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title: DedekindReals Intervals Detailed Design author:

  • Ivo List status: Draft changes:
  • 2019-04-03: Initial draft ...


  • A. Bauer and P. Taylor, The Dedekind reals in abstract Stone duality, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 19 (2009) 757-838, doi: 10.1017/S0960129509007695 DEDRAS


Relevant ASD

The content of this chapter are excerpts from DEDRAS:

Definition 2.3 It is very useful to generalise the notion of Dedekind cut by dropping the locatedness condition. Instead of almost touching, and so representing a single real number a ∈ R, such a pseudo-cut corresponds classically to a closed interval [d,u] ≡ R \ (D ∪ U). We sometimes weaken the other conditions too, allowing D ≡ ∅ and d ≡ −∞, or U ≡ ∅ and u ≡ +∞.

Definition 2.10 We can consider these generalised intervals as members of the interval domain, IR [Sco72b, ES98]. The order relation is traditionally defined as reverse inclusion of closed intervals, and so directed joins are given by intersection.

Definition 7.6 The unbounded interval domain is the closed subspace IR ⊂ R × R that is co-classified by ∇, so it consists of those (δ,υ) for which ∇(δ,υ) is false (Remark 4.11), i.e. which are rounded and disjoint. Using Lemma 5.9, IR ⊂ ΣQ × ΣQ is defined by the nucleus Erd Φ(δ,υ) ≡ ∇(δ̂, υ̌) ∨ Φ(δ̂, υ̌).

Definition 7.8 The bounded interval predomain is the open subspace IR ⊂ IR classified by B, so it consists of those (δ,υ) for which B(δ,υ) is true. By Lemma 5.9, IR ⊂ ΣQ ×ΣQ is defined by the nucleus

Erdb Φ(δ,υ) ≡ ∇(δ̂, υ̌) ∨ Φ(δ̂, υ̌) ∧ B(δ̂, υ̌), which may be bracketed either way, since ∇ ⩽ B.

Theorem 7.14 E1 is a nucleus (Definition 5.5), and (δ,υ) is admissible for it (Definition 5.7) iff it is rounded, bounded and disjoint, so IR ≅ {ΣΣQ ×ΣQ| E1 }.

Proposition 9.9 If (Q,<) has an order-reversing automorphism (−) then so does R, and this has a unique fixed point (0):

⊝ (δ,υ) ≡ ( λd. υ(−d), λu. δ(−u) )

0 ≡ (λd. d < −d, λu. − u < u).

Definition 10.1 For d ≤ u : R, the open and closed intervals (d,u),[d,u] ⊂ R are

  1. the open subspace classified by (λx. d < x < u) ≡ (υd ∧ δu ) : ΣR , and
  2. the closed subspace co-classified by (λx. x < d ∨ u < x) ≡ (δd ∨ υu ) : ΣR respectively.

More generally, for any rounded pair (δ,υ),

  1. (υ,δ) ⊂ R is the open subspace classified by υ ∧ δ : ΣR, and
  2. [δ,υ] ⊂ R is the closed subspace co-classified by δ ∨ υ : ΣR, where we expect the pseudo-cut (δ,υ) to be located (maybe overlapping or back-to-front) in the first case and disjoint in the second.

Remark 11.6 Now we have a diagram that combines those in Remarks 2.13 and 6.9,

Remark 11.8 The plan, for each arithmetic operation * (+ or ×), is

  1. first to define some operation ⍟ on ΣQ × ΣQ that extends the given operation ∗ on the rationals, in the sense that the rectangle above commutes, i.e. for each q,r : Q,

qq) ⍟ (δrr ) = (δq⍟rq⍟r ) : ΣQ × ΣQ ;

Notation 11.10 For (δ,υ),(ε,τ) : ΣQ × ΣQ, let (δ,υ) ⊕ (ε,τ) ≡ ( λa. ∃de. (a < d + e) ∧ δd ∧ εe, λz. ∃ut. (u + t < z) ∧ υu ∧ τt )

Remark 11.11 x ⋐ y ≡ [x̲,x̅] ⊂ (y̲,y̅) ≡ y̲ < x̲ ∧ x̅ < y̅

x ⍟ y ⋐ w ⇔ ∃x' y' . x ⋐ x' ∧ y ⋐ y' ∧ x' ⍟ y' ⋐ w

Lemma 11.13 Addition (Notation 11.10) takes intervals (i.e. rounded, bounded and disjoint pseudo-cuts) to intervals, ⊕ : IR × IR → IR.

