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ECH Meeting 66 Meeting Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 31 August at 15:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 0.50 hour

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Kenneth Luster


DECISION 66.1: I. ECH updatesECH Engineering Altia left Updates for ECH EngineeringCat Blazers Primarily Onboarding FocusedLondon upgrade NFT distribution Distributed about 60 NFTs out of the 100 minted NFTsEIP/ERC Editing Proposals, comments, and reviewing how to handle exceptional cases

Peep an EIP • Recorded one episode on EIP: 1271 • EIP-1271: Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts with Philippe Castonguay • EIP-1271 is in Final Status

Upcoming o Follow upcoming meetings on PEEPanEIP Schedule o Multiple Topics in the upcoming weeks o Talk with Dan “An Introduction to Worker Tree“ upcoming meetings o September, 2021 Beacon chain metrics and Bench marks upcoming meeting on PEEPanEIP Meeting Schedule • ECH website & decide on whether to pay for ECH marketing for the website ECH Website is down for 12 more hours No proposal on ECH Marketing on the Website

• Meeting notes and action items for ECH Meeting Notes Website o All Core Dev Meeting 120 All Core Dev meeting notes are up o Consensus meeting 71 ETH2.0 renamed to Consensus Meeting o Merge meeting 8 o EIP Improvement Process Meeting 40

See 00:19

DECISION 66.2: II. Improvement to ECH Website

• Adding RSS feeds to the ECH website for EIPs (Last Call) and Eth2 news Integration onto Website • Auto-update of meetings recordings on home page Integration onto Website Consider opening issue on the ECH Website for Auto-update of meetings recordings

See 06:55

DECISION 66.3: III. New InitiativesEthereum Improvement Proposals Insight Collection of clear information of EIPs Started new newsletter for EIP InsightsDiscord channel Governance, Jobs(?) Form Discord channel for Governance Channel New Initiatives Adding relative information from the community New InitiativesDiscord channel Governance, Jobs(?)Jobs Channel Has not been created yet

see 09:34

DECISION 66.4: IV. ECH Funding • Funding Approved by the ESP Team for the next three monthsFunding via ESP, Gitcoin, CLR & Moloch • Converted most of them to the stable currency and updated on the ECH Funding Issue on GitHub available on Issue Number #236 at ECH Funding • The next Gitcoin Round Funding Inquire Info for Updates on Next Round of Funding William Schwab stated it will be September 8th, 2021 • Consider Request of funding around Oct. or Nov from the Team • Start new section in the • Brainstorming Session for Ideas and New IdeasConsider Office Hours

see 12:27)

DECISION 66.5: V. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs • Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRsEthereum-Cat-Herders/PM No new issues on PM SideEthereum-Cat-Herders/funding Funding Issues to close

see 16:57

DECISION 66.6: VI. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH MeetingsReview of outstanding action items from previous ECH MeetingsMeeting 65 Nothing noted under Action Item • Altia's last comments ECH Engineering task she had performed, Will the bot be obsolete in six months? o We will check with EIPs Channel to see what they have to say. • Anything else. Nothing noted

see 17:19


Pooja Ranjan Welcome to add the Ethereum Cat Headers Meeting 66, this is Pooja Ranjan, and I am sharing the agenda in chat.

#1. ECH updates

So, the first item on the agenda is ECH update. So, I see Alita left some updates for ECH Engineering. I suppose we can move on, we’ll come back if she doesn't join by that time. So maybe we can start with the London upgrade NFT distribution. So, we have distributed about 60 NFT’s so far out of the 100 NFTs that were mintedLondon upgrade NFT distribution, and like, it covers variety of users. Starting from the EIP be authors, and the client development team. Let me read out the stats here.

So, I believe so far, we have distributed 27 to client teams, 17 EIP Authors, Editors and there are some Support Working Groups to like the Ethereum Cat Herders, and the Eth Steaking Community. So, if anyone is interested in getting this 1159 NFT and has worked towards the London Upgrade. If they have not shared their wallet with us, feel free to drop it and we'll try to finish up the distribution this week. Anything more William, we would want to add?

