[![Product logo][product-logo-image]][product-repo-readme-url] # `product-name` > Additional information or tag line. A brief description of your project, what it is used for. ## Table of contents > Install [`markdown-toc`][markdown-toc-url] and automate its execution to keep a current table of contents with jump-links. - [Installation / Getting started](#installation--getting-started) - [Usage](#usage) * [`feature-one` sample code](#feature-one-sample-code) * [`feature-two` sample code](#feature-two-sample-code) * [`feature-three` sample code](#feature-three-sample-code) - [Development](#development) * [Built With](#built-with) * [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) * [Set up a development environment](#set-up-a-development-environment) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Data persistence](#data-persistence) - [DevSecOps](#devsecops) * [Build](#build) * [Test](#test) * [Deploy/Publish](#deploypublish) - [Style guide](#style-guide) - [API Reference](#api-reference) - [Version and `CHANGELOG`](#version-and-changelog) - [Contributing to `product-name`](#contributing-to-product-name) - [License](#license) ## Installation / Getting started A quick introduction of the minimal setup you need to get a hello world up & running. > Replace these instructions with installation procedures applicable to your product. ```shell commands here ``` Here you should say what actually happens when you execute the code above. ## Usage `product-name` allows users to do `feature-one`, `feature-two`, and `feature-three`. ### `feature-one` sample code ``` ``` ### `feature-two` sample code ``` ``` ### `feature-three` sample code ``` ``` ## Development > [![PRs Welcome][badge-prs-welcome-image]][badge-prs-welcome-url] We welcome contributors and pull requests! > > Interested in development contributions? Great! Check out our guidelines for [Contributing to `product-name`][contributing-url] for details. ### Built With List main libraries, frameworks used including versions (React, Angular etc.). Automate this list dynamically in order to keep it up-to-date. ### Prerequisites What is needed to set up the dev environment? For instance, global dependencies or any other tools. Provide installation instructions using dependency management tools. (If dependency management is not available, include download links.) ### Set up a development environment Here's a brief intro about what a developer must do in order to start developing the project further: ```shell git clone https://github.com/your/your-project.git cd your-project/ packagemanager install ``` And state what happens step-by-step. If there is any virtual environment, local server or database feeder needed, explain here. ### Configuration Here you should write what are all of the configurations a user can enter when using the project. ### Data persistence Explain what database/datastore (and version) is used (if any). Provide * Download links, * Datastore design and schemas, relations etc... ## DevSecOps Briefly state the continuous integration/continuous delivery (or deployment) services you use for product delivery, including all quantity gates. ### Build If your project needs some additional steps for the developer to build the project after some code changes, state them here. for example: ```shell ./configure make make install ``` Here again you should state what actually happens when the code above gets executed. ### Test Describe and show how to run the tests with code examples. Explain what these tests test and why. ```shell Give an example ``` ### Deploy/Publish Give instructions on how to build and release a new version. In case there's some step you have to take that publishes this project to a server, this is the right time to state it. ```shell packagemanager deploy your-project -s server.com -u username -p password ``` And again you'd need to tell what the previous code actually does. ## Style guide Explain your code style and show how to validate and fix non-compliant source code. ## API Reference If your product depends on external APIs, link to the API documentation. If your product **is an API or micro-service** itself, link to its OpenAPI/Swagger specification. ## Version and `CHANGELOG` Link to your version specification. If you don't follow a formal specification, use [Semantic Versioning][semver-url], and declare the latest version here. For the versions available, see the [link to tags on this repository](/tags). > Read more about [how to Use Semantic Versioning v2.0.0][use-semver-url]. Finally, link to the Change Log, which describes that features, fixes, and breaking changes introduced over time, with links to their Git commits SHAs. The latest version of `product-name` is `0.0.0`. View the [CHANGELOG][changelog-url] for details. > You can automate your product's semantic version and CHANGELOG entries with tools like [`standard-version`][standard-version-url]! ## Contributing to `product-name` [![PRs Welcome][badge-prs-welcome-image]][badge-prs-welcome-url] We welcome contributors and pull requests! Contributions are community-driven stories with a beginning, a middle, and an end, all told through issues, comments, and pull requests. If you're interested in collaborating, please review these guidelines: * [Code of Conduct][code-of-conduct-url] * [Contributing][contributing-url] to `product-name` **Contributor recognition** Use a tool like [`all-contributors-cli`][all-contributors-cli-url] to automatically generate a table of contributors by name and contribution. Contributions come in many forms, including: | Emoji | Type of contribution | |:-----:|------------| | 💬 | Answering Questions (in Issues, Stack Overflow, Gitter, Slack, etc.) | | 🐛 | Bug reports | | 📝 | Blogposts | | 💻 | Code | | 📖 | Documentation | | 🎨 | Design | | 💡 | Examples | | 📋 | Event Organizers | | 💵 | Financial Support | | 🔍 | Funding/Grant Finders | | 🤔 | Ideas & Planning | | 🚇 | Infrastructure (Hosting, Build-Tools, etc) | | 🔌 | Plugin/utility libraries | | 👀 | Reviewed Pull Requests | 🔧 | Tools | | 🌍 | Translation | | ⚠️ | Tests | | ✅ | Tutorials | | 📢 | Talks | | 📹 | Videos | This demonstrates your gratitude and commitment to community growth. ## License State what the license (if any) is and how to find the text version of the license. [License name][license-url] © [Primary Contact][contact-primary-url]. Display the results of your last scan for **third-party dependencies** included in your product, e.g., from FOSSA. Delete this part if it's unavailable. ![FOSSA Status][fossa-image-large] [all-contributors-cli-url]: https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors [badge-prs-welcome-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square [badge-prs-welcome-url]: http://makeapullrequest.com [changelog-url]: ./CHANGELOG.md [code-of-conduct-url]: ./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md [contact-primary-email]: some.body@example.com [contact-primary-url]: https://example.com/contact [contributing-url]: ./CONTRIBUTING.md [fossa-image-large]: https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Forganization%2Frepo-name.svg?type=large [license-url]: ./LICENSE [markdown-toc-url]: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/markdown-toc [product-logo-image]: ./img-logo.sample.png [product-repo-readme-url]: ./README.md [semver-url]: http://semver.org/ [standard-version-url]: https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version [use-semver-url]: https://oneconfluence.verizon.com/display/VOA/Use+Semantic+Versioning+v2.0.0