Releases: com-lihaoyi/mill
Releases · com-lihaoyi/mill
Merged Pull Requests since 0.12.0-RC3
- Review pass for
Building Java Projects with Mill
, Rebootstrap on 0.12.0-RC3, Standardize more onTask
terminology instead oftarget
by @lihaoyi in #3661 - Move
by @lihaoyi in #3663 - Another pass at the docs by @lihaoyi in #3665
- TodoMVC kotlin ktor by @javimartinez in #3651
- Integrate Ktor example tests into
Kotlin Web Examples
doc page by @lihaoyi in #3668 - Break out Mill Fundamentals from Mill in Depth by @lihaoyi in #3669
- Fixes: #3550 ; Add hello-world Android Java Example using Mill by @himanshumahajan138 in #3659
- Cleanup android example by @lihaoyi in #3672
- Fix
for mill-build by @lolgab in #3673 - Docs: Indicate rounded values in comparison table Mill vs. sbt by @lefou in #3674
- Rework android support example by @lihaoyi in #3676
- [BSP] Remove duplicate sources entries in MillBuildRootModule by @lolgab in #3682
- Add very basic Kotlin/JS support: ability to compile the binary by @0xnm in #3678
- Bump OS-Lib to 0.11.0 by @lihaoyi in #3684
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.5 to 4.4.1 by @dependabot in #3685
- Fixes:#3550; Added hello-world Android Kotlin example using Mill by @himanshumahajan138 in #3679
- Rebootstrap to pull in os-lib 0.11.0 by @lihaoyi in #3686
- Update os-lib 0.11.1 by @lihaoyi in #3687
- Acquire a lock on the out dir in order to run tasks / commands by @alexarchambault in #3599
- Rebootstrap to pull in os-lib 0.11.1 changes by @lihaoyi in #3688
- Add some BSP integration tests by @alexarchambault in #3608
- Rebootstrap Mill on latest master by @lihaoyi in #3689
- Ensure prompt shows inside exclusive command evaluations by @lihaoyi in #3690
- Add Kotlin BSP integration test by @alexarchambault in #3643
- Pass BSP JvmBuildTarget stuff to ScalaBuildTarget by @alexarchambault in #3681
- Unify
and doc-site graphviz rendering into Javet subprocess by @lihaoyi in #3692 - Rebootstrap on top of master to make use of updated
subprocess API by @lihaoyi in #3694 - Rebootstrap on #3694 by @lihaoyi in #3698
- Try to fix doc rendering for old versions of docsite by @lihaoyi in #3700
- Re-implement ticker prefixes using
key: Seq[String]
concatenation by @lihaoyi in #3697 - Clean up out folder lock logic by @lihaoyi in #3704
- Update coursier to 2.1.14 by @alexarchambault in #3705
- Drop unnecessary filter on artifacts by @alexarchambault in #3701
- Make use of new
operation to create assemblies by @lihaoyi in #3707 - use case object in KotlinJSModule by @bishabosha in #3708
- Add kotlinx-html to
example by @lihaoyi in #3709 - Try to fix deprecated discover warning by @lihaoyi in #3711
- Try and speed up proguard contrib module/tests by re-using global java runtime jar by @lihaoyi in #3713
- More cleanups for PromptLogger by @lihaoyi in #3712
- Add JavaModule.artifactTypes by @alexarchambault in #3703
- Update mill-version by @lihaoyi in #3718
- upgrade moduledefs and mainargs by @bishabosha in #3720
- Fix JavaModule.artifactTypes by @alexarchambault in #3719
- Cherry-pick source compatible Scala 3 changes by @lihaoyi in #3721
- More Scala 3 compatibility backports by @lihaoyi in #3724
- Add Kotest support for Kotlin/JS by @0xnm in #3723
- Add Kotlin/JS webapp example by @0xnm in #3725
- Add shared JVM/JS Kotlin code example by @0xnm in #3728
- Re-enable kotlin IDE tests, move images into subfolders by @lihaoyi in #3731
- Documentation Review for javalib/kotlinlib/scalalib/fundamentals/extending/depth by @lihaoyi in #3734
- Add broken internal links checker to docsite tests by @lihaoyi in #3736
- Lift Kotlin 2+ version usage constraint for Kotlin/JS by @0xnm in #3739