William Schwab Oh, I guess maybe a shout out to the artist to is, I believe spider towns, on Twitter for doing the art for. That's not I can think of.

Pooja Ranjan And like Yes, I'm going to give them a special mention in the next newsletter that is upcoming and thanks to William Schwab, and William Sean, for a lot of this distribution. Okay. So, the next one is Cat Blazers. If there is anything for this Meeting?

William Schwab I could talk about the last few weeks if you want. It's been primarily I'd say Onboarding Focused that's been like the place where most of my work is gone. I have also been working on trying to get yet EIP 712 up to a point going might be able to make a push for final call on it. I've submitted some changes to it been hanging out a little bit with a NFT standards group and up working towards a Metadata Standard NFTs, which would also be super cool. if anyone listening is interested. I guess tweet at me or something like that I can probably get you set up over there. Um, yeah that's I'd say that's my last two weeks.

Pooja Ranjan Awesome. Thank you. So, the next item is we're making good progress over there as I mentioned that some of the proposal, so he left a comment, and we are reviewing it I think it's a good place for us to discuss how to handle some exceptional cases . If anyone is interested in learning about EIP and ERC editing. Feel free to ping me, William Schwab, or Light Client will be happy to engage you in this.

Talking about the, we have recorded one episode on EIP 1271. That's an ERC Standard signature validation method for contracts with Philippe Castonguay and this is in final status right now and we have quite a few proposals, actually the topics lined up in the upcoming weeks.

Tomorrow we are going to have a talk with Dan Crab. On the topic of an introduction to worker tree. It's more about worker commitment, and in the following week, we have a client perspective on an object upgrade that is present, and wrong and in the later September we have Beacon Chain metrics and benchmark.

If there are any other proposals that people think that we should be discussing or any other feature in topic, feel free to leave a note on the comments section, or you can also drop in on the ECH Discord and let us know about it, and on the ECH Website, I see a comment from Emerita. He did mention that the website is down for, I believe, twelve more hours as the initial notification was for 24 hours. So, I hope it should be up again and so far, I have not received any proposal on the ECH marketing for the website.

So, in general, if people out there is interested and they have proposal they want to volunteer or contribute to promoting the Ethereum Foundation or the Ethereum Cat Herders, please reach out to us on Cat Herders Discord.

On Meeting Notes Website. We have Meeting notes up for All Core Dev Meeting 120, March Meeting 8 and EIP Meeting 40. I still have to check back on the resource for the Consensus Meeting 71. So, the Ethereum 2.0 Implementers Meeting has now been renamed as Consensus Meeting, and the notes will be going into the same repository soon and will update on the latest Meeting notes, very soon.

ECH website & decide on whether to pay for ECH marketing for the website Alright, moving on to the next item of improvement to ECH Website. So, I was wondering like this present website of the Ethereum Cat Herders as they provide all the information about the upgrade and different Meetings and notes. There are people who are also looking for some feeds of the last call, I know that there is an RSS feed. So, I was wondering what people think about having it integrated on our website for Eth2 news and for the last call on EIPs.

William Schwab What work, with demand that before.

Pooja Ranjan So, here's the thing for last call EIPs a proposal is generally there for 14 days, and the past we have seen that when they're 14 days 14 days duration has passed, and people come up and say something about the proposal and give the comment. But I think if we start providing this information on our website, we can actively direct the traffic over there and let people know that if you are interested in commenting on any of the proposal which are coming into life like last call either you can subscribe to the RSS feed and if you have trouble doing that, it is list is available there and you can check that so I'm supposing that it's going to help like sharing word about the last call proposals.

William Schwab I, I can't, I can't say that I'm against it. It's just, I mean, if they're not getting it out of GitHub like image how they'll get it out an RSS feed from us. But, I mean, again I don't mean that it's an opposition.

