure KDBush worker works in prod build


  • Fix: ensure single annotations render properly (#187)


  • Feat: add support for annotations via scatterplot.drawAnnotations()


  • Fix: try ensure zoomToArea works in cases where aspectRatio is not equal to 1 and add tests to verify this


  • Fix: option types of zoomToLocation, zoomToOrigin, zoomToArea
  • Fix: ensure zoomToArea works in cases where aspectRatio is not equal to 1


  • Fix: scatterplot.draw(newPoints, { preventFilterReset }) should preserves the filter (Jupyter-Scatter#134)
  • Fix: scatterplot.hover(filteredOutPoint) should not trigger a hover event


  • Fix: point connection initial color map
  • Fix: allow point connection color to be set to inherit (to inherit the point color)


  • Fix: update regl-line to include a critical bug fix related to drawing connected points.


  • Fix: add missing type definition for scatterplot.get('spatialIndex') (#179)


  • Add: allow to retrieve KDBush's spatial index via scatterplot.get('spatialIndex'). The index refers to KDBush v4.0.2.
  • Add: allow to pass a spatial index to scatterplot.draw(newPoints, { spatialIndex }) to circumvent the indexing of newPoints. This can be useful when only the z or w coordinates of newPoints differ to previously drawn points or when you've computed the spatial index upfront.
  • Add: run the computation of the spatial index in a worker when the number of points is larger or equal to one million. This behavior can be adjusted during the instantiation of the scatterplot via createScatterplot({ spatialIndexUseWorker }). If true, regl-scatterplot will always compute the spatial index in a worker. If false, regl-scatterplot will always compute the spatial index in the main browser thread.
  • Add: export createSpatialIndex to allow creating a spatial index upfront conveniently
  • Add: new drawing event that is always fired synchronously before the end of a draw call. This event is useful for drawing other things as part of an animation frame. The main difference to the default draw event is that the draw event is fired asynchronously (like all other events) after the draw call such that the draw call itself isn't blocked.
  • Fix: pass { camera, view, xScale, yScale } as the payload of the draw event as specified in the docs.
  • Fix: allow scatterplot.set({ showPointConnections: true }) before points were drawn #171
  • Fix: pub-sub related types by updating pub-sub-es to version 3


  • Fix: add d3-scale types as a dev dependency #153
  • Fix: run CI workflows on Ubuntu to ensure the sed replacement call works properly #153


  • Fix a regression with the point opacity introduced in v1.7.1


  • Fix typo in draw option type (renamed focus to filter) #148


  • Improve hover detection


  • Fix: add ability to set aspectRatio in the constructor
  • Fix: add missing type definition for aspectRatio
  • Fix: extend opacity type to correctly allow number[]


  • Add scatterplot.getScreenPosition(pointIdx) to retrieve the screen position of a point by its index.


  • Improve data type inference of the z/w values and allow to explicitely specify their data type via draw(newPoints, { zDataType: 'categorical', wDataType: 'continuous' })


  • Add preventFilterReset option to draw() to allow re-drawing while keeping the current point filter. #136
  • Add ability to hover, select, and filter points immediately when calling draw(points, { hover: 0, select: [1, 2], filter: [0, 2, 3] }). Immediately hovering, selecting, or filtering points avoids a filter that can occur when first drawing points and then hovering, selecting, or filtering points subsequently. #142
  • Add missing filteredPoints type definition. #139
  • Add missing selectedPoints type definition.
  • Fix drawing a single connecting line between points #125
  • Fix drawing a single point connection #141
  • Fix draw()'s promise resolution when showPointConnections is true. The promise is now resolved after both, the points and point connections, have been drawn.
  • Set minimum Node version to 16 and minimum npm version to 7. You might still be able to use regl-scatterplot with older version but it's not advised.


  • Fix scatterplot.destroy() to properly remove all event listeners bound during instance creation. #135


  • Fix empty select([]) handling #132


  • Fix filter() to allow filtering out all points #122
  • Add isPointsFiltered to get() to allow determining if any points have been filtered out


  • Fix zoomToPoints behavior when points are not initialized #123
  • Add isDestroyed and isPointsDrawn to get()


  • Improve type annotations of the select event (#119)
  • Add type annotations for the filter and unfilter events


  • Fix typing issue related to subscribe() (#117)


  • Fix a point hovering issue (#112)


  • Fix an issue with repeated zooming to points
  • Improve lasso on long press start


  • Fix a build regression from updating to Rollup v3


  • Update third party libraries
  • Improve lasso long press indicator styling
  • Fix an issue where a lasso with less than three control points


  • Add the ability to filter down points via scatterplot.filter(pointIdxs). This can be useful if you need to temporarily need to hide points without having to re-instantiate the regl-scatterplot instance. E.g., when calling scatterplot.filter([0, 1, 2]), only the first, second, and third point will remain visible. All other points (and their related point connections) will be visually and interactively hidden.