- Prompt logger fixes by @lihaoyi in #3741
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.4.1 to 4.4.3 by @dependabot in #3740
- Add broken remote link checker by @lihaoyi in #3738
- Cleanup Kotlin classes by @lefou in #3733
- Add
suite to exercise codesig invalidation in the presence of subfolderpackage.mill
s by @lihaoyi in #3747 - Simplify codegen prelude implicits by @lihaoyi in #3749
- Add smoketest for incremental compilation of multi-file build by @lihaoyi in #3750
- GenIdea: Handle failure when evaluating module sources/resources by @lefou in #3754
- More fixes for prompt logger by @lihaoyi in #3753
- Update Discord link by @lihaoyi in #3758
- Reboostrap on on latest main by @lihaoyi in #3759
- Update asm from 9.7 to 9.7.1 by @lefou in #3744
- Document and test workflow for aliasing external modules by @lihaoyi in #3760
- Add example documentation for
by @lihaoyi in #3763 - Improve file handling on Windows by @sake92 in #3764
- Fix java compile warning, again by @lihaoyi in #3762
- Enable lock on output dir for BSP server too by @alexarchambault in #3683
- Bump OS-Lib to 0.11.2 by @lihaoyi in #3766
- Comparison Documentation Review by @lihaoyi in #3767
documentation review by @lihaoyi in #3768- Add example documentation techniques related to running dynamic JVM classpaths by @lihaoyi in #3770
- Pull in Zinc 0.10.3 by @lihaoyi in #3773
- Update scala-native to 0.5.5 by @lefou in #3776
- Update acyclic to 0.3.15 by @lefou in #3779
- Update scoverage to 2.2.1 by @lefou in #3777
- Update junixsocket to 2.10.1 by @lefou in #3778
- Update some transitive deps: log4j, freemarker, ant, snakeyaml by @lefou in #3781
- Update semanticdb-scalac to 4.10.2 by @lefou in #3780
- Update jsoup to 1.18.1 by @lefou in #3783
- Make runtime deps transitive by @lihaoyi in #3774
- Bump OS-Lib to 0.11.3 by @lihaoyi in #3790
- Fix property handling and add tests and docs by @lihaoyi in #3791
- Rebootstrap by @lihaoyi in #3792
- Update mill-scalafix to 0.4.2 by @lefou in #3782
- Update logback to 1.5.11 by @lefou in #3784
- Update Scala.JS to 1.17.0 by @lefou in #3786
- Update guava to 33.3.1 by @lefou in #3785
- Update scalacheck to 1.18.1 by @lefou in #3787
- Update Scala version to 2.13.15 by @lefou in #3788
- Add example docs for classloader workers by @lihaoyi in
Merged Pull Requests since 0.12.0-RC2
- Rebootstrap on 0.12.0-RC2 by @lihaoyi in #3551
- Fix some doc typos + slight doc proposal on java integration test section by @NyuB in #3553
- Add fractional and subtraction for jobs flag by @wb14123 in #3554
- Provided dummy
def millDiscover
and implicitRootModule.Info
to make IDEs not display errors by @lihaoyi in #3558 - Fix ScalaTest testOnly include option by @wb14123 in #3557
- Make
without any arguments point you towards--help
, flesh out--help
into a cheat sheet by @lihaoyi in #3556 - Update zinc from 1.10.1 to 1.10.2 by @lefou in #3560
- Update semanticdb-java from 0.10.0 to 0.10.3 by @lefou in #3561
- Update scalafmt from 3.7.15 to 3.8.3 by @lefou in #3562
- Update coursier to 2.1.13 by @alexarchambault in #3568
- Use
instead ofT
when constructing targets and other tasks by @lihaoyi in #3565 - Add Kotlin examples for builds and linting by @0xnm in #3555
- Rebootstrap on top of #3568 to try and fix flakiness by @lihaoyi in #3574
- Make
files controlled byimport $packages._
flag by @lihaoyi in #3573 - Disable ticker in unit tests by @lihaoyi in #3572
- Add squery mill plugin by @sake92 in #3581
- Forward javacOptions to JMH by @Quafadas in #3578
- Add kotlinlib
examples by @0xnm in #3585 - Added plugin for formatting Java sources using Palantir by @ajaychandran in #3531
- Disable flaky mockito unit test by @lihaoyi in #3591
