This guide helps developers to migrate from the version 1.x to the version 2.x of PHP SDK.
- Client Configuration and Creation
- Timeout Setting
- Headers
- Retry
- Draft Builder
- Create Command
- Create From Json
- Update Command
- Query - Get By Id
- Query
To setup the Client, in the 1.x we use the Config class to add the config data and then the Client class to create the Client from the Config. In the 2.x the ClientCredentialsConfig class sets up the config data such as clientId and clientSecret and the ClientFactory creates the client. The benefit of the 2.x, is that through the ClientFactory class, there is the possibility to easily set up the available Middlewares such as: the LOGGER, the RETRY, the HEADER.
$client = Client::ofConfig(
$request = RequestBuilder::of()->project()->get();
$result = $request->mapFromResponse($response);
2.x For the rest of the Migration Guideline this part below will be replaced with $builder = $this->builder();
In the below example the class ClientCredentialsConfig takes a default value for OAUTH_URL (see the class ClientCredentials), the same is for the class Config which takes a default value for the API_URL, but it can be defined in this way:
$authConfig = new ClientCredentialsConfig(new ClientCredentials(self::CLIENT_ID, self::CLIENT_SECRET), [], $oauthUrl = '');
$client = ClientFactory::of()->createGuzzleClient(new Config(['maxRetries' => 3], $apiUrl = ''), $authConfig);
$apiRequestBuilder = new ApiRequestBuilder($client);
$request = $apiRequestBuilder->withProjectKey(self::PROJECT_KEY)->get();
$client = $request->execute();
In both versions is the execute() method which sets the timeout. In alternative, the 2.x version is able to set the timeout from the creation of the client through ClientFactory (the example is below).
$options = ['timeout' => '45'];
$request = RequestBuilder::of()->categories()->query();
$response = $this->execute($this->client(), $request, $options);
$options = ['timeout' => '45'];
$request = $this->builder()->with()->categories()->get();
$response = $request->execute($options);
There is the possibility in the v2 to set up the Timout at Client Creation level: the default value for the timeout is "60", see the createGuzzleClientWithOptions() method, otherwise it could be set up in the way described below:
$authConfig = new ClientCredentialsConfig(new ClientCredentials($this->clientId, $this->clientSecret));
$client = ClientFactory::of()->createGuzzleClient(new Config(['maxRetries' => 3, 'timeout' => 45]), $authConfig);
$apiRequestBuilder = new ApiRequestBuilder($client);
$request = $apiRequestBuilder->withProjectKey($this->projectKey)->get();
$client = $request->execute();
To set Headers, in the 1.x it is possible in the execute() method itself and in the 2.x, it can be directly set during the building request with the withHeader method. Like as the timeout, in alternative, the 2.x version is able to set the headers from the creation of the client through ClientFactory (the example is below).
$client = $this->client();
/** @var CategoryDraft $categoryDraft */
$request = RequestBuilder::of()->categories()->create($categoryDraft);
$headers = ["foo" => "bar"];
$response = $this->execute($client, $request, $headers);
$result = $request->mapFromResponse($response);
$builder = $this->builder();
$request = $builder->with()->categories()->get()->withHeader("foo", "bar");
$result = $request->execute();
There is the possibility in the v2 to set up the Header at Client Creation level: the default value for the headers is an empty array, see the createGuzzleClientWithOptions() method, otherwise it could be set up in the way described below:
$authConfig = new ClientCredentialsConfig(new ClientCredentials($this->clientId, $this->clientSecret));
$client = ClientFactory::of()->createGuzzleClient(new Config(['maxRetries' => 3, 'headers' => ["foo" => "bar"]]), $authConfig);
$apiRequestBuilder = new ApiRequestBuilder($client);
$request = $apiRequestBuilder->withProjectKey($this->projectKey)->get();
$response = $request->execute();
In the 1.x, the Retry is handled through the client options, so with multidimensional array. And then, the creation of the Client, which here below there is another way to build it.
The 2.x instead, sets the Retry from the creation of the client through ClientFactory, with the help of the createGuzzleClient method, it's passed as a .