Lemma 12.1 Kaucher multiplication [a,z] ≡ [d,u] ⊗ [e,t] is defined by

                  d ≤ 0             0 ≤ d  
[d,u]⊗[e,t]  u ≤ 0    u ≥ 0    u ≤ 0    u ≥ 0  
0 ≤ e 0 ≤ t [dt, ue] [dt, ut] [de, ue] [de, ut] 
      t ≤ 0 [ut, ue]  [0,0]    [q,p]   [de, dt]  
e ≤ 0 0 ≤ t [dt, de]  [p,q]    [0,0]   [ue, ut] 
      t ≤ 0 [ut, de] [ue, de] [ut, dt] [ue, dt]

where p ≡ min(dt,ue) ≤ 0 and q ≡ max(de,ut) ≥ 0. It agrees with ordinary multiplication in Q when d = u and e = t, and with Moore’s operation (Definition 2.3) when d ≤ u and e ≤ t. Also, a is a monotone function of d and e and an antitone one of u and t, and vice versa for z.

Theorem 13.4 R is an ordered field, in which x−1 is defined for x ≠ 0 by

(δ,υ)−1 ≡ ( λd. ∃u. υu ∧ ((du < 1 ∧ δ0) ∨ (1 < du ∧ d < 0)), λu. ∃d. δd ∧ ((du < 1 ∧ u > 0) ∨ (1 < du ∧ υ0)) )

Remark 13.5 We do not need to consider 0 this time, but since

∃du. (δ,υ)−1 (d,u) ⇒ δ0 ∨ υ0,

the value in any illegitimate case, including 0−1 and (δ−11 ) −1 , is (⊥,⊥). This denotes the interval [−∞,+∞].

More generally, the reciprocal of a general (and possibly back-to-front) interval with endpoints is given by

[d,u]⁻¹    d < 0    d = 0    d > 0
u < 0   [u⁻¹, d⁻¹] [u⁻¹, −∞] [+∞,−∞]
u = 0    [−∞,+∞]  [−∞,+∞]   [+∞, d⁻¹]
u > 0    [−∞,+∞]  [−∞,+∞]   [u⁻¹, d⁻¹],


Interval case class represents a general interval with rational endpoints. There are no restrictions on the endpoints (d<u, d=u or d<u). We're keeping only roundedness (not bound, disjoint nor located)

Endpoints can also be positive and negative infinity, we must be take to handle such cases correctly.

Requirement: interval operations

Interval arithmetic operations are proper extensions of arithmetic operations on rationals. Proper extension: x ⍟ y ⋐ w ⇔ ∃x' y' . x ⋐ x' ∧ y ⋐ y' ∧ x' ⍟ y' ⋐ w

Rationale: Correctness.

Verification: Test the property on random values (including all combinations of special values) for all binary operations.

Requirement: string representation of intervals

Intervals shall be printed with minimal unnecessary information:

  • when endpoints are equal, print interval as a number
    • example [1,1] = "1"
  • when endpoints are of different magnitude or sign, print both numbers, limiting precision to p, examples p = 2:
    • "[1.1e10, -1]",
    • "[-1,2]"
  • when endpoints are of same magnitude and sign print numbers until the difference of printed numbers has given precision and print same part of the number only once, examples p = 2:
    • [123001,124005]="12[3000,4000]",
    • [0.00123,0.00134] = "0.001[23,34]",
    • [0.4999266, 0.5000125] = "0.[499926,500012]"

Rationale: Usability. Upstream modules compute real numbers, so the focus is on intervals with small width.

Verification: Test listed cases.

Possible extensions