- Add Kotlin publishing and testing examples by @0xnm in #3589
- Bump Ammonite to 3.0.0 by @lihaoyi in #3593
- Integrate new kotlin examples into docsite by @lihaoyi in #3592
- Remove some unused imports by @alexarchambault in #3594
- add -sourceroot flag when generating semanticdb with scala 3 by @bishabosha in #3595
- Remove support for Scoverage 1.x by @lefou in #3597
- Update Discord Invite link by @lefou in #3601
- Show workers in resolve / show / inspect too by @alexarchambault in #3580
- Clean workers too from the clean command by @alexarchambault in #3579
- Remove unused env var in examples forkEnv by @alexarchambault in #3602
- Multi-line status prompt ticker by @lihaoyi in #3577
- Rebootstrap by @lihaoyi in #3604
- Add com-lihaoyi/acyclic to linting scala by @lihaoyi in #3605
- Allow users to use a custom output dir via an env var by @alexarchambault in #3530
- Use coursier thread pool to run coursier-related task by @alexarchambault in #3614
- Issue #2929: implement inspect for modules by @Shri333 in #3532
- Add Kotlin Ktor Hello world example by @javimartinez in #3621
- Add Ktfmt support by @0xnm in #3620
- use Scalafmt latest version (won't build with Java 8) by @bishabosha in #3622
- Fix crash in codesig analysis for method calls on arrays by @lihaoyi in #3623
- Introduce
Task.Command(exclusive = true)
and convertTask.Persistent
toTask(persistent = true)
by @lihaoyi in #3617 - Add Kover support by @0xnm in #3624
- Add API for spawning task-futures, use it for grouping and parallelization of test classes within a single module by @lihaoyi in #3478
- Use mill examples in init by @pawelsadlo in #3583
- adding milestone pattern to examples list by @pawelsadlo in #3625
- Mark kotlin support as experimental in docs, make it clear IDE support is WIP by @lihaoyi in #3628
- Unwrap
into justkotlinlib
by @lihaoyi in #3627 - Tidy up
command impl, make it unpack into current folder by @lihaoyi in #3626 - Break docs
folder into subfolders and add forwarder aliases by @lihaoyi in #3629 - Scope PromptLogger to
call to make prompt more intuitive by @lihaoyi in #3632 - Use short
names for documentation pages by @lihaoyi in #3631 - Remove
in favor of disabling the prompt automatically for every exclusive command by @lihaoyi in #3634 - Put back
, but make itprivate[mill]
by @lihaoyi in #3635 - Add MILL_TEST_RESOURCE_DIR without removing MILL_TEST_RESOURCE_FOLDER by @lihaoyi in #3640
- Concurrency fixes by @lihaoyi in #3642
- Update protobuf-java from 4.28.0 to 4.28.2 by @lefou in #3636
- Use build info for versions in kotlinlib by @0xnm in #3633
- Standardize environment variables names on
instead of_FOLDER
by @lihaoyi in #3637 - Prepare changelog for 0.12.0-RC3 by @lihaoyi in #3648
- GenIdea: Filter out scala3-library_3 for Scala-js-SDK library entry by @lefou in #3645
- Fix
60s delay, improve test grouping prompt lines, breakup largescalalib
test suites by @lihaoyi in #3649 - Improve usability of
and enable it in Mill codebase by @lihaoyi in #3650 - Rebootstrap on latest master to pick up test forking improvements by @lihaoyi in #3652
- LeftPad testForkGrouping sub-keys to ensure they're probably sortable and greppable by @lihaoyi in #3653
- Rename KotlinModuleTests to KotlinTests by @lihaoyi in #3655
- Break up
to take advantage oftestForkGrouping
by @lihaoyi in #3654 - Avoid calling
macro for sub-folder root modules by @lihaoyi in #3656
New Contributors
- @wb14123 made their first contribution in #3554
- @bishabosha made their first contribution in #3595
- @Shri333 made their first contribution in #3532
- @javimartinez made their first contribution in #3621
Full Changelog: 0.12.0-RC2...0.12.0-RC3