#2. Improvement to ECH Website

Pooja Ranjan Right. So, I'm thinking of opening this as an issue to be updated on the ECH Website. Yeah, if people have any thoughts on like you know where it should go or maybe I'll check with the development team is like, if there is any challenges, but what I wanted to get from this Meeting if people have any objection, which I seem to know and there was another thing on the current website that every time I have to create a request or someone has to create a request to update with the last Meeting which I wanted it should be auto updated that would make sense that we do not have to let people know every time that this is the Meeting link and you need to update so these are the two improvements maybe you would like to talk to the website development team to look into that.

Also, if people think that anything else should go on their website, or if anything is a not up to date, please me create an issue on the ECH GitHub,

#3. New Initiatives

Pooja Ranjan going on to the next topic is a new initiative, so about the EIPs, I was trying to collect some information on like how we are doing on it I know a lot of work are being put in by the EIP Editors, authors and other Community Contributors but still there is no clear information of like what EIPs like every month we are moving into different statuses so I have started this new newsletter that is for EIP insight. I have provided the link here. So, this is basically will list all the proposals that moved from one status to other status in a particular amount like favorite, we did so many proposals to vote to new proposals and then some move to draft to review, some review to last call. That is another way, but that I'm hoping to release every month, and uh, yeah. In general, if people have any thoughts or feedback, like anything that could be added to this newsletter, please let me know. Like we are trying to pay special attention that a lot of open issues or requests are under control. So, my goal is to like have them balanced, have the most relevant issues and proposals listed out there and I know Alita is working on Bot, which may be helpful to decrease this number. So, fingers crossed. I hope they make good investments there.

The other sub item listed on this topic is Discord Channel So, in the last Meeting we discussed about having a discord channel on governance which is right there, like we are trying to address relative information like whatever we are collecting from the community, and if people want to talk about governance, or give us some suggestion, feel free to hang out in the even Ethereum Cat Herders discord and share your thoughts on the governance channel. So, I was also thinking about having jobs channel, but it's not been created yet, and we are so far, we are looking into off topics for all jobs related information, but if there would be like heavy, you know, interest people want to have it separately I'm happy to create a separate channel for discussion.

#4. ECH Funding

We're moving on to ECH funding. As mentioned in the last Meeting, the Fund for next three months will were approved by the ECH team, and I have converted them to most of them to the stable currency.

The issue updated on the GitHub, if people are interested in knowing the details of it, it is available on, issue number, 236, or Ethereum Cat Herders slash funding. I'm curious. When is the Gitcoin next round is it active or is it coming?

Does anyone have any information on that?

William Schwab It's been announced, I can look it up, it's in a little bit more than a week and think, but I'm looking about this, we talked, that they have announced the next trend.

Pooja Ranjan Let me know if anything else we need to update on the present page if you think so sure.

William Schwab Yeah, sorry September eighth. So, roughly a week.

Pooja Ranjan Okay. Okay, So even need to update anything. Yeah, let me know yeah, we can work on that.

William Schwab just helps show that things are fresh, like you got people come to grant they want to know something that's actually ongoing so like you know putting in something fresh each time tweeting about better to the, that kind of thing I think makes a big difference.

Pooja Ranjan Yeah, I agree to it, and I think the one that we have published recently about like past six months, would be something new that we can add there, and it gives a comprehensive idea. What a great idea We can do that and for Moloch, yes. I'm also in touch with the Moloch Team, maybe somewhere down the line November, October, November will request for next round of funding from the team and I'm so grateful to all these Working Groups, and those are supporting the Ethereum Cat Herders.

Those were the items needed discussion. I'm wondering if we can start a new section in this Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting talking about a brainstormingECH Funding session like we get to have new people they join us. I know they are having different ideas of what we start talking about these different ideas and this Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting.

William Schwab Sure.

Pooja Ranjan So, for today, I don't know, we do not see any new member here as such, but if anyone from the present group, if they have anything new that they would like to bring up our talk about it and maybe we can announce it in the Meeting or try to get those kinds of people who actually want to share some thoughts and they don't know where to go.

