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Why not lists?

This document explains some problems that you might face when using Haskell lists and why using streams is better in those cases.

Haskell Lazy Evaluation

Haskell is fundamentally different from other languages. In most languages, a variable name refers to some concrete data in memory; in Haskell, a variable may refer to concrete data or it could refer to a computation or expression which when evaluated would produce the concrete data that the variable is referring to. When the value of the variable is needed, the computation is evaluated and replaced by the result.

When a Haskell program starts, the entire program is an unevaluated expression which is evaluated on-demand as needed. The top level expression is forced to produce data when a result is demanded from it for IO. Parts of the expression are reduced as needed, the reduction process can be controlled by the programmer.

Unevaluated Expressions

When we assign a value to a name, the name refers to the unevaluated expression and not what it would produce when evaluated. For example:

>>> infiniteList = [1..]

The name infiniteList refers to an expression which when evaluated would generate the list. infiniteList is not an actual physical list but just an expression to generate the list when needed. Because we are not storing the actual list in memory, we can represent an infinite list without requiring infinite amount of memory.

Let's try to get the length of this list:

>>> len = length infiniteList

Like before, the name len refers to an expression that when evaluated would give us the length of the list. Till now Haskell has been saying that I duly noted how to do what you want to do but I will do it only when you need it. Let's ask it to do that now:

>>> len
...hangs forever

Now, Haskell has no choice but to start evaluating the expression but we know it can never finish because the list is infinite.

All expressions in Haskell are unevaluated by default. Haskell evaluates the expressions only when it is absolutely required e.g. when we have to print something, or write it to a file or to network.

On-demand Expression Evaluation

Let us illustrate expression evaluation in Haskell with an example. Write this little program in a file example.hs:

main =
    let largeList = [1..1000000::Int]
        n = length largeList
     in print n

The expression largeList is never evaluated to generate the entire list at once. It is evaluated on-demand one element at a time by the length function. The length function is in turn evaluated by the print function when it evaluates its argument n. The print function is evaluated by the top level program because it wants to print n to the console.

We can verify that the whole list is not stored in memory by looking at the memory usage of this program. Let's compile and run it:

$ ghc -O example.hs
$ ./example +RTS -s
          51,480 bytes allocated in the heap
              24 bytes copied during GC
          44,328 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))

largeList is an expression representing a million element list, but the program takes only 44K maximum memory. The length function evaluates largeList one element at a time to count them, as soon as an element is counted it can be garbage collected as there are no more references to it in the entire program.

Expressions Holding up Heap Memory

Let's try this program instead:

main = do
    let largeList = [1..1000000::Int]
        x1 = last largeList
        x2 = head largeList
     in print (x1, x2)
$ ghc -O example.hs
$ ./example +RTS -s
      64,051,552 bytes allocated in the heap
             400 bytes copied during GC
      26,233,360 bytes maximum residency (4 sample(s))

This program is showing 26MB maximum residency instead of 44K earlier. Why is it so? To evaluate the first element of the tuple, x1, we need to evaluate the entire list to get to the last element. However, the head of the list is referenced by the element x2 as well which is yet to be evaluated and used. Therefore, we need to retain the head until x2 is printed and freed. But head of the list is referencing the next element in the list which in turn is referring to the next element and so on, therefore, the entire list is retained in memory between the evaluation of x1 and x2.

If we change the print statement to (x2, x1) then we do not need to retain the entire list between the two evaluations.

When memory is unexpectedly retained in a program it is known as a "space-leak" in the Haskell parlance.

Forcing Expression Evaluation

Even if there is no explicit dependency in the program forcing evaluation of an expression, the programmer can force the evaluation of an expression using seq:

main = do
    let largeList = [1..1000000::Int]
        x1 = last largeList
        x2 = head largeList
     in print (x1 `seq` x2)

Similar to the example in previous section, this example also retains the entire list in memory because seq forces x1 to be evaluated before x2 and then returns x2, the evaluated list is held until x2 is returned.

Avoiding Unnecessary Memory Retention

Memory retention can be avoided by changing the way we construct the expression to process the data. We can use Streamly to avoid memory retention in the above program.

Let's first write it using streamly and reproduce the same problem:

import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream as Stream
import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold

main = do
    let largeList = Stream.fromList [1..1000000::Int]
        x1 = runIdentity $ Stream.fold Fold.latest largeList
        x2 = runIdentity $ Stream.fold largeList
     in print (x1, x2)

This program has the same behavior as the list based program, and for the same reasons.

$ ghc -O2 example.hs
$ ./example +RTS -s
(Just 1000000,Just 1)
      64,052,520 bytes allocated in the heap
             400 bytes copied during GC
      26,233,360 bytes maximum residency (4 sample(s))

However, we can compose the two folds using the teeWith combinator such that we distribute a each element of the list to both the folds simultaneously, thus avoiding the retainment of the entire list:

import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import qualified Streamly.Data.Stream as Stream
import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as Fold

main = do
    let largeList = Stream.fromList [1..1000000::Int]
        x = Fold.teeWith (,) Fold.latest
     in print $ runIdentity $ Stream.fold x largeList
$ ghc -O2 example.hs
$ ./example +RTS -s
(Just 1000000,Just 1)
      64,052,736 bytes allocated in the heap
             280 bytes copied during GC
          44,328 bytes maximum residency (2 sample(s))

This program uses constant small memory footprint (44K) irrespective of the order of the elements in the tuple. When an element is generated by the list it is supplied to both the folds before generating the next element, therefore, it can be immediately freed.

Streamly covers all the functionality of standard Haskell lists but in addition provides powerful composition tools for better efficiency.