Merged Pull Requests since 0.12.0-RC1
- Support
attribute inDep
parser by @lefou in #3492 - Update mill-version by @lihaoyi in #3494
- Add
to Scala Native tests by @lihaoyi in #3495 - Fix
by properly inheriting streams by @lihaoyi in #3500 - Update coursier to 2.1.11, disable coursier retries by @alexarchambault in #3505
- Adjust codegen to allow custom
s and exercise it via example tests forBundle Libraries
docs by @lihaoyi in #3504 - Make use of OS-Lib's new literal multi-segment subpaths by @lihaoyi in #3508
- Add
by @lefou in #3503 - Use stable version of OS-Lib 0.10.7 by @lihaoyi in #3515
- Added plugins to run Checkstyle and generate reports by @ajaychandran in #3516
- Add docs for how to break out of Mill sandbox folder by @lihaoyi in #3518
- Checkstyle Plugin Cleanup by @lihaoyi in #3520
- Make
to ensure proper invalidation by @lihaoyi in #3522 - Deprecated
for removal in Mill 0.13 by @lefou in #3524 - Include
in the docs by @lihaoyi in #3525 - Move
extension to.mill.scala
by @lihaoyi in #3521 - Try and simplify publishing setup by @lihaoyi in #3523
- Use coursier 2.x API by @alexarchambault in #3513
- Prefer repositoriesTask to hard-coded repositories in scalapblib by @alexarchambault in #3529
- Format more code by @alexarchambault in #3526
- Fix discord link to be inviting by @lefou in #3542
- Break out publishing docs into its own documentation page by @lihaoyi in #3533
- Add Kotlin integration by @0xnm in #3514
- Integrate kotlin example into docs by @lihaoyi in #3544
- Allow external modules to have a
, simplify autoformatting and publishing docs by @lihaoyi in #3545
New Contributors
- @ajaychandran made their first contribution in #3516
- @0xnm made their first contribution in #3514
Full Changelog: 0.12.0-RC1...0.12.0-RC2
Merged Pull Requests
- Rebootstrap on 0.11.11 by @lihaoyi in #3336
- Bump uTest to 0.8.4 by @lihaoyi in #3340
- After release chore by @lefou in #3337
- Manage TestModule dependencies via
by @lefou in #3320 - Fix the warning not being printed when -i/--interactive/--no-server/--bsp are not the first argument by @mkwpz in #3346
- Support
files in subfolders by @lihaoyi in #3213 - Bump Requests-Scala to 0.9.0 by @lihaoyi in #3282
- Turn on parallelism by default, ensure Commands always run serially at the end by @lihaoyi in #3265
- GenIdea: Make Scala SDK specific for JS / Native by @lefou in #3345
- Doc: Default to latest stable version by @lefou in #3351
- Hardcode millBinPlatform to 0.11 by @lihaoyi in #3353
- CircleCI Commit by @lihaoyi in #3357
- GenIdea: unroll module dependencies by @lefou in #3355
- Use unwrapped underlying subprocess input streams when pumping by @lihaoyi in #3360
- Move inline file paths to static helper methods so we can describe them and document them by @lihaoyi in #3361
- Make
run inT.dest
folder by default by @lihaoyi in #3347 - Cleanups for Mill client by @lihaoyi in #3363
- Tighten up
files by @lihaoyi in #3366 - Refactor handling of ProxyStreams and Client-Server Locks by @lihaoyi in #3368
- Clean up Mill Server code by @lihaoyi in #3370
- Move Mill process working directory to sandbox by @lihaoyi in #3367
- Avoid spurious deprecation warnings in generated code by @lihaoyi in #3379
- Consolidate and document Mill environment variables by @lihaoyi in #3378
- Fix path separator in Lombok example to work on Windows too by @lefou in #3374
- Add Mockito Gradle vs Mill Case Study by @lihaoyi in #3380
- Update guava from 33.2.1-jre to 33.3.0-jre by @lefou in #3381
- Optimize Mill evaluation logic by @lihaoyi in #3388
- Print pretty error message when Result.Failure is thrown by @lolgab in #3391
- Cleanup unsed example setup for CircleCI by @lefou in #3394