    To reset the filter call scatterplot.unfilter() or scatterplot.filter([]).

  • Add the ability to retrieve selected and filtered point indices via scatterplot.get('selectedPoints') and scatterplot.get('filteredPoints') respectively.


  • Refactor lasso manager to support SSR (#101)
  • Fix a glitch where the scatterplot instance is destroyed after a scatterplot.draw() was called but before scatterplot.draw() finished. (#101)


  • Add the ability to lasso select point upon long press via scatterplot.set('lassoOnLongPress', true).
  • Fix type issues (#98)


  • Enforce the canvas width and height to be at least 1px to prevent view operations from breaking.


  • Bump dom-2d-camera to publish view updates on camera tweens (#95)


  • Add zooming via the following four methods. All four methods supported animated transition just like draw().
    1. scatterplot.zoomToLocation(target, distance) for zooming to a specific point location
    2. scatterplot.zoomToArea(rectangle) for zooming to an area specified by a rectangular bounding box
    3. scatterplot.zoomToPoints(pointIndices) for zooming to a set of points
    4. scatterplot.zoomToOrigin() for zooming to the origin


  • Add scatterplot.isSupported and renderer.isSupported as read-only properties to expose if all GL extensions are supported and enabled in the user's browser (#90)
  • Add checkSupport() as a globally exported function for users to check if their browser supports and has enabled all required GL extensions (#90)


  • Add a missing select event name to the type definition (#87)


  • Add properties opacityInactiveScale and opacityInactiveMax to enable de-emphasizing unselected points and highlight selected points. The final point opacity is now set to min(opacityInactiveMax, currentOpacity) * opacityInactiveScale when at least one point is selected. By default opacityInactiveScale and opacityInactiveMax are set to 1. I.e., the default behavior did not change.


  • Properly initialize new x/y scales upon calling set()


  • Fix a minor issue in destroy() that prevented disconnecting resize listeners


  • Update dom-2d-camera to fix internal tests


  • Outsource WebGL renderer to improve instancing: You can now use a single shared WebGL renderer (via createRenderer()) to power multiple scatter plot instances. See
  • Add scatterplot.redraw() to enforce a redrawing of the scene. This can be necessary when you manually updated the camera.
  • Add scatterplot.view(cameraView, { preventEvent }) as a shorthand for setting the scatter plot's camera view. The preventEvent option enables synchronizing multiple scatter plot instances. See
  • Allow passing typed arrays to scatterplot.draw({ x, y, z, w }).

Breaking changes:

  • scatterplot.export() is now returning an ImageData object for better utility.


  • Fix incorrect opacity handling (#74)


  • Add scatterplot.get('pointsInView') to retrieve the indices of the points currently visible within the view (#72). Shoutout to @dulex123 for his PR!
  • Add scatterplot.get('points') to retrieve all currently drawn points.
  • Add an example for demonstrating how labels can be rendered. The demo using scatterplot.get('pointsInView') to determine when to render text labels. See


Woohoo 🥳 It's time to release v1! Nothing dramatic changed in this release but I felt that the library/API is now stable enough. Also, a big shoutout to @manzt and @japrescott for their PRs.

  • Support drawing columnar data scatterplot.draw({ x: [...], y: [...], ... }) (#59)
  • Fix the rendering issue with with Safari 14 (#45)
  • Replace webpack with vite (#64)


  • Fix an issue with not properly publishing the pointout event (#58)


  • Simplify drawing loop by using regl.frame and bailing out of when nothing needs to be redrawn
  • Update regl-line to be compatible with regl v2


  • Ensure inter buffers and viewports are properly updated on every draw call.

Breaking changes:

  • Improve the handling of the connection order by switching from a structured 5th component to a 6th component.

    Previously to provide a specific order, the 5th component had to be a tuple of [lineComponentId, orderIndex]. With this update the 5th component will always just be lineComponentId and the 6th will be orderIndex.


  • Avoid text selection when lassoing


  • Optimize density-based opacity encoding


  • Fix an issue with the lasso position when the page is scrollable (#50)


  • Fix an issues when programmatically trying to select() or hover() non-existing points


  • Harmonize hover(pointIdx, { showReticleOnce, preventEvent }) with select() API by allowing it to prevent the pointover and pointout from being published.