$config = Config::fromArray([
'client_id' => self::CLIENT_ID,
'client_secret' => self::CLIENT_SECRET,
'project' => self::PROJECT_KEY
$maxRetries = 3;
$clientOptions = [
'middlewares' => [
'retry' => Middleware::retry(
function ($retries, RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response = null, RequestException $error = null) use ($maxRetries) {
return $retries < $maxRetries && ($error instanceof ConnectException || $response && $response->getStatusCode() >= 500);
$client = ClientFactory::of()->createClient($config, new Logger('test'));
$authConfig = new ClientCredentialsConfig(new ClientCredentials(self::CLIENT_ID, self::CLIENT_SECRET));
$client = ClientFactory::of()->createGuzzleClient(new Config(['maxRetries' => 3, 'timeout' => 45]), $authConfig);
$apiRequestBuilder = new ApiRequestBuilder($client);
$request = $apiRequestBuilder->withProjectKey(self::PROJECT_KEY)->get();
$result = $request->execute();
About the DraftBuilder the main difference is that in the 2.x we introduced the build() method to create objects (in this case the DraftBuilder object). As can be seen below, setters are being replaced by withers methods, thanks to them now the class APIs are more stable no matter how many properties are required
$categoryDraft = CategoryDraft::ofNameAndSlug(LocalizedString::ofLangAndText('en', 'name'), LocalizedString::ofLangAndText('en', 'slug'))
->setMetaDescription(LocalizedString::ofLangAndText('en', 'metaDescription'))
->setMetaTitle(LocalizedString::ofLangAndText('en', 'metaTitle'))
->setMetaKeywords(LocalizedString::ofLangAndText('en', 'metaKeywords'))
$categoryDraft = CategoryDraftBuilder::of()
->withName(LocalizedStringBuilder::of()->put('en', 'name')->build())
->withSlug(LocalizedStringBuilder::of()->put('en', 'slug')->build())
->withMetaDescription(LocalizedStringBuilder::of()->put('en', 'metaDescription')->build())
->withMetaTitle(LocalizedStringBuilder::of()->put('en', 'metaTitle')->build())
->withMetaKeywords(LocalizedStringBuilder::of()->put('en', 'metaKeywords')->build())
In the 2.x, we replaced the RequestBuilder class with ApiRequestBuilder to build the request (see Client Configuration and Creation section). There are not dedicated methods to build a request, like in this case the create method, but to have a request, it needs to have a draft to build and which is passed into the post() method. In details:
- Call the with() method from the ApiRequestBuilder, it will get the Project Key;
- Choose the Resource/Endpoint/Domain to call in this case is /categories (the method to call is categories());
- Call the method post() and passing in it the draft object (in this case the CategoryDraft) to create a request (in this case ByProjectKeyCategoriesPost request);
- Run the execute() method to create a new object (in this case a new Category object).
Here below the differences between the two versions:
$client = $this->client();
$categoryDraft = CategoryDraft::of()
->setName(LocalizedString::ofLangAndText('en', $this->uniqueString()))
->setSlug(LocalizedString::ofLangAndText('en', $this->uniqueString()))
$request = RequestBuilder::of()->categories()->create($categoryDraft);
$response = $this->execute($client, $request);
$result = $request->mapFromResponse($response);
$builder = $this->builder();
$categoryDraft = CategoryDraftBuilder::of()
->withName(LocalizedStringBuilder::of()->put('en', $this->uniqueString())->build())
->withSlug(LocalizedStringBuilder::of()->put('en', $this->uniqueString())->build())
$request = $builder->with()->categories()->post($categoryDraft);
$result = $request->execute();
The main difference is how to build the request, as explained in the Create Command and the usage of CategoryDraftModel class to create the draft from the Json file.
$client = $this->client();
$categoryDraft = CategoryDraft::fromArray(json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/categoryDraft.json")));
$request = RequestBuilder::of()->categories()->create($categoryDraft);
$response = $this->execute($client, $request);
$result = $request->mapFromResponse($response);
$builder = $this->builder();
/** @var CategoryDraft $categoryDraft */
$categoryDraft = CategoryDraftModel::fromArray(json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/categoryDraft.json"), true));
$request = $builder->with()->categories()->post($categoryDraft);
$result = $request->execute();
Like the Create Command, there are not dedicate methods to build a request, like in this case the update method. So to create this kind of requests, like the example below:
- Create the Update Builder object, having the version (using withVersion() method) from the object that has to be modified;
- Pass all the Update Action Collections in the withActions() method, which are needed to be executed;
- Now the creation of the request:
- follow the first 2 points of the Create Command
- Call the withId() or withKey() methods to select the object to update,
- Call the post() method where passing the Update Builder object, in this case CategoryUpdateBuilder.
Here the differences:
$client = $this->client();
$newName = LocalizedString::ofLangAndText('en', 'name');
$updateAction = CategoryChangeNameAction::ofName($newName);
/** @var Category $category */
$request = RequestBuilder::of()->categories()->update($category)
$response = $this->execute($client, $request);
$result = $request->mapFromResponse($response);
$builder = $this->builder();
$newName = LocalizedStringBuilder::of()->put('en', "new-name")->build();
/** @var Category $category */
$request = $builder->with()->categories()->withId($category->getId())
$categoryUpdated = $request->execute();
The Query by Id command is slightly different compared to the Create Command and to the Update Command. Here how to create the related request:
- Follow the first 2 points of the Create Command;
- Call the withId() method to select the Id that we are looking for;
- Call the get() method to retrieve the related object of our request, which in the case below is ByProjectKeyCategoriesByIDGet object;
- Then it's possible to add other kind of filters such as withExpand(), of course it depends about the structure of our APIs.
$client = $this->client();
/** @var Category $category */
$request = RequestBuilder::of()->categories()->getById($category->getId())->expand('parent');
$response = $this->execute($client, $request);
$result = $request->mapFromResponse($response);
$builder = $this->builder();
/** @var CategoryBuilder $category */
$request = $builder->with()->categories()->withId($category->getId())->get()->withExpand('parent');
$result = $request->execute();
Here another example to retrieve an object from the request. In the 2.x version, there is the possibility to use just the withWhere() method or the best option is filtering it using the static parameters with the help of withWhere()->withPredicateVar() methods.
$client = $this->client();
$request = RequestBuilder::of()->categories()->query()->where('id = :id', ['id' => $category->getId()]);
$response = $this->execute($client, $request);
$result = $request->mapFromResponse($response);
$builder = $this->builder();
$request = $builder->with()->categories()->get()->withWhere("key = :key")->withPredicateVar("key", $category->getKey());
$result = $request->execute();