- After release chore by @lolgab in #3401
- Add a unique integer to the sandbox dir of
mill --no-server
by @lefou in #3396 - Fix Mill BSP workspace directory by @lihaoyi in #3404
- Exclude folders bsp by @pawelsadlo in #3329
- Fix sonatype release by @lihaoyi in #3405
- Remove Reference to Scala Specific Modules in Java Section by @gamlerhart in #3407
- Test suite overhaul by @lihaoyi in #3398
- Put back ??? in sys.props calls by @lihaoyi in #3414
- Move build dependencies into meta build by @lefou in #3412
- Docs for 0.12.0 by @lihaoyi in #3410
- Overhaul meta-build docs by @lihaoyi in #3415
- Flesh out deprecated mill.scalalib.GenIdeaImpl to catch downstream users by @lefou in #3413
- Add an example doc folder for writing and testing a Mill plugin by @lihaoyi in #3416
- Use shorter partially-qualified names when labelling named tasks during planning by @lihaoyi in #3418
- Try and simplify ExampleTester by @lihaoyi in #3419
- First pass at an Mill vs SBT case study by @lihaoyi in #3421
- Clean up MillBuildRootModule codegen by @lihaoyi in #3424
- Make serial command execution at the evaluation end optional by @lefou in #3429
- Make Mill commands require named CLI parameters by default by @lihaoyi in #3431
- Update Mill from 0.11.11 to 0.11.12 by @scala-steward in #3435
- Improve visualize user experience by @lihaoyi in #3438
- Pass
parameter toos.SubProcess.env
by @lolgab in #3437 - Update mainargs from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2 by @scala-steward in #3434
- Update protobuf-java to 4.28.0 by @scala-steward in #3433
- Set
to an empty Map by @lolgab in #3442 - Update Target_Query_Syntax.adoc by @coreyoconnor in #3443
- Bump Mill-Scalafix to 0.4.1 by @lihaoyi in #3439
- Update logback-classic to 1.2.13 by @scala-steward in #3441
- Make
tests work on Mac OSX by @lihaoyi in #3444 - Overhaul build file management with new
format by @lihaoyi in #3426 - Update logback-classic to 1.5.7 by @scala-steward in #3445
- Mark
arguments as positional by @lihaoyi in #3455 - Update javet, javet-linux-arm64, ... to 3.1.6 by @scala-steward in #3446
- Be stricter about requiring
prefix for cross-package.mill
-file references by @lihaoyi in #3456 - Rebootstrap on latest master by @lihaoyi in #3420
- Simplify integration test layout by @lihaoyi in #3457
- Rename
External Reference
toBundled Libraries
by @lihaoyi in #3459 - Fix testing as Java application by @AnthonyGrod in #3432
- Put back structuring large builds doc page and fix file includes by @lihaoyi in #3462
- Remove unnecessary subfolder wrappers for integration tests by @lihaoyi in #3458
- Add
as an alternative file extension to.mill
by @lihaoyi in #3461 - Broaden flaky test retry by @lihaoyi in #3466
- Properly close Scala compiler classloaders in server and unit tests by @lihaoyi in #3468
- Move
package mill
statement after comments in examples by @lihaoyi in #3475 - Clean up integration tests by @lihaoyi in #3470
- Fix doc typo in JavaModule realistic by @NyuB in #3476
- Parallelize windows CI by @lihaoyi in #3467
- Use OS-Lib's
to allow sandboxing ofos.pwd
, write sandboxing doc page, introduceRunModule#runner
by @lihaoyi in #3479 - Decouple publish/releasing from main CI by @lihaoyi in #3483
- Cleanup Testing & Retry logic by @lihaoyi in #3477
- More cleanups for github actions by @lihaoyi in #3484
- Rebootstrap again by @lihaoyi in #3485
- Swap gitter references to Discord by @lihaoyi in #3486
- Add ErrorProne plugin by @lefou in #3460
- Add missing links to contrib plugin pages by @lefou in #3487
- Add reference to
error message by @lihaoyi in #3488 - Shorten
serialization format in common cases by @lihaoyi in #3490
New Contributors
- @mkwpz made their first contribution in #3346