  • Add two events: init and destroy
  • Add lassoLineWidth to allow adjusting the lasso line width
  • Fix an issue with normalizing RGBA values
  • Fix a camera issue when lassoing in non-panZoom mouse mode


  • Rename showRecticle to showReticle and recticleColor to reticleColor (#47)
  • Fix reticle glitches by updating regl-line (#46)


  • Add density-based dynamic point opacity via opacityBy: 'density'. See dynamic-opacity.html for an example.


  • Add scatterplot.export for exporting the current view as pixels.
  • Add default canvas width/height ('auto') to fix an issue on high-dpi monitors that do not style the canvas element (#41)
  • Add resize handler so when width/height is set to 'auto' the canvas element is automatically resized on resize and orientationchange events.
  • Improve framebuffer rendering and add gamma prop to allow controlling the opacity blending (#42)


  • Add the ability to color point connections by their segment via pointConnectionColorBy: 'segment'
  • Fix an issue with normalizing RGB(A) values
  • Avoid the unnecessary use of the logical-assignment-operators (#39)


  • Stop calling camera.refresh() as that is unnecessary since v1.2.2
  • Avoid empty lasso events
  • Fix incorrectly initialized pointConnectionColorBy, pointConnectionOpacityBy, and pointConnectionSizeBy
  • Fix an issue with the color conversion to RGBA
  • Fix an issue blurring an active point connection


  • Allow inheriting pointConnectionColor from pointColor by setting pointConnectionColor: 'inherit'. Same for pointConnectionColorActive and pointConnectionColorHover.
  • Fix incorrectly initialized opacity
  • Fix incorrectly initialized colorBy, opacityBy, and sizeBy
  • Fix not assigned pointConnectionOpacity
  • Rename pointConnectionOpacitySelection and pointConnectionSizeSelected to pointConnectionOpacityActive and pointConnectionSizeActive for consistency


  • Allow the point-associated data values to be either categorical or continuous instead of enforcing one to be categorical and the other one to be continuous. For continuous data, assign [0,1]-normalized data as the third or forth component of a point. For categorical data, assign an integer-based data. For instance, if a point looks [1, 2, 3, 4] we assume that the first (3) and second (4) data value is categorical. If you would instead have points like [1, 2, 0.33, 0.44] where the third and forth component are within [0,1] then we would assume that those components represent continuous data. For backward compatibility, colorBy: 'category' refers to coloring by the third component and colorBy 'value' refers to the forth component. Additionall, you can now reference the third components via value1, valueA, valueZ, or z and the forth component viavalue2, valueB, valueW, or w.

  • Add the ability to connect points visually via draw(points, { connectPoints: true }). This assumes that your points have a 5th component that identifies the point connection. Currently the order of points as they appear in points defines the order of how they would be connected. So assuming you have:

    // prettier-ignore
      1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
      2, 2, 0, 0, 0,
      3, 3, 0, 0, 1,
      4, 4, 0, 0, 1,
      5, 5, 0, 0, 0,
    ], { connectPoints: true });

    Then we would connext the points as follows:

    1 -> 2 -> 5
    3 -> 4

    For an example see example/connected-points.js.

  • Add support for multi-selections by holding down CMD (by default) during click- or lasso-selections. The modifier key for multi-selections can be adjusted via scatterplot.set({ keyMap: { merge: 'ctrl' } })

  • Add performanceMode to allow drawing up to 20 million points

  • Add opacityBy to allow encoding one of the two data properties as the point opacity.

  • Fix an issue with the point size between devices with different pixel ratios

  • Fix an issue with detecting points when using variable point sizes

  • Fix an issue that drew the background image before it was loaded

Breaking changes:

  • Removed the following deplicated properties:
    • background (use backgroundColor instead)
    • distance (use cameraDistance instead)
    • rotation (use cameraRotation instead)
    • target (use cameraTarget instead)
    • view (use cameraView instead)


  • Make sure the keyMap is properly initiated.
  • Fix a memory leak by properly destroying the camera on scatterplot.destroy().
  • Add test for rotation, key mapping, and the lasso initiator


  • Add mouseMode for switching betweem mouse modes programmatically. Currently supported modes are panZoom, lasso, and rotate.
  • Add keyMap for remapping modifier key-induced actions. Available modifier keys are alt, shift, ctrl, cmd, and meta. Available actions are lasso and rotate.
  • Add lassoInitiator (boolean) for enabling a way to lasso points without having to use a modifier key. When activated, you can click into the void and a circle will appear. You can then start lassoing by mousing down + holding onto the circle and dragging. Since clicking into the void can be challenging when working with many points you can also long clicking anywhere and the circle for initiating the lasso will appear anywhere.
  • Improve point selection


