In-progress OpenGL-based game engine. The goal of this engine is to be fully cross-platform, and allow for fast iteration time with hot-reloading code & assets, serialisable classes (no virtual functions or in-game heap allocations), and fast build times (no use of libraries like C++ STL).
should build out-of-the-box for Windows without issues (all dependencies are included in the repo), so long as Visual Studio environment variables are enabled (e.g. through Developer PowerShell for VS). Running shell.bat
initialises build environment for default install location of Visual Studio 2022, if desired.
- Entity Component System
- Hot-reloading game code & shaders
- Fully featured skeletal / blend tree animation system
- Phong shading with normal map support
- Shadow maps
- Third-person character controller
- GLFW for creating window and initialising OpenGL context
- Glad for modern OpenGL function bindings
- GLM for OpenGL-friendly maths
- stb_image for texture loading
- Assimp for loading FBX model & animation files
- "The Boss" model and animation clips from Mixamo