William Schwab Yeah, cool. But yeah, let's try that out, like your new ideas different things that we might be able to do. Yeah.

Pooja Ranjan Hey, I'm wondering like, do we think that not on this Meeting but having a separate kind of office hours.

William Schwab It'd be interesting to see what something like that could be I could try and arrange something like that, if you want, like I'd be happy to take some initiative like that and just have it open, open office hours and see what happens.

Pooja Ranjan I don't know what I can do in that case is like, I received the onboarding application form, like I receive at least two onboarding requests, every week so we can start channeling people, if they have an interest, they can reach out to a lot that in my letter so I hope that would be fun right.

William Schwab Yeah, sure I mean alternatively anybody who's interested in on boarding. Yeah, maybe actually maybe Pooja separately call on.

#5. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs Pooja Ranjan Oh, sure. Not a problem, Thank you. So, that's it and that's all about it, I see a couple of funding issues, open, I'll try to close it in next two or three days and there is no new open issue and PM side.

#6. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH Meetings Let me open the Meeting notes for the last Meeting. If we have any action item from that Meeting. Sorry about that I should have added the link here. No, I don't see anything listed here, as in particular, I'm just quickly going through it, nothing specific all right, I think that was listed for our discussion today I would like to mention one thing that that I found on Altria commented, she left some comments on Eth Engineering tasks that you performed and past few weeks, and there is one question, I don't know if we have the right set of audience to get this answered, I'm still throwing it away.

Will the bot be obsolete in six months, should I write test?

I'm nothing to comment that is listed on the agenda of Meeting 65, may be a we could check it in the EIPs channel we'll see what the editors have to say on that.

Yep. I'll try to let me know about it.

Santhosh Pooja, I have a suggestion about people who are filling the onboarding form right basically the Google Form who are interested this to contribute towards a ECH and Ethereum and we meet, since we have added email, it maybe should we add them to the ECH Meeting so that they get what we are trying to do and where do we stand right because discord is a place where it has a distributed amount of resources right maybe they don't get to see what we are actually doing this the Meeting which we are bi weekly is when we talk about the progress and what is upcoming. So that might add more interest to them. If they want to be part of it.

Pooja Ranjan Um, just to be clear, like, is your suggestion to add them to invite calendar.

Santhosh Yeah, if we can maybe if they are interested, they can participate in one of these each Meeting and they can see what's happening behind the scenes.

Yeah, we can do that. Otherwise, what I do generally is like I provide the link of agenda, I'm on like the ECH GitHub, where we have this Meeting agenda available in advance. I'm not very sure of what do people think in general, like, I mean I see no harm but in that case the invite will be extending every week, which I'm not sure.

William Schwab I like thoughts, ideas, that's our idea first I'd submitted when that first see what that happens. I know definitely do agree that we should be putting things in place, to try and make sure that people were interested in volunteering get paired up with up with something they can do. I think the question is going to be how to do that. I think that's probably some of what you're talking to Santosh. I don't know if any of them to the Meeting is necessarily a good way to do that just because like I guess I'm worried they'll get lost in the Meeting or disrupted like not disrupt maliciously or anything like that but just by having people who haven't necessarily set in on the Meetings before have no idea what's going on here like just the process that you usually follows so because now and like my instinct is isn't like a strong, strong feeling but I'd say my general instinct would be to try and come up with other solutions try and make sure that we capitalized some people were willing to help and that they're able to do what they want to do. Awesome.

Before putting them the Meetings that make sense to centers, we said, yeah, it makes sense yeah, we can tie that back and see how it works.

Santhosh Yeah, Okay.

Pooja Ranjan Sounds good and I think that that was the last thing on the agenda. Anyone else want to bring up anything. We can release early. Well, thank you everyone for joining us today.


  • ECH - Pooja Ranjan(Host)
  • Edson Ayllon
  • Jim Bennett
  • William Schwabb
  • Brent Allsop
  • Santosh

Date for Next Meeting: September 18 at 1500 UTC