- @pawelsadlo made their first contribution in #3329
- @coreyoconnor made their first contribution in #3443
- @AnthonyGrod made their first contribution in #3432
- @NyuB made their first contribution in #3476
Full Changelog:
Merged Pull Requests
- Rebootstrap on 0.11.11 by @lihaoyi in #3336
- Bump uTest to 0.8.4 by @lihaoyi in #3340
- After release chore by @lefou in #3337
- Manage TestModule dependencies via
by @lefou in #3320 - Fix the warning not being printed when -i/--interactive/--no-server/--bsp are not the first argument by @mkwpz in #3346
- GenIdea: Make Scala SDK specific for JS / Native (backport #3345) by @lefou in #3348
- CI: Adapt CI for 0.11.x branch by @lefou in #3350
- GenIdea: unroll module dependencies (backport of #3355) by @lefou in #3358
- Print pretty error message when Result.Failure is thrown (Backport #3391) by @lolgab in #3393
- Avoid spurious deprecation warnings in generated code (Backport #3379) by @lolgab in #3400
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.11.11...0.11.12
Merged Pull Requests
- Update mill.bat script including some fixes by @lefou in #3285
- Move to standard java package dirs in Java example projects, other cleanups by @lihaoyi in #3286
- Fix AssemblyTests on Windows by @lefou in #3288
- Fix SubprocessStdoutTests on Windows by @sake92 in #3289
- Add
by @lihaoyi in #3292 - Overhaul introductory section of docsite by @lihaoyi in #3293
- Overhaul IDE and Installation page by @lihaoyi in #3294
- Integrate graphviz into Mill docs, sprinkle diagrams throughout the docsite by @lihaoyi in #3295
- After release chore by @lefou in #3291
- Update semanticdb-scalac to 4.9.9 by @scala-steward in #3316
- Update mainargs from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1 by @lefou in #3319
- Update jline from 3.26.2 to 2.26.3 by @lefou in #3297
- Add example using JNI by @lihaoyi in #3321
- Try to fix windows tests by @lihaoyi in #3322
- Update zio-test from 2.0.21 to 2.0.22 by @scala-steward in #3312
- Update cask from 0.9.2 to 0.9.4 by @scala-steward in #3302
- Format Scala files in codesig test cases by @lefou in #3323
- Update scalatest to 3.2.19 by @scala-steward in #3317
- Update Play 3 from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 by @scala-steward in #3315
- Update Play 2.9 from 2.9.4 to 2.9.5 by @scala-steward in #3309
- Wire up post-0.11.x old docsites into Antora by @lihaoyi in #3325
- Update ammonite to 3.0.0-M2-15-9bed9700 by @scala-steward in #3301
- Update sonatype-central-client-requests to 0.3.0 by @scala-steward in #3308
- Update Mill from 0.11.8 to 0.11.10 by @scala-steward in #3304
- Add error log when passing args to
by @lolgab in #3327 - Update protobuf-java to 3.25.4 by @scala-steward in #3300
- Use latest versions of SBT junit test frameworks by @lihaoyi in #3296
- Add a Netty example
and write about it by @lihaoyi in #3326 - Add Annotation Processors with Lombok example, reorganize github actions test matrix by @lihaoyi in #3331
- Trim down CI matrix further by @lihaoyi in #3334
- Add overloads to try and simplify resolveDeps workflows by @lihaoyi in #3330
Full Changelog: 0.11.10...0.11.11
Merged Pull Requests
- Fixed Typo in Maven Blocked Documentation by @gamlerhart in #3269
- Fix resolution of children of
override lazy val
modules by @lihaoyi in #3270 - Tweak Java documentation by @lihaoyi in #3271
- Adding asdf as an unsupported installation option by @rolandtritsch in #3262
- Update semanticdb-java from 0.9.10 to 0.10.0 by @lefou in #3267
- Docs: Keep older entry-page links working with an page-alias by @lefou in #3277
- Add start of Java Web Build Examples page by @lihaoyi in #3274
- Automatically pump
