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In this tutorial we will develop a Colonies Executor using the Golang SDK. The executor calculates the last number in a given Fibonacci serie.

1. Set up a Colonies development server

colonies dev

2. Environmental variables

source examples/devenv

3. Fibonacci Job Generator code (examples/generator/generator.go)

func main() {
	colonyName := os.Getenv("COLONIES_COLONY_NAME")
	executorPrvKey := os.Getenv("COLONIES_EXECUTOR_PRVKEY")
	coloniesHost := os.Getenv("COLONIES_SERVER_HOST")
	coloniesPortStr := os.Getenv("COLONIES_SERVER_PORT")
	coloniesPort, err := strconv.Atoi(coloniesPortStr)
	if err != nil {

	funcSpec := core.CreateEmptyFunctionSpec()
	funcSpec.Conditions.ColonyName = colonyName
	funcSpec.Conditions.ExecutorType = os.Getenv("COLONIES_EXECUTOR_TYPE")
	funcSpec.Env["fibonacciNum"] = os.Args[1]

	client := client.CreateColoniesClient(coloniesHost, coloniesPort, true, false)
	addedProcess, err := client.Submit(funcSpec, executorPrvKey)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("Submitted a new process to the Colonies server with Id <" + addedProcess.ID + ">")

6. Fibonacci Solver executor code (examples/solver/solver.go)

func main() {
	colonyName := os.Getenv("COLONIES_COLONY_NAME")
	executorPrvKey := os.Getenv("COLONIES_EXECUTOR_PRVKEY")
	coloniesHost := os.Getenv("COLONIES_SERVER_HOST")
	coloniesPortStr := os.Getenv("COLONIES_SERVER_PORT")
	coloniesPort, err := strconv.Atoi(coloniesPortStr)
	if err != nil {

	// Ask the Colonies server to assign a process to this executor
	client := client.CreateColoniesClient(coloniesHost, coloniesPort, true, false)
	assignedProcess, err := client.Assign(colonyName, 100, "", "", executorPrvKey) // Max wait 100 seconds for assignment request
	if err != nil {

	// Parse env attribute and calculate the given Fibonacci number
	for _, attribute := range assignedProcess.Attributes {
		if attribute.Key == "fibonacciNum" {
			fmt.Println("We were assigned process " + assignedProcess.ID)
			fmt.Println("Calculating Fibonacci serie for " + attribute.Value)
			nr, _ := strconv.Atoi(attribute.Value)
			fibonacci := fib.FibonacciBig(uint(nr))
			fmt.Println("Result: The last number in the Fibonacci serie " + attribute.Value + " is " + fibonacci.String())

			attribute := core.CreateAttribute(assignedProcess.ID, colonyName, "", core.OUT, "result", fibonacci.String())
			client.AddAttribute(attribute, executorPrvKey)

			// Close the process as successful
			client.Close(assignedProcess.ID, executorPrvKey)

	// Close the process as failed
	client.Fail(assignedProcess.ID, []string{"invalid arg"}, executorPrvKey)

7. Calculating Fibonacci numbers

Generate a job

go run generator.go 1234 


Submitted a new process to the Colonies server with Id <4c19d59be7ad02d27491c993d7deaff4f58ffad55bbddb7200fb638299820da4>

Look up the job in queue

colonies process psw --insecure
|                                ID                                | CMD | ARGS |   SUBMISSION TIME   | EXECUTOR TYPE |
| 705abd98cb2f801aa4c0a357c367ea8a5cc89a51d24aaadbca89abbb4be00b7e |     |      | 2022-05-27 14:10:12 | cli           |

Run one job from the queue

go run solver.go


We were assigned process 705abd98cb2f801aa4c0a357c367ea8a5cc89a51d24aaadbca89abbb4be00b7e
Calculating Fibonacci serie for 12
Result: The last number in the Fibonacci serie 12 is 144
colonies process get --processid 705abd98cb2f801aa4c0a357c367ea8a5cc89a51d24aaadbca89abbb4be00b7e --insecure
| ID                  | 705abd98cb2f801aa4c0a357c367ea8a5cc89a51d24aaadbca89abbb4be00b7e |
| IsAssigned          | True                                                             |
| AssignedExecutorID  | 3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac |
| State               | Successful                                                       |
| SubmissionTime      | 2022-05-27 14:10:03                                              |
| StartTime           | 2022-05-27 14:12:41                                              |
| EndTime             | 2022-05-27 14:12:41                                              |
| Deadline            | 0001-01-01 01:12:12                                              |
| WaitingTime         | 2m37.735526s                                                     |
| ProcessingTime      | 9.11ms                                                           |
| Retries             | 0                                                                |

| Func        | None |
| Args        | None |
| MaxExecTime | -1   |
| MaxRetries  | 3    |

| ColonyName     | 4787a5071856a4acf702b2ffcea422e3237a679c681314113d86139461290cf4 |
| ExecutorNames  | None                                                             |
| ExecutorType | cli                                                              |
| Memory       | 1000                                                             |
| CPU Cores    | 10                                                               |
| GPUs         | 1                                                                |

|                                ID                                |     KEY      | VALUE | TYPE |
| c288d631ae86efc84c54b4c40e2420845d9ac04aecfa614d30f2a509441994b2 | fibonacciNum | 12    | Env  |
| 798040fccd6100fd68f680cdd962c87caf5098e826797c1e85b154dbecf87a27 | result       | 144   | Out  |

See examples/generate_sub/generate_sub.go and examples/solver_pub/solver_pub.go for an event-driven version of the generator and executor.