  • Add lassoStart, lassoExtend, and lassoEnd events

Breaking changes:

  • Renamed event background-image-ready to backgroundImageReady for consistency
  • Switched to asynchronously broadcasted events to decouple regl-scatterplot's execution flow from the event handler. You can switch back to the old behavior if you like by initializing the scatterplot via createScatterplot({ syncEvents: true })


  • Add support for transitioning points via scatterplot.draw(updatedPoints, { transition: true})
  • Add support for size encoding the points' category or value via scatterplot.set({ sizeBy })


  • Add deselectOnDblClick and deselectOnEscape to allow disabling deselection on double click or escape when set to false (#31)
  • Fix an issue updating the x and y scale domains (#30)


  • Allow synchronizing D3 x and y scales with the scatterplot view. See for more details. (#29)


  • Make sure backgroundImage supports base64-encoded images
  • Fix missing texture destruction before recreating the texture (#22)


  • Add lassoClearEvent property to allow customizing when the lasso is cleared.
  • Add preventEvent option to and scatterplot.deselect() to prevent publishing the select and deselect events
  • Add Promise-based return value to scatterplot.draw() to enable the parent application to determine when the points were drawn
  • Add support for get('lassoMinDelay') and get('lassoMinDist')


  • Only listen on mouse down events within the instance's canvas element (#16)


  • Renames target, distance, rotation, and view to cameraTarget, cameraDistance, cameraRotation, and cameraView
  • Add getter and setter for cameraTarget, cameraDistance, cameraRotation, and cameraView
  • Fix setting initial camera position (#15)
  • Improve documentation on how to color points (#14)


  • Add background to lasso
  • Fix horizontally-flipped background image (#13)
  • Rename the background property to backgroundColor for clarity
  • Split the colors property into pointColor, pointColorActive, and pointColorHover for clarity
  • Update camera


  • Increase floating point precision
  • Fix #5


  • Add clear() to clear the scatter plot
  • Update the camera on refresh
  • Fix issue when drawing new points: do not wrap setting new points with withRaf(). Only wrap the pure draw call!
  • Fix a regression from removed scroll library


  • Increase floating point precision (#5)
  • Fix a rare glitch in the lasso selection where the lasso would be drawn with a far away point
  • Smoothify lasso by lowering the min delay and min dist
  • Update 2D camera and many dev packages
  • Remove the minified ESM build as it's unnecessary


  • Fix glitch in the npm release of v0.7.2.


  • Provide proper ESM instead of pointing to the source code.


  • Replaced hover event with pointover and pointout to be able to know when a point is not hovered anymore.


  • Allow changing the lasso smoothness via set({ lassoMinDelay, lassoMinDist }) where lassoMinDelay is the minimum number of milliseconds between mousemove events before the lasso is extended and lassoMinDist is the minimum number of pixels the mouse has to move.


  • Simplify API: style(), attr(), scatterplot.canvas, scatterplot.regl, and scatterplot.version are merged into get() and set(). The function signature is identical to style() and attr() so all you have to do is rename.
  • Add recticle. It's not shown by default but can be activated with set({ showRecticle, recticleColor }).
  • Fix a regression that caused interrupted panning


  • Fix a bug in categorical color encoding


  • Set default aspect ratio to 1. It can be changed via attr({ aspectRatio })
  • Add property to set lassoColor via style({ lassoColor })
  • Expose helper (createTextureFromUrl) for creating a texture from an image URL
  • Expose regl instance via scatterplot.regl
  • Replace mouse-position and mouse-pressed with internal code
  • Avoid click selections upon mousedown + mousemove + mouseup
  • Add tests for all public API endpoints
  • Fix several smaller bugs


  • Use a combination of linear and log2 scaling for point size
  • Add support for background images
  • Add API documentation
  • Switch to single quotes
  • Export version


  • Add endpoint for changing the background color
  • Allow setting view on initialization
  • Remove event listeners on destroy()
  • Rename camera event to view and publish the view matrix
  • Fix issues with setting colors
  • Fix resetting view


  • Update third party libraries
  • Switch to browser-based tests
  • Set more strict linting


  • Fix nasty floating point issue when working with large textures (> 100.000 points)
  • Make point size dependent on zoom level


  • Optimize rendering: up to about 500K points render fine. Usable for up to 1M points.
  • Add support for one categories and one value per point for color encoding.
  • Add visual outline for selected points for better highlighting.
  • Add test setup and some base tests.
  • Many bug fixes and under the hood improvements.


  • Add fast lasso selection
  • Support rotations


  • Initial working version. Warning: this version is not optimized yet and only works fluidly for up to 50.000 points.