streams whenSystemStreams
are redirected by @lihaoyi in #3275 - Cleanups in Java docs and user experience by @lihaoyi in #3278
New Contributors
- @gamlerhart made their first contribution in #3269
- @rolandtritsch made their first contribution in #3262
Full Changelog: 0.11.9...0.11.10
What's Changed
- Post release tasks by @lefou in #3230
- Update Scala Native from 0.5.3 to 0.5.4 by @lefou in #3233
- Update transitive gson from 2.10.1 to 2.11.0 by @lefou in #3239
- [BSP] Fix uri for foreign modules by @lolgab in #3242
- Better exception message when JS test framework runner is not found by @arturaz in #3245
- Add coarse grained lock around BSP requests to avoid deadlocks by @lihaoyi in #3243
- Update junixsocket from 2.9.1 to 2.10.0 by @lefou in #3263
- Update zinc from 1.10.0 to 1.10.1 by @lefou in #3264
- Update semanticdb-scalac from 4.9.7 to 4.9.8 by @lefou in #3268
- Update fastparse from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 by @lefou in #3266
- First pass at first-class support for Java projects by @lihaoyi in #3261
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.11.8...0.11.9
Merged Pull Requests
- Fix some formatting glitches by @lefou in #3003
- Fix typo in Modules.adoc by @sequencer in #3007
- Update coursier from 2.1.8 to 2.1.9 by @lefou in #2971
- Restructure
, increase speed, added ticker messages by @lefou in #3014 - Fix bsp compile classpath inconsistencies by @lefou in #3017
- Bring more bsp-specific targets in line with their non-bsp versions by @lefou in #3018
- Update mainargs from 0.6.1 to 0.6.2 by @lefou in #3019
- Update google guava from 32.1.3 to 33.0.0 by @lefou in #3020
- Update upickle from 3.1.4 to 3.2.0 by @lefou in #3021
- Update documentation, removed obsolete waning about Metals warnings by @lefou in #3024
- Make BSP task processing more resilient by @lefou in #3022
- Update junixsocket-core from 2.8.3 to 2.9.0 by @scala-steward in #3027
- Update jline from 3.25.0 to 3.25.1 by @scala-steward in #3035
- Update scalatest from 3.2.17 to 3.2.18 by @scala-steward in #3039
- Update protobuf-java from 3.25.1 to 3.25.3 by @scala-steward in #3026
- Update semanticdb-java from 0.9.8 to 0.9.9 by @scala-steward in #3030
- Update semanticdb-scalac from 4.8.15 to 4.9.0 by @scala-steward in #3038
- Update log4j-core from 2.22.1 to 2.23.0 by @scala-steward in #3044
- Update scala-native from 0.4.16 to 0.4.17 by @scala-steward in #3036
- Update acyclic from 0.3.9 to 0.3.10 by @scala-steward in #3043
- Update acyclic from 0.3.10 to 0.3.11 by @scala-steward in #3045
- Force transitive dependency commons-compress to 1.26.0 or newer by @lefou in #3049
- Update Mill setup and version to 0.11.7-17-17dea9 by @lefou in #3050
- Update example
with current library versions by @cstroe in #3055 - Support Scala Native 0.5.0-RC1 by @lolgab in #3054
- Update scoverage from 2.0.11 to 2.1.0 by @lefou in #3058
- Update Scala from 2.12.18 to 2.12.19 (used in some workers) by @lefou in #3059
- Scoverage: Do not include the scalac plugin in the reporting classpath by @lefou in #3060
- Update Scala from 2.13.12 to 2.13.13 by @lefou in #3053
- Fix some warnings by @nightscape in #3051
- Update Ammonite version from 3.0.0-M0-53-084f7f4e to 3.0.0-M1 by @lefou in #3065
- Add 2.13.13 and 2.12.19 to supported bridges list by @lolgab in #3066
- Track ammonite dependency to automatically find updates by @lefou in #3070
- Update semanticdb-scalac from 4.9.0 to 4.9.1 by @lefou in #3069
- Fix BuildInfo static Java file generator by @lefou in #3074
- Add 'jvmOptions' to docker contrib configuration by @megri in #3079
- Pass auxiliary class files to zinc so they are deleted together by @lolgab in #3072
