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Dev Installation with Virtual Machine

Colin Sullivan edited this page Jul 29, 2011 · 13 revisions

To make life easier for some people, I have installed Concert on a virtual machine that you should be able to run in your favorite VM player. I am using VMware Fusion on OS X, so I know it works there. If anyone gets it running on VirtualBox or anything, please post any tips here so others can benefit.

The VM image was originally taken from bitnami, and then modified.


VM Player Setup

As I mentioned above, I am using VMware Fusion, so this is how my setup works:

  • Open image with VMware
  • Add a "Shared Folder" to your Concert/ folder on your host machine. This allows editing of the files on your host machine, and just executing them in the VM.

VM Setup

Once you get your image up and running, the Linux credentials are:

bitnami / concert6^6

Login, and run the following script (as sudo):


You will be prompted for the location of your Concert/ directory. If you do not know, first find it and then provide the absolute path to the above script.

Concert Setup

Use the following for your database settings in

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': '/opt/concert/db/database.db',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '',
        'USER': '',
        'PASSWORD': ''

Then from inside the concertapp/ folder, run:

./ syncdb
./ migrate

per usual.