- Update Scala Native 0.5.0-RC2 by @lolgab in #3082
- Update jarjar-abrams-core from 1.9.0 to 1.14.0 by @lefou in #3085
- BSP: Handle new
request by @lefou in #3086 - Update semanticdb-scalac from 4.9.1 to 4.9.2 by @lefou in #3087
- Update transitive runtime dependency guava from 33.0.0 to 33.1.0 by @lefou in #3088
- Add support for Cobertura XML report task to help integration by @romain-gilles-ultra in #3093
- Support Scala.js minify via
scalaJSMinify: Target[String]
by @lolgab in #3094 - Restructure
, addRunModule
by @lefou in #3064 - CI: add scalafix-check to precondition to publish by @lefou in #3095
- Docs for Continuous cache invalidation by @lefou in #3096
- Scoverage inner module defaults to
skipIdea = outer.skipIdea
by @lefou in #3098 - Move
-targets intoRunModule
by @lefou in #3090 - Deduplicate input tasks in
command by @lefou in #3102 - Update example missing quote by @dongxuwang in #3106
- Update Scala Native to 0.5.0-RC3 by @lolgab in #3107
- Update junixsocket from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 by @lefou in #3113
- Update mainargs from 0.6.2 to 0.6.3 by @lefou in #3114
- Update asm from 9.6 to 9.7 by @lefou in #3112
- Update requests from 0.8.0 to 0.8.2 by @lefou in #3115
- Update semanticdb-scalac from 4.9.2 to 4.9.3 by @lefou in #3116
- Update transitive commons-io from 2.15.1 to 2.16.1 by @lefou in #3117
- Update Scala Native to 0.5.0 by @lolgab in #3120
- Isolate scoverage modules from their parent modules by @romain-gilles-ultra in #3118
- Scoverage improve classpath override to the minimal by @romain-gilles-ultra in #3122
- Improve internal BSP API and docs, fix a match error condition by @lefou in #3111
- Retry example integration tests that didn't finish after 5 minutes by @lefou in #3125
- Fix mill script for parameter starting with -i by @romain-gilles-ultra in #3127
- TestModule: Support generation of JUnit-compatible xml report by @atty303 in #3099
- Use docker image hash to determine if build should rerun by @nrktkt in #3124
- Update os-lib from 0.9.3 to 0.10.0 by @lefou in #3129
- Fixed semanticdb file copying issue, added more tests by @lefou in #3080
- Fix typo in scoverage documentation by @lefou in #3137
- Fix cross link in documentation by @lefou in #3138
- Update zinc from 1.9.6 to 1.10.0, use improved analysis store by @lefou in #2899
- Detect assemblies with too many entries to fail shell script prepending by @lefou in #3140
- Update coursier from 2.1.9 to 2.1.10 by @lefou in #3145
- Add multi platform support to contrib.docker through docker buildx by @GeorgOfenbeck in #3143
- Update acyclic from 0.3.11 to 0.3.12 by @lefou in #3149
- Update Ammonite from 3.0.0-M1 to 3.0.0-M1-19-a7973e17 by @lefou in #3147
- Update Scoverage2 from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 by @lefou in #3150
- Update Scala version from 2.13.13 to 2.13.14 by @lefou in #3146
- Improve the support of JUnit XML report by @romain-gilles-ultra in #3135
- Give mill the ability to re-write ESModule imports at link time by @Quafadas in #3109
- GenIdea improvements by @lefou in #3153
- GenIdea: Use synthetic scala-SDK entry for compiler setup by @lefou in #3154
- Update semanticdb-java from 0.9.9 to 0.9.10 by @lefou in #3157
- Update fastparse from 3.0.2 to 3.1.0 by @lefou in #3158
- Update fansi from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 by @lefou in #3160
- Update mainargs from 0.6.3 to 0.7.0 by @lefou in #3161
- Update pprint from 0.8.1 to 0.9.0 by @lefou in #3162
- Update ammonite from 3.0.0-M1-19-a7973e17 to 3.0.0-M2-2-741e5dbb by @lefou in #3163
- Update transitve guava dependency from 33.1.0 to 33.2.0 by @lefou in #3159
- Update semanticdb-scala...